
  1. 在价格(价值)机制理论研究中,无形产品的价格机制,特别是科技产品价格机制是一个尚没有很好揭开谜底的前沿领域。

    The theory of price mechanism of intangible products , especially the products of science and technology , is the frontier field that many theory problems still have not been solved well .

  2. 虽然大多数其他科技产品的价格一直在下降,但是目前很多高端智能手机的价格却超过650美元(约合人民币4000元),比苹果公司2007年推出首款iPhone时的价格还贵。

    While most other technologies keep getting cheaper , many of today 's high-end smartphones cost upward of $ 650 , which is more than the price Apple slapped on its very first iPhone , way back in 2007 .

  3. 要解决这一问题,最为直接的调节和管理工具是科技信息产品价格。

    And the most direct way to solve this problem is to form the rational price for technology information product .

  4. 以优质高新科技产品,合理的价格,诚恳地为广大用户提供最先进的设备以及一流的售后服务。

    Our company offers the most advanced equipments and No.1 aftersales service with high quality products and reasonable prices .