
  1. 建筑产品价格管理改革探索

    The Explore of the Reform of Building Price 's Management

  2. 推进建筑产品价格改革;

    To push on price reform of building products ;

  3. 浅论建筑产品价格改革

    Simple discussion on the price reform of building products

  4. 合理确定建筑产品价格的问题

    Problems on Determining Rational Price of Construction Products

  5. 建筑产品价格与工程量清单计价的完善

    The Cost of Building Products and the Improvement of Bill Quantity of Construction Works

  6. 谈不同计价方式对建筑产品价格影响的分析

    Analysis of the impact on the construction of different pricing methods on product prices

  7. 建筑产品价格探讨

    Study on the Price of Construction Product

  8. 建筑产品价格形成方式研究

    Study of Pricing System for Construction Products

  9. 首先,详尽分析了建筑产品价格构成原理,明确了可竞争费用的界限。

    Firstly , the cost constitution principle of the cost that is able to competition is analyzed .

  10. 建筑产品价格改革是社会主义市场经济条件下,建筑业体制改革的核心内容。

    The price reform of building products is the core content of system reform of building industry .

  11. 建筑产品价格问题商榷

    On Pricing Construction Products

  12. 文章首先阐述了市场经济条件下建筑产品价格的构成、特点及其形成规律。

    First , it expounds the price structure , features and forming regulation of construction products under the environment of market-oriented economy .

  13. 结合国际惯例,提出了建筑产品价格计价模式改革的方向。

    Then , based on the international valuation model , it puts forward ideas on the direction of reforms of the construction products price .

  14. 目前我国的建筑产品价格实际上仍然是计划价格,市场化改革要求建筑产品的价格由市场形成。

    The prices of construction products are still planned prices in China at present , and they are required by the market reform to be market driven .

  15. 为使我国的建设市场与国际建设市场接轨,急需培育工程咨询机构和建筑产品价格信息的统计、分析、预报系统。

    To meet the need of connection of Chinese construction market with that of international , engineering consulting institutions and the statistics , analysis and forecast systems are urgently needed to be trained .

  16. 目前建筑产品价格及价格形成中存在以下问题:有关主管部门和少数工程人员有时混淆建筑产品价格相关概念及其内涵,产生诸多误解,以致造成工作上的摩擦;

    Currently , many problems are as follows : some people and engineers sometimes confuse or mistake so many conceptions and meanings of the price of construction product as to lead to troubles ;

  17. 为了完善工程造价管理机制,提出要改革建筑产品价格形成机制,规范工程造价各相关主体的行为,以逐步适应社会主义市场经济体制。

    In order to perfect engineering cost management system in this paper some corresponding behaviors of main body relate to pricing system and engineering cost normalization are proposed to adapt socialism market economy system .

  18. 系统分析了目前我国建筑产品价格的计价模式,介绍了我国建筑产品价格计价模式改革的过程,指出目前模式存在的问题及症结所在。

    The essay , firstly , analyzes the valuation model of the construction products price . Secondly , it introduces the process of the reforms , and tries to reveal the problems and causes of the valuation model .

  19. 研究双轨制承发包价格的现状、规律和存在的问题,对我国建筑产品价格体制改革与国际建筑市场接轨,推动市场经济的发展有重大意义。

    It is important to research actuality , rule and existing questions on ' double-track system ' engineering bid price in order to reform construction price system in our country , conform with international construction market regulations and push market economy development .

  20. 推行工程量清单计价和工程实物量清单计价是深化工程造价管理改革,推进建筑产品价格市场化的重要途径。

    It is important approach to deepen the reformation of engineering cost to pushing the technique of calculating price of bills of quantities and the auction technique of substance bills of quantities , it is also important to push construction production price market .

  21. 最后,对于双轨制计价模式下建筑产品价格组成从工程量计算规则、计量单位、计价依据、费用构成等多方面各自的利弊所在以工程实例加以论证,说明工程量清单计价的改革势在必行。

    In the end , by giving examples , this paper demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of the project cost structures in the Dual-Track Project Cost Model in the aspects of the project quality calculation rules , calculation unit , cost calculation gist , cost structures and etc.

  22. 建筑工程产品价格与工程造价的概念比较

    Comparisons between concepts of price of construction products and engineering cost

  23. 此文就建筑产品承包价格的性质、形成及实现,进行了探讨。

    The paper makes an exploration into the nature , formation and realization of the contract price of building products .

  24. 最后,阐述我国工程造价管理体制历史变迁和我国建筑产品市场价格形成中的市场规则的框架内容,比较、分析了香港、美国、日本三个国家建筑产品价格形成方式与相关制度。

    At last , it expatiates history flux of engineering management system in our county and the market rule 's content , and it compares the form mode of architecture product price between Hongkong , America and Japan .

  25. 本文浅谈了定额的含义,主要论述了建设工程预算定额对于准确完整的编制施工图预算,合理确定建筑产品的价格,提高基本建设投资效果有着重要意义。

    This paper states meanings of the budget ration , and discusses importance significance which shop drawing budget has been workout nicely based on engineering budget ration , building 's price has been confirmed with reason , and investment effect of infrastructure has been raised .

  26. 工程招投标价格是建筑产品的市场价格,从经济学的角度探讨工程招投标交易方式在建筑产品价格形成中的功能是一个重要的理论问题。

    It is an important theory to discuss the functions of dealing mode of project biding in price forming of construction products from economic viewpoint .

  27. 在建筑业内,建筑工程产品价格机制的改革在不断地推进,其方向也是建立市场形成价格的机制。

    In the building industry , the reformation on price mechanism of civil engineering product is being constantly pushed forward , and its direction is also the market pricing mechanism .

  28. 面对如此大的建筑产品市场,我国的建筑产品价格却没有自己独立的价格管理体系,而是从属于基本建设投资费用管理。

    But for such a big market , there is no independent price 's management system for building price 's which usually appertains to infrastructure expense management .

  29. 介绍了当前建筑产品定价中存在的问题,提出了在建筑产品价格改革中应采取的措施。

    In the paper problems in present construction products are described and the price reform measures are suggested .