
  • 网络building material industry;industry of building materials
  1. 放射性同位素技术在建筑材料工业中的应用

    Application of radioisotope technology to building materials industry

  2. 中国建筑材料工业协会

    China Building Materials Industry Association

  3. 金刚石工具在建筑材料工业中的应用

    Application of diamond tools in the building materials ′ industry

  4. (一)能源开发,建筑材料工业,化学工业,冶金工业;

    Energy resources development , and the construction materials , chemical and metallurgical industries ;

  5. 国家建筑材料工业局

    State Bureau of Building Materials Industry

  6. 山东省建筑材料工业设计研究院始建于1979年,是省属重点科研设计单位。

    Since its foundation in1979 , Shandong Building Material Industrial Design & Research Institute ( SDBMI ) has been one of the major design and scientific research units of Shandong province .

  7. 建筑材料工业作为我国国民经济的基础性和关键性支柱产业之一,经过五十余年的发展,现已成为国民经济的重要组成部分。

    Building materials industry , as one of the basic and substantial industries in our national economy , has become the essential part of our national economy system owing to the 50-year development .

  8. 在改造中,采用了成都建筑材料工业设计研究院有限公司先进成熟的第三代篦冷机,为该生产线使用低挥发分煤创造了有利条件。

    During the procedure , advanced third generation grate cooler designed by Chengdu Design & Research Institute of Building Materials Industry was adopted , which created favorable conditions for using low volatile coal in production line .

  9. 本文对中国工程建设标准化协会标准、国家建筑材料工业局标准及作者推导的三个钢管混凝土短柱轴心受压承载力计算公式进行了讨论。

    This paper expatiate the calculate method of short column steel tube-concrete ultimate streng including the regulation of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization , the regulation Building Materials Industry of China and one calculate method which is derived by author .

  10. 浙江省建筑防水材料工业的现状和发展对策

    Actualities and development strategy of building waterproofing material industry in Zhejiang province

  11. 建筑材料用工业废渣的放射性水平及评价

    Industry Radioactive Levels of Industrial Wastes Used to Make Building Materials and Assessment

  12. 乙丙橡胶在建筑防水材料工业中的应用

    Applications of EPDM in construction waterproof material aspects

  13. GB6763-1986建筑材料用工业废渣放射性物质限制标准

    Standard of limit on radioactive substance for industrial waste slags used in building materials

  14. 无论我们是否正在讨论这些秘密协定或者食品,洗发水,建筑材料,工业排放物的成分,知识保护我们。

    It doesn 't matter whether we 're talking about secret trade deals or the contents of food , shampoo , building products , industrial emissions , knowledge protects us .

  15. 为了健康和环境影响,无论是日用品,建筑材料还是能源工业的有毒排放物都需要被监测。

    Whether it 's consumer goods , building materials , or the energy industries , toxic outputs need to be monitored for health and environmental impacts .

  16. 循环使用的建筑材料价值在于削弱工业界需要重新创建它。

    The virtue of recycling used building materials lies in diminishing the need for industry to recreate it .

  17. 混凝土是当今应用量最大的一种建筑材料,广泛用于工业与民用建筑、水利、交通、城市建设等工程。

    The concrete , one of the maximal building materials , is widely used in the engineering such as industrial and civil , water conservancy , transportation , urban construction and so on .

  18. 其一为土壤学,建筑材料节能以及干燥工业中常见的多相流问题,包括液体、蒸汽以及不凝性气体流动。

    One area contains the multiphase transport in relation to soil sciences , building material and energy saving , and drying processes , for example a multiphase flow including liquid , vapor and incondensable gas .

  19. 建筑、木材和建筑材料工业工人工会国际

    Trade Unions International of Workers of the Building , Wood and Building Materia

  20. 而与此同时,建筑业的迅猛发展无疑带动了建筑材料工业的发展。

    And at the same time , the fast development of construction must drive the development of construction material industry .

  21. 随着人口和经济的不断增长,建筑活动规模的不断壮大,尤其是建筑材料工业的快速发展,建筑材料工业在满足人们物资生活需要的同时也给环境带来了沉重负担。

    Along with the increase of population and the development of economics , building activity developed rapidly , especially on building materials industry . At the same time , this development also brings on a heavy burden to the environment .