
  • 网络construction quality;quality of building engineering
  1. 建筑工程质量的多目标量化评价方法

    The method of multiobjective quantitative appraisement for quality of building engineering

  2. 建筑工程质量多层次模糊综合评价方法的原理与应用

    Principle and Application of Multi-level and Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Method for Quality of Building Engineering

  3. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  4. 在比较复杂地基条件下,采用TG土工塑料复合加筋带砂石垫层施工技术,可以保证地基均匀沉降,避免对高层建筑工程质量造成影响。

    Abstract In comparable complex ground condition , applying the constructing technique of sand and rock pad layers filled with TG type plastic , the ground can produce uniform subsidence and avoid its influence on the high building .

  5. 在质量成本预测方法上,提出了适用于现阶段建筑工程质量成本预测的新方法,主要将粗集理论,支持向量回归模型应用到质量成本预测中,运用MATLAB软件对模型进行实现。

    In the quality cost prediction methods , the new methods of rough set theory , support vector regression model was applied to the forecast of quality cost , puts forward the scientific accuracy of the prediction model which was realized in the MATLAB languages .

  6. 依据《建筑工程质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2001)中对建筑观感质量评定的规定,引入模糊综合评价法,给出了一条定性、定量相结合的建筑工程观感质量评价新方法。

    According to the " Unified standard for construction quality acceptance of building engineering ( GB50300-2001 )", The Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment method was given to evaluation the Quality of Architectural Appearance .

  7. 某高层建筑工程质量事故分析与处理

    The Analysis and Renovation of Construction Quality of a High Building

  8. 提高我国建筑工程质量的途径

    The Measures of Improving Quality of Construction Project of Our Country

  9. 建筑工程质量和施工安全与效益关系探讨

    Relationships among quality , construction safety and benefit in building engineering

  10. 地震区建筑工程质量的若干问题及对策

    Some problems and relevant countermeasures of construction engineering in earthquake area

  11. 大学生建筑工程质量意识的调查与思考

    An investigation into Sense of Construction Project Quality of College Students

  12. 论建筑工程质量管理工作的监督重点和监督方式

    Key point and way of the supervision on the construction quality

  13. 建筑工程质量越来越引起了人们的重视。

    The quality of construction engineering has been emphasized more and more .

  14. 博弈论在建筑工程质量检查中的应用

    Application of Game Theory in Quality Inspection of Construction Engineering

  15. 建筑工程质量通病的剖析及防治

    Analysis of common fault in quality of Construction engineering and prevention measures

  16. 如何搞好建筑工程质量监督

    On how to do well the quality supervise of the construction projects

  17. 房屋建筑工程质量通病原因剖析及防治对策

    Analysis on Reasons and Countermeasures of Common Diseases In House Building Engineering

  18. 铁路站场建筑工程质量检验评定标准

    Standard for quality inspection and assessment of railway station and yard construction

  19. 建筑工程质量控制信息系统分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Engineering Project Quality Control Management Information System

  20. 关于加快在全国范围内强制实施建筑工程质量保险制度的建议

    Suggestion about quicken implement of compulsive inherent defect insurance system in China

  21. 加强项目管理力度提高建筑工程质量

    Improving the Construction Engineering Quality through Strengthening the Project Management

  22. 提高建筑工程质量司法鉴定的科学性

    Improving the Scientific Nature of Judicial Appraisal for Quality of Construction Engineering

  23. 建立健全宁波市区建筑工程质量检测市场监管长效机制

    Sound Supervision Long-term Mechanism for Urban Construction Quality Testing Market in Ningbo

  24. 因此,对建筑工程质量进行过程控制便显得非常重要。

    Therefore , the construction engineering quality process control is very important .

  25. 国外建筑工程质量监管经验借鉴

    Experiences of Quality Supervision and Management of construction Engineering in other Countries

  26. 浅论建筑工程质量监督机构对工程监理质量行为的管理

    Discussion On Architecture Engineering Quality Supervisory Organ Managing Project Supervision Quality Action

  27. 论建筑工程质量检测与见证取样

    Discussion on quality checking and witness sampling of construction project

  28. 广西建筑工程质量检测中心广西建筑施工材料质量监督检验站

    Guangxi Construction Testing Centre Guangxi Construction Material Testing Station

  29. 我国建筑工程质量现状与治理

    Status quo of construction quality and its measure of treatment in our country

  30. 谈建筑工程质量保证资料的管理

    Talks on Quality Guaranteed Date Management in Construction Engineering