
  1. 耐寒型改性PVF建筑胶的制备及应用

    Preparation and application of the cold-resistant modified PVF building adhesive

  2. XD多功能建筑胶的研究

    A Study on XD multifunction building adhensive

  3. 本文介绍XD多功能建筑胶的制备过程及配方,并介绍试验过程。

    The preparing process , formula and test process for XD multifunction building adhesive are introduced in this paper .

  4. 绿色环保型108建筑胶的研究

    Study on the Green Environmental Protection 108 Building Glue

  5. 提出了用电位滴定法测定107建筑胶中游离甲醛含量的方法。

    Determination of free formaldehyde in " 107 Building Glue " with electric potential titration is presented .

  6. 并以该乳液为基料,制得高性能白乳胶、建筑胶和外墙乳胶漆。

    High performance white latex adhesive , architectural latex and exterior wall emulsion paint can be made taking this emulsion as base material .

  7. 磷石膏还可用于制硫脲、氯化钙和复合肥、活性硅酸钙及做建筑胶材料、加固软土地基等。

    Phosphogyspum can also be used in the production of thiourea , calcium chloride and compound fertilizers , active calcium silicate and as gel building materials .

  8. WSJ建筑结构胶研制及力学性能测试

    Preparation of WSJ Building Structural Viscose and the Test of Its Mechanical Property

  9. LZ建筑结构胶的研制和应用

    Development and Application of LZ Building Structural Adhesive

  10. JGN型建筑结构胶的粘结长度、宽度对其粘结剪切强度的影响

    Effect of coherent width and length of JGN building structural adhesive on bind shearing strength

  11. JGN-HT建筑结构胶的研制

    Development of JGN-HT Structural Adhesive for Buildings

  12. 中科院大连化物所研制开发的JGN型建筑结构胶及加固技术首开我国化学法粘钢加固之先河,已应用于许多工程之中。

    The initially developed construction structural adhesives JGN type by DICP had good performance which has been used in many projects .

  13. 因此,环氧树脂胶粘剂的单组份化是建筑结构胶的一个发展方向。

    Therefore , one-component construction structural epoxy adhesive has promising applications .

  14. 纳米材料改性高性能建筑结构胶的研究

    Study on high performance building structural adhesive modified by nano material

  15. 环氧建筑结构胶耐疲劳性能试验研究

    Study on fatigue resistance of epoxy structural adhesive for construction

  16. 建筑结构胶耐湿热老化性能测试方法研究

    Test methods about hygrothermal ageing resistance of building structural adhesives

  17. 工艺参数对低粘度建筑结构胶粘接强度的影响

    Study on the bonding strength of the adhesive with low viscosity for building

  18. 文章最后展望了建筑结构胶的发展方向。

    The trends of construction structural adhesives were forecasted .

  19. 改性环氧树脂建筑结构胶研制与发展

    Development of structural adhesives based on modified epoxy resin

  20. 建筑结构胶应用中的若干问题及建议

    Advising and Application Problems of Building Structure Glue

  21. 复合建筑结构胶的制备研究

    Study on Preparation of Composite Building Structural Glue

  22. 硫酸钙晶须在第二代环氧建筑结构胶中的应用

    Application of the calcium sulfate whisker in second generation epoxy resin building structural adhesives

  23. 建筑结构胶回顾与发展

    Review and Prospect of Building Structural Adhesives

  24. MLJ建筑结构胶研制与施工应用

    Develop and applications of structure glue

  25. 环氧建筑结构胶是一种重要的化学建材,作为一种新型胶粘剂,日益获得发展.本文对该胶耐疲劳性能进行了研究,对建筑结构胶实际应用,具有重要意义。

    A study was made on the fatigue resistance of epoxy structural adhesive for construction and some of the applications of adhesive JGN-1A were introduced .

  26. 是高性能建筑结构胶、环氧涂料、环氧地坪、环氧玻璃钢等领域理想的稀释剂。

    Is a high-performance structural plastic , epoxy paint , Floor , epoxy glass fiber reinforced plastics in areas such as the ideal of thinner .

  27. 耐湿热老化是建筑结构胶的重要性能指标,正在受到越来越多的关注。

    Wet and heat ageing resistance is one of the most important properties of the building structural adhesives to which has been paid more attention recently .

  28. 采用自制的固化剂所配制的建筑结构胶耐湿热老化性能优良,完全满足国家标准的要求。

    A kind of curing agent is prepared and thereof consists of the part of the adhesives which have showed good performance in the ageing test process .

  29. 目前市售的环氧建筑结构胶基本上为双组份包装型,而单组份型与双组份型相比具有很多优势。

    At present , most of the construction structural epoxy adhesives are of two-component packaging type . In comparison with two-component adhesives , one-component type shows many advantages .

  30. 随后,国内涌现出各种各样的建筑结构胶如碳纤维胶、锚固胶、灌缝胶等满足了土木工程领域不同方面的需要。

    All kinds of structural adhesives emerged subsequently such as carbon fiber adhesive , anchor adhesive , slot filling adhesive and so on met the various needs in the field of civil engineering .