
  • 网络CRL;polychloroprene latex
  1. 介绍了应用时氯丁胶乳砂浆的配比、施工程序和要点。

    Mixing rate of polychloroprene latex slurry , construction procedures and its main points in the application are introduced .

  2. 采用卧式搅拌釜真空脱气法,对氯丁胶乳中残留单体的脱除新工艺进行了实验室规模的研究。

    A new process for removing the residual monomer from polychloroprene latex in a vaccum agitated horizontal vessel was studied .

  3. PS改性阳离子氯丁胶乳沥青防水涂料的制备和性能研究

    Study on the Preparative Process and Property of the Waterproof Paint of PS Modifying Cation Chloroprene Latex Asphalt

  4. CR-244氯丁胶乳闪蒸脱挥

    Steam flashing for CR-244 neoprene latex

  5. LB-7氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆防水剂

    LB-7 Chloroprene Latex Cement Mortar Waterproof Agent

  6. CR244氯丁胶乳管式脱气工艺

    Tubular degassing process for production of CR 244 neoprene latex

  7. 丙烯酸甲酯对羧基氯丁胶乳聚合体系的影响

    Effect of added methyl acrylate on the polymerization of carboxylic chloroprene emulsion

  8. 氯丁胶乳改性水泥砂浆的性能和应用

    Performance and Application of Modified Neoprene Latex Cement Mortar

  9. 氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆的配制及应用

    Preparation and Application of Chloroprene Latex Cement Paste

  10. 氯丁胶乳残留单体脱除技术研究(Ⅰ)

    Studies on technique for removing the residual monomer form polychloroprene latex ( I )

  11. 乙烯基单体乳液接枝改性氯丁胶乳的制备及其机理

    Preparation of Chloroprene Latex Modified with Vinyl Monomers via Emulsion Graft Polymerization and Corresponding Mechanism

  12. 聚合物水泥砂浆宜采用氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆和聚丙烯酸酯乳液水泥砂浆。

    Polymer Cement mortar applicable should be neoprene latex cement mortar and polyacrylate cement mortar .

  13. 羧基氯丁胶乳中试产品的结构和性能

    A study on the molecular structure and properties of carboxylated polychloroprene latex produced in pilot plant

  14. 氯丁胶乳的逆凝聚包覆成粉模型分析逆矩阵的若干求法

    The Powdered Model of Sulfur-Modified Polychloroprene Rubber Latex in the Inverse-Coagulation Processing On Solutions of Inverse Matrixs

  15. 氯丁胶乳胶粘剂的制备

    Preparation of Chloroprene Latex Adhesive

  16. 研究了几种阻燃填料在氯丁胶乳涂料中的阻燃作用。

    The fire retardant mechanism of a number of fire retardant fillers in neoprene latex coatings has been studied .

  17. 介绍了氯丁胶乳改性阳离子乳化沥青的配方、工艺及其性能特点。

    Formulation , process technology and properties of cationic chloroprene latex modified emulsified pitch paint for bridges are introduced .

  18. 建立氯丁胶乳的逆凝聚粉末化模型并采用均匀试验设计的方法对该模型进行了验证。

    A reverse-coagulation powder model of CR latex was established . The model was verified by uniform experimental design method .

  19. 阳离子氯丁胶乳适量掺入水泥砂、浆中即为氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆。

    The cement-sand paste that the cation chloroprene emulsion is properly added to is called the cation chloroprene emulsion cement-sand paste .

  20. 氯丁胶乳聚合物防水素浆的性能及其应用本文介绍弹性水泥防水砂浆的研制,综合说明弹性体氯丁胶乳和丁苯胶乳水泥防水砂浆的施工工艺

    The article describes the development and use of the resilient cement waterproof mortar which contains chloroprene emulsion and butadiene styrene emulsion

  21. 介绍了LB-7氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆的组成、配方、性能,探讨了影响性能的因素及机理。

    Composition , formulation , properties of LB-7 chloroprene latex cement mortar are described and factors influencing properties and mechanism are explored .

  22. 通过采用氯丁胶乳改性混凝土及环氧砂浆面层进行更新改造,投用两年多,至今没有任何损坏。

    After the replacement with modified concrete of chloroprene latex and epoxy cement mortar , no damages have been found after two years of operation .

  23. 根据尿素包装厂房出现的腐蚀现象和产生原因确定了整改思路,经过性能和价格比较,选用性价比高的氯丁胶乳砂浆对腐蚀的地面进行维修。

    Concerning the corrosion of the urea workshop and its causes , and polychloroprene latex slurry is selected to repair the corrosive ground after the comparison of performance and prices .

  24. 以管式脱气法,采用蒸汽鼓泡脱挥手段,在50~60℃,真空度66~72kPa条件下脱除氯丁胶乳中的残留单体,脱气效率达85%以上。

    The devolatilization of residual monomers in neoprene latex were studied by the tubular degassing process with steam bubbling at 50 ~ 60 ℃, 66 ~ 72 kPa . The degassing efficiency reached over 85 % .

  25. 介绍了一种路桥专用新型防水涂料&氯丁胶乳改性乳化沥青的研制过程及该涂料的生产机理、工艺、设备和施工方法。

    The article introduces a new waterproofing coating specially for road and bridge construction , i.e. chloroprene modified bitumen emulsion , including its process of development , mechanism of production , technology , equipment and application .

  26. 通过氯离子扩散系数和氯离子扩散阻力的计算和比较发现,氯丁胶乳、氯偏乳液、氯化聚乙烯和氯化聚氯乙烯溶液涂层的氯离子扩散系数比砂浆基材小2~3个数量级;

    It was found that treatment layers of chloroprene latex , polyvinylidene chloride latex , chlorinated polyethylene solution and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride solution gave diffusion coefficient range from two to three orders of magnitude lower than that of the mortar substrate .