
  • 网络polychloroprene adhesive;Neoprene-based contact adhesives
  1. 氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的发展方向

    Development trend of the polychloroprene adhesive

  2. 从适应环保和可持续发展的要求,氯丁橡胶胶粘剂(以下简称氯丁胶)的发展方向应是实现环保化、加速水性化、推进高固含量化、研究高性能化。

    In order to meet the requirements of environmental protection and sustainable development the future trend of polychloroprene adhesive development is to achieve environmental protection , accelerate aqueous adhesive developments , increase further solid content and obtain higher performances as far as possible .

  3. 通过试验,提出改进单组份RTV型氯丁橡胶胶粘剂固化时间的途径。

    The measure of developing the setting up time of one pack RTV CR adhesive was taken by the test .

  4. 无三苯无卤代烃多用途氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的研制

    Study on preparation of a multi-purpose neoprene adhesive without three-benzene and halohydrocarbon

  5. 简述室温硫化氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的应用前景及工艺路线。

    The application prospect and process of RTV CR adhesive were related .

  6. 高粘接力鞋用氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的研制及性能分析

    The Development and Property Analysis of Shoe-use Chloroprene Rubber Adhesive with High Cohesion

  7. 鞋用氯丁橡胶胶粘剂体系的研究

    Study on the Chloroprene Rubber Adhesive System for Shoes

  8. 论述了鞋用氯丁橡胶胶粘剂配方的有关问题。

    Several points relating to the formula of chloroprene rubber adhesive are discus-sed .

  9. 三元接枝改性氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的研究

    Study on Ternary Graft Modification Chloroprene Rubber Adhesive

  10. 氯丁橡胶胶粘剂制备方法的探讨

    Discussion on preparing method of CR adhesive

  11. 溶剂型氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的研究开发现状

    Research and development on solvent-based CR adhesive

  12. 三元接枝氯丁橡胶胶粘剂

    Three Component Graft Chloroprene Rubber Adhesive

  13. 叙述了氯丁橡胶胶粘剂在建筑业的应用以及它的配方设计和制备方法。

    The article explains the design , applications and production process of the architectural chloroprene rubber adhesive .

  14. 木工用氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的制备与性能研究简述室温硫化氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的应用前景及工艺路线。

    Study on preparation and properties of chloroprene rubber adhesive for wood working The application prospect and process of RTV CR adhesive were related .

  15. 氯仿、乙醇作为溶剂测定大豆磷脂酸值加速室温硫化氯丁橡胶胶粘剂固化的途径

    Determination of the acid value of soybean lecithin with the mixed solvent consisting of chloroform and alcohol Measure to Accelerate RTV CR Adhesive Setting up

  16. 以该溶剂体系配制氯丁橡胶胶粘剂,具有粘接强度高、易涂刷和环保功效显著等特点。

    The neoprene cement made by this kind of solvent system has the characteristics that it is cohesional strength high , applying rubber easy and has function of environmental protection .

  17. 氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的制备有3种方法,现常用混练法和直接溶胶法,通过对比和说明,建议各氯丁橡胶胶粘剂生产企业采用高剪切直接溶胶法。

    There are three methods to producing CR adhesive , but the common used methods are mixing and direct sol methods , through contrast and illustration , I suggest CR adhesive enterprises adopt high shear sol method to producing CR adhesive .

  18. 粘度法测定热熔胶中间产物分子量粘接型氯丁橡胶氯丁橡胶胶粘剂

    Measurement of Molecular Weight of Intermediate Product of Thermotropic Adhesive with Viscometry

  19. 鞋用氯丁胶粘合剂的改性研究鞋用氯丁橡胶胶粘剂

    The modified study on polychloroprene rubber for shoes