
  • 网络lead chloride
  1. 氯化铅对大麦细胞遗传学毒性的研究

    Studies on Toxicity of Lead Chloride to Barley Cell Genetics

  2. 从氯化铅渣中回收铅铋的研究

    Study on recovering lead and bismuth from lead chloride slag

  3. 氯化铅纳米线的胶束模板诱导合成及其机理研究

    Synthesis and Formation Mechanism of PbCl_2 Nanowires by Micelle-template Method

  4. 氯化铅对鹌鹑的肝脏和肾脏抗氧化酶的影响

    Effects of Chloridize Plumbum on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Liver and Kidney in Coturnix coturnix

  5. 同时,用浸出产物氯化铅进行了熔融盐电解冶炼金属铅的研究,试验证明浸出-熔融盐电解炼铅新工艺是可行的。

    Simultaneously , the fused-salt electrolysis for production metal lead with leaching product lead chloride has been investigated . Experiments show that the new process of the leaching-fused salts electrolysis for making lead is presented .

  6. 研究了不同浓度氯化铅溶液对蚕豆种子萌发,根生长,细胞分裂,微核和染色体畸变的影响。

    The effects of Pb ~ ( 2 + ) solution of different concentrations on seed germination , root length , mitotic index , micronucleus frequency and chromosomal aberration frequency of root tip cells of Vicia faba were studied .

  7. 氯化钴溶液铅污染的研究

    Research on Pollution of Cobalt Chloride Electrolyte by Lead

  8. 石墨炉中氯化镁对铅的干扰及其消除的机理

    Mechanism and Elimination of Magnesium Chloride Interference for Determination of Lead in Graphite Furnace

  9. 石墨炉原子化器中氯化钠对铅原子化过程的作用机理

    The mechanism of the effect of sodium chloride on the atomization of lead in graphite furnace atomizer

  10. 为了得到更高的回收率及精确度,使用石墨炉检测水处理剂聚合氯化铝中铅含量,且在样品中加入基体改进剂及信号稳定剂。

    In order to gain higher recovery rate and accuracy , atomization in graphite tube furnace was used in determination of lead in water treatment chemicals-PAC , matrix modifier and signal stabilizer were added to the sample .

  11. 氢化物发生-ICP-AES测定聚合氯化铝中的铅

    Determination of Lead in Poly Aluminium Chloride by Hydride Generation-ICP-AES

  12. 聚合氯化铝配制水中铅镉测定方法的改进

    Modification of method for determination of Pb and Cd in preparation water of polyaluminium chloride

  13. 采用胺类萃取剂与醇类萃取剂共同组成的协同萃取体系,在盐酸介质中,研究了去除氯化稀土溶液中铅的工艺。

    In the chloride system , the process of removing lead from RE chloride by extraction was studied .

  14. 应用旋转圆盘技术研究了饱和氯化钠溶液中铅置换银的动力学。

    The kinetics of precipitating Ag with Pb in the saturated solution of NaCl was investigated by means of rotating disc .

  15. 目的为进一步探讨铅的神经毒性,以及锂的神经元保护作用,研究不同浓度氯化锂与醋酸铅对原代培养的皮层神经元生长及存活的影响。

    Objection : To investigate the impact of different dose of lithium salt on the growth and survival of primary cultured cerebral cortex neurons .

  16. 目的:降低高含量Al+和Cl-的背景干扰,改进测定聚合氯化铝配制水中铅镉的方法。

    Objective : To reduce background disturbance of high content Al + or Cl - , modify the method of determining Pb and Cd in preparation water of a polyaluminium chloride .