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  • Loratadine
  1. HPLC法同时测定复方氯雷他定缓释胶囊中两组分含量

    Determination of two components in compound loratadine sustained-release capsules by HPLC

  2. HPLC法检查氯雷他定及其制剂的有关物质

    Determination of Related Substances in Loratadine and its Preparations by HPLC

  3. 地氯雷他定对变应性鼻炎动物模型鼻腔灌洗液中血栓素B2和白三烯的影响

    The effect of desloratadine on the TXB_2 and leukotrienes levels in the nasal lavage fluid of allergic rhinitis animal model

  4. 目的:采用HPLC法检查氯雷他定及其制剂(片剂、胶囊、颗粒剂)的有关物质。

    To establish HPLC method for testing the related substance of Loratadine and its Preparation ( tablets , capsule , granules ) .

  5. 荨麻疹患者血清特异性IgE过敏原检测及两种氯雷他定的疗效比较

    The analysis of serum specific-IgE and allergen in urticaria patients and efficacy of loratadine in treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria patients

  6. 结果:1.服药前后各组风团及红晕面积的自身比较小青龙汤组服药后和服药前比较差别没显著性(P>0.05),氯雷他定组服药后和服药前差别有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The wheal and flare area compared with itself after dose and before dose There was no significantly differed in small-blue-dragon soup ( P > 0 . 05 ), in loratadine shows a highly significant treatment effecy ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  7. 结果氯雷他定pKb为8.5819,为弱碱性药物。结论Benet法和ChattenandHarris法可有效测定难溶于水的弱碱性药物的pKb。

    RESULTS The pK b of loratadine was 8.581 9.CONCLUSION The method can be used for the determination of dissociation constants of insoluble alkalescent drugs .

  8. 方法18名健康受试者单剂量口服氯雷他定20mg后,血浆样品经液液萃取,通过液相色谱质谱联用法测定其质量浓度,并计算药动学参数。

    Methods After a single dose oral administration of loratadine 20 mg to 18 healthy Chinese male volunteers , the plasma concentrations of loratadine were determined .

  9. 目的:地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)的致畸性研究。

    Objective : To study on teratogenicity of TY DSL in mice .

  10. 地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)对小鼠致畸性的研究

    Study on teratogenicity of TY-DSL in mice

  11. 目的:以豚鼠哮喘模型为实验对象,研究氯雷他定对哮喘豚鼠气道高反应性、肺泡灌洗液和血中IL-5的表达、EOS计数以及肺组织EOS凋亡延迟状态有无影响。

    Objective : To observe whether the airway hyperresponsiveness , concentration of IL-5 and the count of EOS in blood and BALF , delayed apoptosis of EOS were influenced in asthmatic modle of guinea pigs after feeding Loratadine .

  12. 结论:地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)对小鼠无致畸性。

    Conclusion : The present study showed that the TY DSL does not have teratogenicity in the mice .

  13. 目的:观察豚鼠变应性鼻炎动物模型的鼻腔灌洗液(NLF)中血栓素(TX)B2和白三烯(LTs)水平及地氯雷他定对这些递质的影响。

    Objective : To observe the thromboxane ( TX ) B_2 and cysteinyl leukotrienes ( LTs ) levels in the nasal lavage fluid of allergic rhinitis model and to observe the effect of desloratadine on the mediators .

  14. 方法:将96例慢性荨麻疹患者随机分为两组,治疗组每次给予卡介菌多糖核酸注射液0.5mg,im,隔日1次,18次为1疗程,同时给予氯雷他定10mg,qd,po;

    Method : 96 Chronic Urticaria patients were randomly divided into two groups : one received muscle injection of BCG polysaccharides nucleic acid 0.5ing/two days for 36 days and took loratadine 10mg / day orally at the same time ( therapy group ) .

  15. 方法:20名健康中国男性受试者口服氯雷他定20mg,采用液相色谱-质谱-质谱联用法测定血浆中LOR和DCL的药物浓度。

    METHODS : Twenty healthy Chinese male subjects received a single oral dose of LOR 20 mg . A sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method ( LC / MS / MS ) was used for the determination of LOR and DCL in plasma .

  16. 结论HMC1经激发可表达和产生IL4,布地奈得、地氯雷他定和地塞米松能显著抑制IL4的产生,地氯雷他定还能抑制IL4mRNA的表达。

    Conclusions HMC-1 could express and produce IL-4 after stimulation . Dexamethasone , budesonide and desloratadine all had inhibitory effects on IL-4 release from HMC-1.In addition , desloratadine could also inhibit the IL-4 mRNA expression .

  17. 2-氰基-3-甲基吡啶经Ritter反应、烷基化、氰化得到2-氰基-3-[2-(3-氯苯基)乙基]吡啶,在PPA/P2O5作用下闭环后和N-乙氧羰基-4-哌啶酮偶合制得氯雷他定,总收率39%。

    Loratadine was synthesized from 2-cyano-3-methylpyridine via Ritter reaction , alkylation and cyanidation to give 2-cyano-3 - [ 2 - ( 3-chlorophenyl ) ethyl ] piperidine , which subjected to cyclization in presence of PPA / P2O5 and then coupling with N-ethoxycarbonyl-4-piperidone . The overall yield was 39 % .

  18. 地洛他定与氯雷他定治疗荨麻疹临床对比观察

    Observation of clinical efficacy on treating urticaria with desloratadine and loratadine

  19. 复方甘草甜素联合地氯雷他定分散片治疗慢性荨麻疹疗效观察

    Glycyrrhizin in combination of desloratadine in the treatment of chronic urticaria

  20. 结论:地氯雷他定治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹安全有效。

    Conclusion Desloratadine is effective and safe in treating CIU patients .

  21. 地氯雷他定治疗56例慢性荨麻疹疗效观察

    Fifty-six Cases of Curing Chronic Hives with the Help of Desloratadine

  22. 新氯雷他定类似物及其哌啶类中间体的合成研究

    Studies on the Synthesis of Piperidine Intermediates and New Loratadine Analogues

  23. 氯雷他定的片剂及胶囊在人体内的相对生物利用度

    Bioequivalence study of Loratadine tabletes and capsules in healthy volunteers

  24. 辅舒良与氯雷他定治疗变应性鼻炎的临床对比研究

    The Contrast Study of Fluticasone and Loratadine in Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

  25. 方法:以氯雷他定为原料,经水解、烷基化2步反应合成卢帕他定。

    Methods : Rupatadine was prepared from loratadine via hydrolysis and alkylation .

  26. 结论新一代抗组胺药氯雷他定目前仍是我院治疗过敏性疾病的首选药物。

    Conclusions Loratadine is still the first choice therapy of allergic reaction .

  27. 复方氯雷他定缓释胶囊的制备与体外释放度实验

    Preparation and in Vitro Release Test of Complex Loratadine Sustained Release Capsules

  28. 复方氯雷他定缓释胶囊治疗变应性鼻炎的随机对照试验

    Randomized Controlled Trial of Compound Loratadine Capsule in the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

  29. 介绍了紫外分光光度法测定氯雷他定分散片的含量。

    The UV spectrophotometry for determination of Loratadine dispersible tablets has been developed .

  30. 地氯雷他定对慢性特发性荨麻疹患者氧化应激指标的影响

    Influence of desloratadine on oxidative stress markers in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria