
  • 网络sulfur monochloride;Sulfur chloride;disulfur dichloride
  1. 出产的菜籽油跟氯化硫进行化学反应制造出来的。

    It is a rubber-like product made by reacting rape-seed oil from the Dutch East Indies with sulfur chloride .

  2. 以一氯化硫和烯丙硫醇为原料合成了二烯丙基四硫,产率为81。

    And diallyl tetrasulfide was synthesized by the reaction of sulfur monochloride with allyl mercaptan with a yield of81 .

  3. 氯化硫酰-甲缩醛法合成强碱型阴离子交换树脂

    Synthesis of strong basic type anion-exchange resin via sulphuryl chloride-methylal method

  4. 这些氯化硫有什么用?

    What 's all the sulphur chloride for ?

  5. 氯化硫的年份不好啊。

    Bad year for sulphur chloride .

  6. 以工业氯化镁和硫氢化钡为原料,采用复分解法合成高纯氢氧化镁。

    Using barium hydroxide octahydrate and urea as raw material , barium carbonate is prepared by homogeneous precipitation method .

  7. 检测方法采用作者过去研究的阴极解脱伏安法.砷及三氯化砷中硫的检出限分别为0.05和0.005微克/克。

    The detection limits for sulphur in arsenic and its trichloride are 0.05 and 0.005 μ g / g respectively .

  8. 针对生产氯化钡、硫氢化钠等产品的化工厂的困境,在不做大量投资、不做大的改动、不改变原厂的基础上,提出了改善产品结构、革新生产工艺的方法。

    In view of the difficult position of the plant of producting BaCl_2 and NaHS , and on the basis of existing process , the improvement of the product structure is put forward .

  9. 二氯化锡还原-硫氰酸盐快速光度法测定钢中钨

    Rapid spectrophotometric determination of tungsten in steel with tin dichloride reduction thiocyanate

  10. 砷及三氯化砷中痕量硫还原动态的探讨及其测定

    Dynamic Study of a Reduction Process and Determination of Trace Sulphur in Arsenic and Its Trichloride