
  • 网络MDR;MOVING DIE RHEOMETER;Cure meter;DynamicProcessRheometer;valcameter
  1. 有转子硫化仪滞后现象的分析

    Analysis of delay phenomenon on rheometer

  2. 用红外光谱、硫化仪、力学性能测试仪及热重分析对其结构与性能进行了研究。

    The structure and property of composites were characterized respectively by IR , curometer , mechanics properties tester and TGA .

  3. 运用计算法和硫化仪试验法证明,当乙烯基含量从16%增至57%时,橡胶的缠结网络密度、化学交联网络密度和炭黑网络密度分别下降24%,25%和5%。

    When the vinyl content increased from 16 % to 57 % , the density of entanglement , chemical crosslink and carbon black networks decreased about 24 % , 25 % and 5 % respectively .

  4. 温度变结构预测控制、扭矩傅里叶变换、多媒体人机界面等新技术的采用,极大地改善了硫化仪的性能。

    A new curometer with high performance has been developed by using new technology , such as Variable Structure Predictive Control ( VSPC ) of temperature and Fast Fourier Transform of Torque ( FFT ) .

  5. 扭转式橡胶硫化测试仪非硫化丁苯橡胶和丁腈橡胶的可挤出性的测定

    Torsion vulcanization tester testing method for extrudability of sbr and nbr unvulcanized rubber compounds