
  • 网络vulcanizing machine;XLB-DQ;XLB;curing press;vulcanizer
  1. 采用PLC改造进口注射硫化机

    The retrofit of import injection vulcanizing machine with PLC

  2. 蒸汽平板橡胶硫化机的单片机控制系统

    Single Chip Computer Control System on Vulcanizing Machine

  3. 基于模糊自适应PID的硫化机外压温度控制系统

    Temperature Control System for Vulcanization Machine Based on Fuzzy Adaptive PID

  4. 轮胎胶囊硫化机分布式PLC控制系统

    The Distributed PLC Control System Of Sulfurizing Process Of The Tyre Capsule

  5. 鼓式硫化机硫化成型的V带传动的应力分析

    The Analysis of Stress of V-belt Successive Transmission on DrumType Vulcanizing Machine

  6. 液压硫化机PLC控制系统

    PLC control system for hydraulic vulcanization machine

  7. 1145(Z)子午线轮胎定型硫化机的开发

    Introduction of 1145 ( Z ) Radial Tire Bag o Matic Press

  8. 基于ANSYS的轮胎硫化机受力部件有限元分析及优化设计研究

    Research on Finite Element Analysis and Optimization Design of Tire Curing Press Force Components Based on ANSYS

  9. 橡胶硫化机STD微机群控及管理系统

    STD Micro-computer Group Control and Management System on Vulcanizing Presses

  10. RIB型轮胎定型硫化机的结构与特点

    Structure and Properties of RIB-Tire Shaping Curing Press

  11. 基于RS-485总线的硫化机群控系统设计

    Design based on the RS-485 bus of vulcanizing machine group control system

  12. 基于APDL的平板硫化机整体参数化建模与分析

    Integral Parametric Modeling and Analysis of Plate Vulcanization Machine Base on APDL

  13. 我们在双模轮胎硫化机结构的优化设计中,提出了一种ANSYS与导重准则相结合的优化方法。

    In the process of structure optimization of the dual tire vulcanizer , we put forward the combi-nation of ANSYS and Guide-Weight Criterion Method .

  14. 采用自制小型柱塞式挤出装置研究了6种PVA改性体系的热塑加工性能。采用平板硫化机压膜,观察了不同体系的成膜性能。

    In this paper , the melt processability of PVA with different modifiers was studied by using self made ram extrusion apparatus .

  15. 介绍了1145(Z)子午线轮胎定型硫化机的结构、结构特点、采用的新技术以及为保证制造精度而采取的各种工艺措施。

    The structure and new technology of 1145 ( Z ) radial tire Bag o Matic press and the technical measures to ensure manufacturing precision are described .

  16. 公司主导产品四柱平板硫化机,主要用于EVA、PE发泡板、橡胶硫化及其他工业用橡胶制品的热压硫化。

    This machine is a down-pressed hydraulic with four legs , which mainly used for EVA and PE foaming , rubber vulcanization and other industry rubber products vulcanization with hot-press .

  17. 通过对该数学模型的离散化,应用ANSYS软件进行数值求解,得出国产电热平板硫化机热板的工作表面温度误差。

    With a discrete approach , its temperature field is calculated by application of ANSYS software , and then we obtain numerical solution concerning the temperature difference of working surface of home product .

  18. 利用可编程序控制器PLC和IPC-610286工业微机组成二级控制系统,它成功地应用于内胎硫化机的生产控制和管理。

    In this paper , a two-stage control system is presented , this system is composed of programmable logic controller and a computer IPC-610 286.Using this system , the production control and management of vulcanization device can be completed .

  19. 以锯末和PVC胶粘剂为主要原料,用高速混合机制备了PVC/锯末塑木材料,并通过平板硫化机热压成型,制备出了新型的PVC/锯末塑木板材;

    PVC / sawdust plastics wood materials were prepared by using high speed mixer , with PVC and sawdust as raw materials , a novel PVC / sawdust plate was thus manufactured with platen vulcanizing heater .

  20. 在CAE方面,展现了在ANSYS软件的基础上,对轮胎硫化机的上横梁和底座进行了结构、热力耦合分析的过程,并对底座的几何结构进行了优化。

    For the CAE aspect , based on the ANSYS software , the thesis shows the process of the tire molding curing presses structure and thermo-mechanical coupling field . Based on the above analysis , the optimization of the base has been implemented .

  21. 为适应硫化机自动化的需要,设计了一种利用RS-485总线把上位机和多台温度、压力控制器互联构成的集散系统。

    In order to meet the curing machine automation need , designed one kind of interconnec-tion constitution collection system to use the RS-485 bus for up stream equipment and many tempera-tures of the machines and the pressure controller .

  22. 针对目前使用的传统硫化机HMI系统存在的问题,如硬盘发热量、数据存储、查询、安全性等,设计了嵌入式硫化机HMI系统,并且定制了圆盘功能曲线构件。

    Currently used for traditional HMI system vulcanizer issues , such as the hard drive heat , data storage , information , security , design vulcanizer HMI embedded systems , and customized features of the disc component curve .

  23. LLY-1140液压硫化机的开发

    Development of LLY-1140 Hydraulic Curing Press

  24. 概况AJD-I型自动定时温控硫化机是针对传统电烫斗补胎的不足而研制生产的。

    Overview AJD-I Automatic Temperature Curing time is the struggle against traditional scald the lack of fetal development and production of premium .

  25. 首先总结了工程子午胎硫化机和LLY-B1750×4600×2液压轮胎硫化机的主要技术指标、设备精度等。

    First summarized the main technical target and main technical specification of equipment precision of LLY-B1750 × 4600 × 2 hydraulic curing press and engineering radial tire curing press .

  26. 叙述了大型子午线轮胎硫化机(Φ2235B和Φ2565B)的开发情况,着重介绍了它们的结构、结构特点、采用的新技术以及为保证整机精度所采取的各种工艺及检验措施。

    Describes the development of large size radial tire curing press (Φ 2235B and Φ 2565B ), structures and its properties , adoptes new technology and various processing and checking method for the assumed precision of the whole equipment .

  27. 试验结果表明,废旧垃圾袋的最佳成型工艺为:平板硫化机上下板预热温度为155℃,模具预热时间为8分钟,试块成型时间为4分钟,成型压力为3MPa。

    The result of the test indicates that the best shaping craft of the old and useless disposal bags is : preheating temperature : 155 ℃ , preheating time of mould : 8 minutes , shaping time : 4 minutes , the shaping pressure : 3MPa .

  28. 自行车外胎硫化机控制系统的研制

    Development about Control System of curing Machine for Bicycle Casing Tires

  29. 平板硫化机热板温度场的多元回归预测

    The multivariate regress forecast of platen tem . field of press

  30. B型硫化机平移式隐形导轨设计

    Hidden Flat Movable Guide Rail Design for B Type Cuing Press