
  1. 深圳市公共交通运营一体化关键问题研究

    A Study of the Key Issues on Integration of Shenzhen Public Transit Operation

  2. 电信业务支撑系统是实现电信运营一体化战略及信息资源共享的支持系统,是各大电信运营商在竞争日益激烈的环境下获得成功的关键。

    Business Support System for Telecommunication holds up operation intergration of Telecommunication , information resources sharing , is the key to success of every major telecommunication service provider in current competitive circumstance .

  3. 其研究结果对城乡物流运营网络一体化的发展有重要的理论意义和实际价值。

    Its findings on the development of urban logistics integration has important theoretical and practical value .

  4. 同时,兼容其它船舶管理公司实际运行的管理体系,形成全面指导公司日常运营的一体化的管理体系。

    Meanwhile the new system will try to incorporate the other systems to form an integrated one to guide the daily operation of the company .

  5. 城乡物流运营网络一体化是城乡经济一体化、城乡一体化,乃至社会主义新农村建设的一个战略方面。

    Urban and rural logistics integration is the integration of urban and rural economy , urban and rural , as well as building a new socialist countryside strategy .

  6. 随后了解了协同管理的概念和分类,协同管理应用于城乡物流运营网络一体化的相关理论研究,最后还研究了城乡物流运营网络一体化协同管理的模式以及它的分类。

    Then understand the concept and classification of collaborative management , collaborative management applied to the theory of urban and rural areas of logistics integration , and finally study the synergistic integration of urban and rural areas of logistics management model and its classification .

  7. 本文将采用协同学理论对城乡物流运营网络一体化进行一些深入的研究。本文首先对选题的背景、意义等作了说明,并对国内外城乡物流运营网络一体化研究情况以及现状进行总结。

    This article will use the theory of collaborative logistics integration of urban and rural areas some depth . Firstly , the background on the topic , explained the significance , and study abroad as well as logistics integration of urban and rural status summary .

  8. BOSS是网络运营商的一体化、信息资源共享的支持系统。

    BOSS is support system of the integration , information resource sharing for the network carriers .

  9. IBSS的目标就是建成电信业务运营和管理一体化、信息资源共享的支撑系统。

    IBSS will aim at making Telecommunication business & operation management unified and information resource shared .

  10. 随着我国电力体制的改革,电力工业运营模式由垂直一体化垄断模式逐步转化为发电竞争上网模式。

    With the system reform of electricity , the operation mode of electricity utility has progressively transferred from the vertical integrated monopoly to paralle in network through competition .

  11. 城市智能交通管理系统是目前解决我国城市交通问题的主要手段,是通过科学手段对交通运营和设施进行一体化的控制和管理。

    At present , the City Intelligent Traffic Management system is the main method of solving our country municipal transportation question , carries on integrated the control and the management to the traffic operation and the facility in the scientific method .

  12. 业务运营支撑系统(BOSS)是电信运营商业务运营、管理一体化及信息资源共享的支撑系统。

    The Business Operation Support System ( BOSS ) is a support system of business operation , management integration and information share for telecommunication operation business .