
yùn zài
  • carry;delivery
运载 [yùn zài]
  • [delivery] 装载和运送

  • 增加货场的运载量

运载[yùn zài]
  1. 所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。

    All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge .

  2. 有些火车可以运载自行车,但因空间有限需要提前预订。

    Some trains carry bicycles , but accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential .

  3. 一辆卡车意外地把运载的货物掉落在高速公路上。

    A lorry shed its load on the motorway .

  4. 英国会对运载证件不齐全的乘客进入国内的航空公司课以罚款。

    Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers

  5. 运载急需食物和药品的飞机今天在巴格拉姆机场降落。

    Planes landed at Bagram airport today carrying badly needed food and medicine .

  6. 其中运载工业树脂和涂料稀释剂的两辆卡车起火了。

    Two of the lorries , carrying industrial resin and paint thinner , burst into flames .

  7. 航班晚点会引发连锁反应。仅仅一趟晚点的航班就可能运载着许多需要转机的乘客。

    Delayed flights have a ripple effect . Just one late flight could be carrying passengers for a dozen connecting services .

  8. 这些微型卫星可以被安置进运载火箭中之前被认为是无用空间的地方。

    These mini-satellites can fit in a launch vehicle 's formerly " wasted space . "

  9. 渐渐远离我们的运载工具发出的声似乎比平常的音调低

    Sounds produced by vehicles receding from us seem lower-pitched than usual .

  10. 负责用相关运输设备从工作区域运载模具

    Transport tools from work areas by using hand trucks and other conveyances .

  11. 运载火箭姿态控制系统的鲁棒H∞控制与设计

    Robust H ∞ Control and design of Launch Vehicle Attitude Control Systems

  12. 是的,它是第二大长河。长征二号F运载火箭

    Yes , it 's the second longest river . Long March II F carrier rocket

  13. 基于CORBA的运载火箭总体设计一体化系统的实现

    Implementation of Launcher Vehicle Integrated System Based on CORBA

  14. 长征二号E是中国最新研制出来的一种大型捆绑式运载火箭。

    Long March 2E , a large strap-on launch vehicle developed by China , represents a major achievement of the country in space launch technology .

  15. 从而表明,迭代制导方法的制导精度较Delta最小制导方法的制导精度高得多,是一种可供广泛用于运载火箭制导的新方法。

    The accuracy is much higher than that of Delta minimum . Thus it is a new method which can be widely used in guiding launch vehicle .

  16. 基于VXI技术的运载火箭自动测试系统设计

    Design of the Automatic Testing System of Carrier Rocket Based on VXI Technique

  17. 根据NASA网站上的说法,猎户座的首次测试飞行将于年底前完成,运载火箭将是三角洲四号运载火箭。

    According to NASA 's website , Orion 's first test flight willoccur by the end of the year , with Orion atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket .

  18. 激光器熔融样品,并通过运载气体将熔融的样品物质传送到IP,而不是将样品溶解后,通过雾化器和雾化室将样品传输给ICP。

    Rather than having the sample dissolved and introduced via a nebulizer and a spray chamber into the ICP , the laser is ablating the sample and a carrier gas transports the ablated material to the ICP .

  19. 纽约州运营总监霍华德格莱瑟(howardglaser)表示,港口正恢复作业,引入200艘运载燃油的驳船缓解短缺状况。

    Howard Glaser , New York State operations director , said the port was reopening , bringing in 200 fuel barges to ease conditions .

  20. 算例分析结果表明所提出的GTO发射轨道优化设计策略的优良性能,在运载火箭总体设计中有良好的应用价值。

    This approach for GTO launch trajectory optimization has been testified with predominant performance index , and has great engineering value in launch vehicle system design .

  21. 在随后4天里,欧洲之星(Eurostar)列车多运载了2.8万人(增幅27%)。

    Over the next four days , Eurostar carried an extra 28,000 people ( a 27 per cent increase ) .

  22. S7-200PLC在运载火箭环境温度控制中应用

    The Application of S7-200 PLC in the Rocket Environment Temperature Controlling

  23. 本文为生产特种薄壁加筋结构包装箱而设计、制备了混凝土加固玻璃钢RTM模具。运载火箭薄壁加筋壳体的结构优化

    A pair of mold is designed for the package case with thin wall and rib by RTM process . Structural Optimization of Thin-Wall Stiffener Reinforced Cylinders for Launch Vehicles

  24. 本文原理性地介绍了长征二号E大推力运载火箭捆绑结构的传力特性,并简要地介绍了上下支点处的捆绑加强结构的设计及承受集中力的问题。

    This paper describes in principle the force transfer characteristics of the strap-on structure of the LM-2E heavy lift launch vehicle , and gives a brief introduction of the design and the concentrated force of the strengthening strap-on structure both on upper and lower ful-crums .

  25. CZ-2E运载火箭制导技术

    Guidance Technique of CZ-2E Launch Vehicle

  26. 周一下午,穆斯克在接受《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessweek)采访时表示,他还设想了一种运载汽车的吊舱:“只需要把车开上去,然后吊舱就会启程。”

    He told Bloomberg BusinessWeek this afternoon that he also envisions pod filled with cars : " you just drive on , and the pod departs . "

  27. 通过对LPDA的优化设计,研制一种适合方舱结构形式车辆运载的超宽带、高增益定向天线。

    A very wide band , high gain directional antenna is presented from the study of the optimization of log periodic dipole arrays ( LPDA ) .

  28. 研制轻质高强度的低温贮箱是美国发展重复使用运载器(RLV)的最关键技术之一。

    To develop light weight and high strength tank for low temperature condition is one of the most key technologies of Reusable Launch Vehicle ( RLV ) .

  29. PTD这种能携带融合蛋白自由进入细胞的独特功能为人类一些疾病的基因治疗提供了一种新的运载工具,在基因治疗中有着美妙的应用前景。

    The distinct property of PTD that can take along fused protein entering into cells unconventionally offers a new vehicle to gene therapy for some diseases and has dulcet applied perspective .

  30. 方法采用免疫印转和放射免疫技术检测了30例VMC、14例DCM患儿血浆中抗心肌线粒体ADP/ATP运载蛋白(ANT)抗体和粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)。

    Methods The plasma autoantibody against myocardiac adenine nucleotide translocator ( ANT ) and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor ( GM CSF ) in children ( 30 with VMC , 14 with DCM ) were studied with western blot and radioimmunoassay .