
  1. 中学物理教学中应有意识地引导学生运用数学知识解决物理问题,培养学生这方面的能力。

    Should lead students to use mathematics knowledge to solve the physical problem in the physical teaching of middle school consciously , train student 's ability in this respect .

  2. 数学语言是人类特有的用来表达数学思想的工具,它对学生学习、表达、运用数学知识解决数学问题都有着重要的意义。

    Maths language , the special tool for human to express their Maths thinking , is of great significance in students ' learning , expressing and using Maths knowledge to Maths problems .

  3. 在实施加强数学应用价值取向的教育实践中,我们必须提升数学的应用价值取向,在教学中培养学生的数学应用价值观,树立运用数学知识解决现实问题的教学思想。

    Strengthening the application of math in education practice , we must upgrade the consciousness of mathematical application values , and foster the teaching thought of using mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems .

  4. 以全面掌握和熟练运用数学知识点解决实际问题为课程教学目标。把握好教学目标设置、研究课题选定、研究型学习小组搭配、教师指导、教学成果评估等教学环节。

    The teaching process should be controlled and supervised well , such as , the setup of the teaching goal , the selection of the research task , the organization of the research staff , and the assessment of the teaching achievements .