
yì zhě
  • translator
译者 [yì zhě]
  • [translator] 把一种语言或体系译成另一种的人

译者[yì zhě]
  1. 译者没有体会原文的精神。

    The translator failed to capture the spirit of the original .

  2. 我认为译者漏掉了原著中一些微妙之处。

    I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original .

  3. 作者:EmilyDickinson,译者:江枫如果你能在秋季来到,

    If you were coming in the fall ,

  4. 作者发现译者偷偷在他的原著中插入了几段。

    The author discovered that the translator had foisted several passages into his book .

  5. 这一切都源于一项革命性的发明:裹裙(wrapdress,V领前盖式连衣裙——译者注)。

    All this was down to a game-changing invention : the wrap dress .

  6. 译者与读者VS话者与听者

    Translators and Readers VS Speakers and Listeners

  7. 译者应该对源语作者意欲产生的效果(IE)作出评估,并且把它传递给读者。

    The translator should make assessment of the IE ( intended effect ) in the original language and then try to convey that to the audience .

  8. 它的全名是汉堡包(hamburger),起源于1880年,当时德国移民在汉堡(德国城市&译者注)发明了这种食物。

    The full name , ' hamburger ', originates from 1880 , when German immigrants created the meal within Hamburg , Germany .

  9. 本文作者马克·格雷芬(MarkGreeven)、杨盛赟、岳韬、埃里克·范埃克(EricvanHeck)和芭芭拉·克鲁格(BarbaraKrug)是伊拉斯谟大学(ErasmusUniversity)鹿特丹管理学院(RotterdamSchoolofManagement)的教师译者:倪卫国

    Mark Greeven , Shengyun Yang , Tao Yue , Eric van Heck and Barbara Krug The writers are faculty members at the Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University

  10. 卡斯蒂廖尼曾带领杜卡迪(Ducati)等其他摩托车品牌实现复兴。这一次,他希望借着“第三次的幸运”(西方人认为第三次尝试成功的可能性比前两次更大——译者注)振兴奥古斯塔。再来看振兴奥古斯塔面临的挑战。

    Mr Castiglioni had revived other motorcycle brands such as Ducati , and he hoped it would be third time lucky with MV Agusta .

  11. 第二是分析译者的翻译目的、翻译策略和方法以及心目中的目标读者对象;第三是选择有代表性的文字对原作与译作进行对比研究;

    Translation criticism is the evaluation of target texts and translators .

  12. 论译者在文学翻译中主体作用的必然性

    On the Necessity of Translators ' Subject Role in Literary Translation

  13. 文化转换过程中译者的策略选择&《红楼梦》两个英译本的对比研究

    On Choice of Translating Strategies during Process of Cultural Transformation

  14. 译者是翻译活动中的重要甚至关键因素。

    A translator is an important even key factor in translational activities .

  15. 译者地位在西方翻译研究中的变迁

    Transition of Translators ' Status in the History of Western Translation Studies

  16. 译者首先介入推理过程,然后介入明示过程;

    Translator firstly engages in inferential process and then in ostensive process .

  17. 在传统译论中,译者所扮演的是一个被动的角色。

    In traditional translation theories , the translator Plays a passive role .

  18. 由于文化差异,译者无法做到译文完全忠实于原文。

    Due to cultural diversity , the translator cannot produce absolutely faithful translations .

  19. 因此广大译者需要一门更实用的理论和更有效的翻译技巧。

    Therefore , a more practical theory and translation techniques are called for .

  20. 目的语读者的认知语境对译者的干预作用。

    Third , the TL text readers ' cognitive context intervenes the translator .

  21. 因而,翻译研究逐渐转向译者&这个翻译过程中最活跃、积极的因素。

    The translation study is turning its steps to the most active element-translators .

  22. 翻译规范与译者对文本及翻译策略的选择

    Translation Norms and the Translator 's Selection of Source Texts and Translation Strategies

  23. 论翻译的艺术创造性与客观制约性&主题关联性社会文化语境下的译者主体性个案研究

    On the Artistic Creation and Objective Constraints of Translating

  24. 本章还探讨了旅游资料翻译的标准以及译者跨文化意识的培养。

    This chapter also argues the criteria of translation and tourist material translation .

  25. 亦庄亦谐清顺自然&从林语堂汉译英作品看译者主体性

    On the subjectivity of the translator reflected in Lin Yutang 's Chinese-English translations

  26. 关联顺应角度下的翻译是一种跨文化的,以译者为中心的理论模式。

    The Relevance-Adaptation approach to translation is a cross-cultural , translator-centered theoretic paradigm .

  27. 本文主要就译者在段落翻译时的认知过程进行了初步的研究和探索。

    This thesis is a study of the cognitive process of passage translation .

  28. 翻译这部巨作对译者来说无疑是一个很大的挑战。

    Translating this masterpiece remains great challenge for translators .

  29. 他的研究领域主要涉及描写翻译研究、翻译规范、译者培训。

    His research mainly involves descriptive translation studies , translation norms and translator training .

  30. 因此翻译的时候理解两种语言的跨文化内涵,是值得译者注意的一个重要内容。

    Therefore , translating the comprehension of the intercultural connotation is important for translators .