
yì shù
  • translate freely;render freely
译述 [yì shù]
  • [render freely] 指不严格按照原文翻译,而对原文的内容加以叙述

译述[yì shù]
  1. 周作人译述古希腊戏剧的文化策略

    Zhou Zuo-ren 's Cultural Strategy In Translating Ancient Greek Dramas

  2. 第三届亚洲国际皮革科技会议国外论文译述

    Foreign Papers in International Conference of the 3rd Asian Leather Science and Technology

  3. 译述的忠实与通顺

    Faithfulness and Fluency in Interpretation

  4. 结合天体物理应用,本文译述了强磁场中与辐射有关的高能电磁转换过程。

    From the viewpoint of astrophysical applications , we review high-energy electromagnetic conversion processes related to the radiation in strong magnetic fields .

  5. 翻译方法由译述、编译发展到全译,并引起了长时间的直译、意译之争;

    Translation methods developed from adapted translation to complete translation , and hence caused the debate on free translation and literal translation ;

  6. 译述是特殊形式的翻译。

    Interpretation is a special form of translation which requires a different type of faithfulness and fluency from those involved in ordinary translation .

  7. 对于丰富多样的外国文学作品,根据不同情况,可采取全译、节译、编译、译述等多种方式。

    According to different conditions , whole translation , abridged translation , translating and editing , or translating freely were adopted for rich and varied foreign literature .

  8. 晚清翻译是继汉唐佛典翻译之后异域文化的第二次大规模输入,将其定位为“译述”较为适宜。

    Translation in late Qing Dynasty is the second time to largely input foreign culture after the translation of Buddhist Scripture in Han and Tang Dynasties , which may be defined as translating account .