
yán yǔ fēnɡ ɡé
  • speech styles
  1. 跨文化交际的言语风格与文化特征

    Speech Styles and Cultural Characteristics in Intercultural Communication

  2. 本文在深入分析和考察的基础上推断出:作者言语风格、地域差异是导致这部著作前后言语差异的主要原因。

    According to the differences above , the paper has made analysis and investigation more deeply and obtained preliminary deduction : the main cause lying behind these differences is the speech styles and regional characteristics of the two authors .

  3. 论色彩词的运用对张爱玲言语风格的影响

    Influencing on zhang-ailing 's speech style by using of color words

  4. 个人言语风格识别技术在案件侦查中的应用

    Application of Personal Speech Style Identification Technology in Case Investigation

  5. 言语风格的性别差异

    On Sex Distinction of the Style of the Spoken Language

  6. 表现出真实性、生动性、通俗性、艺术性相统一的言语风格。

    Showing speech style of integration of reality , vividness , popularity and art .

  7. 中国女性言语风格探微

    A General Exploration on Chinese Female Speech Style

  8. 这种独特性,直接来自于呈现在具体文本中的作家独特的言语风格。

    It comes directly from writers unique speech style that present in concrete text .

  9. 构成言语风格的主观因素和客观因素

    Idiolect : Its Subjective and Objective Factors

  10. 翻译实例说明译作中再现人物的个性化言语风格是很重要的。

    These examples demonstrate the significance of reproducing the individualized speech style in the translation .

  11. 个人方言的构建与言语风格发展

    The Formation of the Personal Dialect and the Development of Speech Style in Foreign Language Learning

  12. 从词汇语法衔接角度解析海明威小说言语风格语法衔接手段在语篇分析中的连贯功能

    An Analysis on the Language Characteristics of Ernest Hemingway 's Novels with Lexical and Grammatical Cohesion Approach

  13. 在外语交际活动中,个人言语风格受制于个人方言的发展水平;

    In communicative activities , the personal speech style depends on the development of the personal dialect .

  14. 就英国的首都来讲,这种言语风格是以押韵的词语为根基的。

    In the case of Britain 's capital , this style of speech is based on words that rhyme .

  15. 王熙凤林黛玉大俗大雅的言语风格成因

    Causes of WANG Xi - feng and LIN Dai - yu 's Vulgar and Elegant Different Styles in Their Speeches

  16. 本文研究由言语风格的评估而导致的在司法场合中因男女性别言语差异而形成的不平等现象。

    The present study addresses the unequal treatment in the judicial settings because of gender biases produced by speech style evaluation .

  17. 汉言语风格与汉文化都是汉人心智活动的成果,它们相生相长,互融互动,关系密切。

    Chinese speech style and Chinese culture , which co-exist and interact with each other , are the result of Chinese mental activities .

  18. 国际视野中的性别语言研究主要涉及语言中的性别歧视、性别言语风格差异及相应的理论构建。

    The international study of gender language has mainly been focused on such aspects as linguistic discrimination , styles of gender speech and corresponding theoretical constructions .

  19. 个人言语风格具有差异性、稳定性、反映性,在案件言语材料中能反映出制作人的社会属性和个人属性。

    The personal speech style with discrepancy , stability and reflection , can reflect the producer 's social properties and personal features in the speech material .

  20. 会话的功能对等包括会话的话语意义对等和审美风格对等。会话的审美风格对等主要包括会话整体言语风格对等和个人言语风格对等。

    The function equivalence of conversation includes equivalence in meaning and aesthetic style which refers to the styles of both the overall conversation and individual speech .

  21. 性别言语风格研究主要集中在话题、谈话量、话语重叠、最少反映、沉默等几个方面。

    The study of male / female styles of speech has mainly focused on such aspects as topics , amount of talk , simultaneous speech , minimal responses , silence and so on .

  22. 本文通过分析胡风诗歌的语言艺术探讨他的言语风格,从而揭示胡风的审美趣味,并整体把握七月诗派的艺术特征。

    This paper deals with Hu Feng ′ s aesthetic interest and the art features of the Approach of July Poetry by means of the analysis of Hu ′ s language art and language style .

  23. 地域文化精神直接影响到小说叙述焦点的定位与运动、小说话语与叙事视角的选择、言语风格的确定以及语言结构的形成;

    The spirit of local culture exerts a direct influence on such writing factors as the orientation and development of narrative focus , the choice of discourse and narrative perspective , the writing style and writing structure .

  24. 生物性别与社会性别对性别语体形成的影响经过调查分析,笔者得出结论,言语风格上的差异是根植于性别与社会双重因素中的语言特点,不会因网络空间的转移而消亡。

    The Influence of the Biological Sex and Social Gender on the Formation of the Gendered Speech in fact an absence of such differences would be surprising if one considers the different upbringing and consequent socialization and integration of individuals of both sexes in society .

  25. 以往的研究主要着重于词汇的文化内涵、言语风格、语言的语用研究、非言语交际以及篇章结构等,对语法结构体现的文化特性讨论较少。

    Many of the previous intercultural studies in China have focused on the cultural connotations of words , discourse styles , the pragmatic use of language , textual structures and non verbal communication while very few have been so far dedicated to the exploration of how grammar embodies culture features .

  26. 个人之间不同的言语风格、语言特征,主要表现在词汇、句式、句法等语言材料和表达方式的各个要素,以及言语内容与个人属性和案件情况的关系等诸方面。

    The differences between individual speech style and language characteristics are mainly shown in the language materials such as vocabulary , sentence pattern , syntax , in the elements of expressive means , in the relation between the contents of speech , individual nature and the fact of the case .

  27. 英语中性别差异在言语交际风格上的反映

    The Reflection of Sex Difference in English Parole Communication Style

  28. 汉语直接言语交际风格是由一个个具体的直接言语行为所体现的。

    Chinese direct verbal communication style is embodied in specific direct speech acts .

  29. 浅析汉语直接言语交际风格

    On Chinese Direct Verbal Communication Style Speech Community

  30. 汉语直接言语交际风格的这些具体体现与中国人价值观念体系中的集体主义密切相关。

    These characteristics of Chinese direct verbal communication style are closely related to one key factor in Chinese value system : collectivism .