
yán qínɡ xiǎo shuō
  • romance;love story;bonkbuster
  1. 我正在读一本写得很烂的言情小说。

    I was reading some trashy romance novel .

  2. 论当下港台言情小说的大众文化生产体制

    Research on Nowadays Romance Novels ' Popular Culture Production System

  3. 用在泳池里游一阵后歇一阵的几个空当,她翻完了一本平装本言情小说。

    She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool .

  4. 根据行业研究机构MediabyNumbers的调查,2009年的电影票房比去年增加了16.5%,按照这个增幅,今年院线将有19亿美元进账,而去年仅有16亿美元,此外影院的上座数也增长了近15%。言情小说

    And according to industry researcher Media by Numbers , 2009 's box office sales are tracking 16.5 percent higher than the year before - at this rate , theaters will make $ 1.9 billion , versus last year 's $ 1.6 billion - with attendance up nearly 15 percent .

  5. 重读《人生》&言情小说、乡土叙事中的现代性追求

    Rereading Life & Modern Pursuit in Love Fiction and Local-Colour Narration

  6. 中国现代通俗言情小说的流变轨迹

    The Trace of Development of Modern Popular Love Novels of China

  7. 专供庸俗文学市场的大量言情小说。

    Romantic novels intended as fodder for the pulp fiction market .

  8. 快感是当代言情小说所具有的大众文化特征之一。

    Pleasure is one of the features of the popular culture .

  9. 满足于从言情小说里寻找爱情。

    And settling FSOR love FSOUND on the pages ofsromance novels .

  10. 论明代言情小说功用思想

    Discuss the Sentimental Novels ' Function Idea in the Ming Dynasty

  11. 论李涵秋社会言情小说的特点

    The Discussion about the Characteristics of Li Hanqiu 's Social Love Story

  12. 这位女作家的伤感言情小说曾经很畅销。

    This female writer 's weepers were once best sellers .

  13. 武侠小说及言情小说阅读现象论析

    Analysis on the Phenomenon of Martial Arts Novels and Romantic Fictions Reading

  14. 受现代言情小说影响的早期爱情片

    The Early Chinese Love Movies that Influenced by the Modern Love Novels

  15. 我从不知道你读言情小说呢。

    I didn 't know you are one of the romance readers .

  16. 男性叙事与张恨水社会言情小说的一种模式

    Male Narrative and a Mode of Zhang Hen-shui 's Social and Loving Fiction

  17. 中国当代言情小说中的妓原型

    On the Prostitute Archetype in Contemporary Chinese Love Stories

  18. 明清言情小说中的湖州方言语法

    Grammar of Huzhou Dialect in the Sentimental Fictions of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty

  19. 武侠小说、言情小说进入校园,是20世纪80年代以来的重要现象,且一直是人们关注的问题。

    Martial arts novels and romantic fictions have been popular on the campus since 1980s .

  20. 那时,香奈儿喜欢溜进姨妈家的阁楼里看浪漫的言情小说。

    Chanel liked to sneak up into her aunt 's attic and read romance novels .

  21. 为言情小说辩护:来自读者的声音

    Voice of Readers : Defending Romantic Novels

  22. 言情小说中的爱情于我们而言仅仅是一个前奏而已。

    Ours is the kind of love to which romance novels are just a prelude .

  23. 言情小说仍有读者群,但犯罪小说已处于领先地位。

    Romance still made a showing , but the list was dominated by crime novels .

  24. 二十世纪初翻译文学对中国言情小说的影响

    The Influence of Translated Literature Over Chinese Romantic Fiction in Early 20 ~( th ) Century

  25. 民初言情小说的悲剧意识操守完美的殉道者&民初言情小说与晚明戏曲小说、五四爱情文学中的女性形象之比较

    Tragic Consciousness of Love Stories in Late Qing and Early ROC Martyrs With Perfect Moral Integrity

  26. 出于对中文的热爱,柳素英还读了很多中文言情小说。

    Because of her enthusiasm for Chinese , Liu Suying also read many Chinese love novels .

  27. 忘了言情小说吧。

    Forget the romantic novel .

  28. 论清代仿《聊斋》派传奇小说的文学观试论清末民初社会言情小说的时代思想

    On the Qing Dynasty 's Literary Concept of the Legendary Novel Modeled after " Strange Stories "

  29. 近代言情小说中对情的描写,附加了太多的社会成分。

    The description of the sentiment in the latter-day love story , attached the too many social ingredient .

  30. 言情小说,还是言钱小说?&论对张恨水小说文本的误读

    Romance Novel , or Money Novel ? & on the misreading of the novel text by Zhang Hen-shui