
  1. 他的言行举止不太像帝王,倒更像学者一些。

    His manner is not so much regal as professorial

  2. 她的言行举止像个孩子,依赖性强。

    Her behaviour was childlike and dependent .

  3. 他要是不愿意改变自己的言行举止,你来软的还是硬的都没有用。

    You can 't force — or even charm — him into behaving differently if he doesn 't want to .

  4. 尽管如此,领导人言行举止仍可能关系重大。

    Still , the way leaders conduct themselves can be significant .

  5. 为品牌工作的所有人员的言行举止;

    The behavior of the people who work for the brand ;

  6. 他的言行举止着装风格

    in his personal conduct , in the way he dressed ,

  7. 言行举止缺乏得体性和良好的品味。

    Lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct .

  8. 他惟妙惟肖地模仿了校长的言行举止,非常引人发笑。

    He did a very amusing take-off of the headmaster .

  9. 在言行举止等上面表现出对他人的尊敬。

    Showing regard for others in manners , speech , behavior , etc.

  10. 以得体、高雅或者言行举止的良好品味为特点。

    Characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct .

  11. 以言行举止上的令人不安的直接为特点;没有微意或者托词。

    Characterized by disconcerting directness in manner or speech ; without subtlety or evasion .

  12. 在实相中,任何缺乏爱心的言行举止都左右不了你。

    In reality you are perfectly unaffected by all expressions of lack of love .

  13. 请注意你的言行举止。

    We invite your attention to your behavior .

  14. 他对城堡中的每个人都很粗暴,言行举止像个疯子一样。

    He became rude to everyone in the castle and behaved like a mad man .

  15. 对大多数人而言,他的言行举止比他的管理水平更加出名。

    To most people , he is known more for his manner than his management .

  16. 你的言行举止说你爱我。

    Your actions say that you do .

  17. 取笑我的言行举止,

    as a shorthand for my demeanor ,

  18. 欧扬眉也嫌哥哥的言行举止像个小丑,令她在朋友面前感到丢脸。

    Yang Mei feels embarrassed to be seen with her brother because of his clown-liked behaviour .

  19. 我们可以透过庄子的言行举止认识到庄子的生活状态及其深厚的哲学思想。

    We can know his living conditions and deep philosophical idea from his words and deeds .

  20. 你需要知道别当你说故事时的言行举止是什么样。

    You need to know what you look like to others while you 're telling your story .

  21. 你不反感我的言行举止吗不反感其实我还嫉妒�

    You 're not repulsed by my behavior ? No. No , actually , I envy you .

  22. 政界和工商界人士普遍衣饰讲究,言行举止规矩大方。

    People in political circles and business circles spend much time on clothing , they have good manners .

  23. 当你见到我们老板的时候你一定要注意你的言行举止。

    EG : You sure to mind your P 's and Q 's when you meet our boss .

  24. 你的言行举止有礼貌,会得到别人的重视与尊重。

    When you speak and act courteously , you give others a feeling of being valued and respected .

  25. 他还开始模仿他心中的英雄密特朗的言行举止。

    He started to mimic the mannerisms , the talk , even the walk of his hero Mitterrand .

  26. 根据威廉的言行举止判断,你会以为他大概是王侯贵族出身的。

    From the way William talks and behaves you 'd think he was born to the purple or something .

  27. 凝视可使你聚焦于对方及其他的言行举止。

    Gaze can simply make you focus more on the person and what he might be saying or doing .

  28. 然而,我的身子仿佛是一把竖琴,她的言行举止就象是手指,拨动着我的心弦。

    Buttery body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires .

  29. 她的言行举止和穿着打扮都成为人们分析评论的对象。

    Her every word , move , bite , gesture , dress and shoe has been analysed and second-guessed .

  30. 在所有的缺点和糗事背后,在所有关于他的言行举止的议论背后,

    Behind all the foibles and funny stories , and behind all the fuss made about his appearance and manners ,