
  • 网络Entertainment gossip;Gossip;Entertainment;H-tabloid
  1. 在过去的十年里,英国娱乐八卦新闻周刊杂志《Hello!》杂志封面进行专题报道过的婚礼中,有1/6(16%)的夫妇在六年内离婚,而国内名人的离婚率是7%。

    One in six couples ( 16 per cent ) whose wedding featured on the cover of Hello ! magazine in the past decade were divorced within six years , compared with a national average of 7 per cent .

  2. 这个网站报道的不仅有最新的名人八卦,还有所有普通的娱乐八卦。

    This website covers not only the latest celebrity gossip but also all the general entertainment .

  3. 自从黄健翔勇敢地“像个男人一样战斗”之后,他似乎就和娱乐八卦结下了不解之缘。

    Since huangjianxiang bravely " fight like men ", he seems to have forged a deep bond with titillation and entertainment . " inter-circle ," his " call " to the self-mocking , everyone will mind a laugh .

  4. 本小组上传视频涉及娱乐圈、八卦、新闻、奇闻杂谈、教育、军事等等。

    The group upload videos related to entertainment , gossip , news , anecdote topics for education , military and so on .