
  • 网络Entertainment Culture;amusement culture
  1. 消费时代的娱乐文化

    On amusement culture of Consumption Age

  2. 当代中国娱乐文化的三大新变

    On Three New Changes of Entertainment Culture in Modern China

  3. 一小时五十分节目开始播放娱乐文化内容。

    A fifty minutes past the hour turning to Entertainment and Culture .

  4. 本时段第五十分钟我们来关注娱乐文化节目。

    Fifty minutes past the hour now is turning the Entertainment and Culture .

  5. 在这种背景下,其娱乐文化活动也逐渐繁盛。

    Against this background , its entertainment and cultural activities have gradually prosperous .

  6. 文化层面上的陌生化翻译策略则包括习语和娱乐文化两个方面。

    The cultural level involves two aspects that are idiom and entertainment culture .

  7. 电视娱乐文化心理探微

    An analysis of the television entertainment culture psychology

  8. 欠发达地区生态系统娱乐文化价值评估研究

    Ecosystem Recreation Value Evaluation of Impoverished Regions Culture

  9. 析论传统娱乐文化开发在城市旅游中的作用及其前景

    Analysis of the Function and Prospect of the Traditional Entertainment Culture in City Travel

  10. 娱乐文化已成为当下社会一个不可轻视,也不可忽视的文化现象。

    Entertainment culture is becoming the most important and indispensable culture current in modern China .

  11. 娱乐文化功能是生态系统向人类提供的重要服务功能之一。研究生态系统娱乐文化价值是研究生态系统服务功能的一个重要方面。

    Ecosystem 's recreation service was one of the important services provided by natural eco-systems .

  12. 节目切到娱乐文化板块。

    Turn in to Entertainment and Culture .

  13. 首先从物质和精神两方面考察城市娱乐文化的环境。

    First it researched the environment of city entertainment from the aspects of substance and spirit .

  14. 论我国的新兴娱乐文化&娱乐体育的发展

    As a kind of Newly-Developing Recreational Culture , Discussion on Development of Recreational Sports in Chian

  15. 现在来关注娱乐文化新闻。

    Times on entertainment and culture .

  16. 八种生态服务功能类型呈减少趋势,只有娱乐文化增加。

    And eight types of ecosystem services function were decreasing while recreation and culture were increasing .

  17. 这张壁画描绘出的是20世纪娱乐文化界的两大巨星:猫王和李小龙。

    Two more of the very best that20th century mainstream culture had to offer-Elvis and Bruce Lee .

  18. 第二章:对民俗旅游节庆活动和当代娱乐文化内涵的分析。

    First analyze the individual connotation about the activities of folk-custom tourism festival and the contemporary entertainment culture ;

  19. 第二部分对休闲娱乐文化产业的研究理论进行梳理,奠定了研究的理论基础。

    The chapter 2 introduces the leisure , entertainment and cultural industry , laid the theoretical basis for this study .

  20. 随着城镇商业的繁荣,各种娱乐文化空间也逐渐形成和发展,汉口的茶馆就是其中典型的公共娱乐空间。

    With the prosperity of urban commercial , various means of entertainment and culture has been formed and developed accordingly .

  21. 从媒介文化发展的视角看,网络出现泛娱乐文化倾向,张扬感官满足,悬置人文理性,忽略历史与社会意识,使网络文化缺少应有的理性深度、历史维度及超越精神。

    From the view of the development of media culture , there is a kind of excessive entertainment tendency on network .

  22. 大众文化是目前中国最有生命力的文化,而大众文化中喜剧性、游戏性娱乐文化尤其势头强劲。

    Mass culture is at present the liveliest culture in China , and the comic game entertainment culture enjoys great popularity .

  23. 在这一社会语境下,娱乐文化成为大众日常生活中必不可少的个性化消费方式,及文化趣味上的主动选择。

    In this social context , recreation culture became the essential personalized consumption patterns in daily life , and conscious cultural interest .

  24. 第三部分对大连的文化和环境进行分析,肯定了大连具备发展休闲娱乐文化产业的优势。

    In chapter 3 by analysis of culture and the environment , Dalian has the advantage of development leisure , entertainment and cultural industry .

  25. 其次,作为大众文化、娱乐文化之一,电影制作有其特定的出现目的,并不可避免地具有商业特征。

    Besides , being named as mass culture and entertainment culture , movies are produced with a certain purpose , and they are unavoidably commercialized .

  26. 而娱乐文化在历史的积淀之下,经过不同时代社会的传承与发展,形成了自身固有的特点及价值取向。

    With historical accumulation and going through different times and societies ' evolution , entertainment culture formed its own and coherent character and value orientation .

  27. 近年来,随着娱乐文化业的迅猛发展,虚拟角色逐渐体现出其所蕴含的商业价值。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of entertainment culture industry , fictional character gradually reflects the commercial value which it have contained .

  28. 尤其是娱乐文化恰好迎合了大众消费群体追求娱乐、消遣和休闲的需求,形成一股新的传统娱乐文化回归热潮。

    Especially , entertainment culture just caters for the consuming mass ' demands for amusing and leisure , and forms a new tide of pursuing traditional entertainment .

  29. 青楼女子、女学生、报刊杂志以及其它娱乐文化是引导近代女子服装发展潮流的主体因素。

    Prostitutes , schoolgirls , periodicals and other show businesses are some dominant factors influencing the trend of development of women ′ s wear in modern China .

  30. 在文化职能形态上,可以分为决策管理文化、教学学术文化、生活娱乐文化三个层次。

    Functionally , it can be classified into the three levels of policy and management culture , teaching and academic culture , and life and recreational culture .