
  • 网络Amusement Everybody
  1. 只是为了娱乐大家才告诉大家这两个故事。

    Is telling the stories just for fun .

  2. 晚餐后,同修也以自己的表演节目娱乐大家。

    After the dinner , fellow practitioners put on a show to entertain everyone .

  3. 在交谊厅中,约瑟夫师兄弹奏古典音乐娱乐大家。

    In the community room , brother Joseph played classical music on the piano to entertain everyone .

  4. 在随同前往的塔巴德客店老板的建议下,这群朝圣者达成一致意见,每人轮流讲故事以供娱乐,让大家旅途愉快。

    Urged by the host of the Tabard , who accompanies them , the pilgrims agree to tell tales to amuse the group and to lighten the journey .

  5. 在晚会上他尽情娱乐,一再告诉大家他是多么讨厌医院。

    In the process , he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals .