
cái pàn fǎ yuàn
  • Magistracy
  1. 大埔道292号北九龙裁判法院;

    North Kowloon Magistracy , 292 Tai Po Road ;

  2. 死因裁判法院,这个一直以来象征着自由的堡垒,如今已在秘密的政治控制之下。

    Coroners'courts , that traditional bastion of independence , are under secret political control .

  3. 亚皆老街147号M九龙城裁判法院大楼九龙城裁判法院;

    Kowloon City Magistrates'Courts , Kowloon City Law Courts Building , 147M Argyle Street ;

  4. 沙田宜正里1号沙田法院大楼沙田裁判法院;

    Shatin Magistracy , Shatin Law Courts Building , 1 Yi Ching Lane , Shatin ;

  5. 通常处理与骚乱有关的案件时,裁判法院发回重审率为10%。

    The usual remand rate in magistrates'courts , where riot-related cases are being heard , is10 % .

  6. 《1956年审判管理法》裁判法院每年审理约九成的本地案件。

    Administration of Justice Act 1956 The Magistrates ' Courts process about 90 per cent of the cases in Hong Kong annually .

  7. 警方在公告中补充称,嫌犯定于今日在东区裁判法院出庭。

    The suspect is set to appear before the Eastern Magistrates ' Courts on Monday , the police added in a statement .

  8. 目前,全港有十所裁判法院,一名总裁判官,十名主任裁判官,59名裁判官及十名特委裁判官。

    Besides one Chief Magistrate , there are 10 Principal Magistrates , 59 Magistrates and 10 Special Magistrates sitting in 10 magistracies .

  9. 引渡程序诉讼于裁判法院进行,裁定有关人士是否需要被遣返外国面对当地对他作出的刑事指控。

    Proceedings held at the Magistrates Court for determining whether a person should be sent to a foreign country to answer criminal proceedings there .

  10. 现时全港有九所裁判法院,由一名总裁判官领导八名主任裁判官、61名常任裁判官及11名特委裁判官。

    Led by the Chief Magistrate , the team consists of eight Principal Magistrates , 61 Permanent Magistrates and11 Special Magistrates sitting in nine different locations .

  11. 刑事裁判实践中,法院不时变更公诉罪名。

    In the practice of criminal justice , the court will modify the indictable offense at times .

  12. 行政裁判机构没有采用法院所适用的司法程序固定模式的义务。

    There is no obligation on an administrative tribunal to adopt the regular forms of procedure of a court of law .

  13. 裁判文书是人民法院代表国家行使审判权,通过审判活动依法对案件的程序问题和实体问题作出处理决定的文件;

    Verdict paper is a kind of document with which people 's court represents the state to perform juridical authority and make legal decisions on the case procedures and substance problems during the whole judicial activity .

  14. 审理行为是法院及司法人员在审理阶段作出的行为,是形成裁判的基础和前提;裁判行为则是法院及司法人员在裁判阶段的行为,是审理行为的继续和延伸。

    Judge act that is the court and judicial officers to act in the trial stage is the basis and prerequisite for the formation of referees . Referee act is a continuation and extension of the trial conduct .