
  • 网络speculate,disarmament agreement;disarmament agreement
  1. 在华盛顿会议上,列强达成了裁军协议。

    In Washington Conference , the main Powers achieved disarmament .

  2. 我们需要确保各国政府遵守裁军协议。

    We need to make certain that governments adhere to disarmament agreements .

  3. 裁军协议能阻止战争吗?

    Does negotiated disarmament deter war ?

  4. 中国重视并支持通过谈判缔结军控与裁军协议和条约。

    China stresses and supports the conclusion of arms control and disarmament agreements and treaties through negotiation .

  5. 美国国务院称,北朝鲜已经通报美国,作为核裁军协议的一部分,其已经将一处核反应堆关闭。

    N. Korea has told US it has shut down a nuclear reactor as part of a disarmament deal , the US State Department said .

  6. 结果证明裁军问题是达成协议的主要障碍

    The question of disarmament proved a major stumbling block to agreement .