
  • 网络PPRD
  1. 泛珠三角区域合作为湖南加快发展提供了一个难得的机遇。

    PPRD regional cooperation conception provides a rare opportunity for speeding up the development of Hunan .

  2. 第三部分,在泛珠三角区域合作的大背景下,做出云南民族文化旅游资源开发的SWOT分析,即优势分析、劣势分析、机遇分析及挑战分析。

    Part 3 make a analysis on SWOT in Yunnan national culture tourist resources participation cooperation development in the background of regional cooperation in Pan Pearl River Delta .

  3. 广东是泛珠三角区域合作的主核心区。

    Guangdong province is the core area of pan-pearl rive delta .

  4. 欧盟制度化发展的研究及对泛珠三角区域合作的借鉴

    Institutional Development of EU and Reference for Extensive Pearl Delta

  5. 泛珠三角区域合作框架下广西利用外资的思考

    Thinking on Guangxi Utilizing Foreign Direct Investment under Pan-PRD

  6. 泛珠三角区域合作中的利益冲突与政府协调

    Interest conflict and government coordination in " Pan pearl river delta " district cooperation

  7. 浅谈泛珠三角区域合作战略与贵州省十一五规划

    Zhujiang River Delta Interregional Economic Cooperation and the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of Guizhou Province

  8. 云南省参与泛珠三角区域合作的空间机会分析

    Yunnan space opportunity analyse that to extensive worked together in the pearl triangle area

  9. 泛珠三角区域合作的推进与对东盟开放合作的思路

    Ideas of Promoting the Regional Cooperation of Pan-Pearl River Delta and Its Openness to ASEAN

  10. 泛珠三角区域合作对高等教育及其专业设置的影响

    The Influence of Regional Cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta on the Higher Education and Its Specialty Layouts

  11. 构建泛珠三角区域合作机制的障碍及对策

    The problems and countermeasures for the establishment of the cooperation mechanism in the extensive pearl river delta

  12. 因此,泛珠三角区域合作与发展的关键在交通。

    Hence , the cooperation and development of Pan Pearl River Delta re-gion hinges on its traffic conditions .

  13. 泛珠三角区域合作的历程回顾与前途展望&基于多源流理论的分析视角

    Historical Review and Future Prospects of Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation & based on " multiple streams " theory perspective

  14. 2003年广东提出泛珠三角区域合作与发展的战略思路,得到了泛珠三角各省区的积极响应。

    In 2003 Guangdong proposed strategy mentality about " Extensive pearl river delta " regional cooperation and development , it obtained various province and areas positive response .

  15. 2004年6月3日,《泛珠三角区域合作框架协议》在广州签署,标志着中国迄今为止最大规模的区域经济合作正式启动。

    June 3rd , 2004 , General Pearl River Delta Zone Cooperative Framework Agreement was signed in Guangzhou . It marked the beginning of the largest-scale zone economy cooperation in China .

  16. 随着泛珠三角区域合作的发展,泛珠三角区域反走私合作组织应运而生。

    Along with the development of General Pearl River Delta Zone cooperation , the General Pearl River Delta Zone Anti-smuggling Cooperative Organization ( the Organization for short ) emerges as the times demand .

  17. 文章通过对比泛珠三角区域合作前后的资本流动规模与资本收益变化来分析泛珠三角区域合作对资本收益变化的具体影响,并在泛珠三角政策合作框架下预测区域资本流动的潜在利益。

    The paper , by making contrastive analysis of the scale of flowing capital and the size of the yields before the cooperation and those after , predicts the potential benefits under the cooperation framework .

  18. 泛珠三角区域合作为广西扩大利用外资构建了新的平台,但同时,经济区内的引资竞争也是不可避免的。

    The Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation offer the new platform for Guangxi attracting more direct foreign investment , but at the same time , the competition of bringing in funds of in the economic zone is unavoidable .

  19. 泛珠三角区域合作最终取决于转变政府职能和规范政府行为,由此必须加强泛珠三角合作法律和执行机构的建设。

    It depends on changing the government 's function and standardizing the government 's behavior to put forward the regional cooperation of Pan - PRD finally . Therefore the cooperative law of the and executive body must be strengthened .

  20. 泛珠三角区域合作与发展战略决策是顺应区域经济社会发展的大趋势,反映了各地区合作发展的新要求。

    The strategic decision-making of " Extensive pearl river delta " regional cooperation and development is complied with the major tendency of regional economic society development , and has reflected various areas ' new request on cooperation and development .

  21. 针对广西利用外资中存在的问题,本文提出在发展战略上要立足优势,充分利用泛珠三角区域合作平台,扩大利用外资;

    To the question that Guangxi existed in utilizing the FDI , this paper proposes the following thinking : basing on the advantage on the development strategy , fully utilize the Pan-PRD regional cooperation platform , attract more foreign capital ;

  22. 泛珠三角区域合作对发展我国经济具有十分重要的意义,但是地方保护和行政壁垒严重阻碍了泛珠三角区域市场一体化的进程;

    The regional cooperation of the Pan - Pearl River Delta is very important signification for developing Chinese economy , however , local protection and administrative barriers have severely hindered the integration process of the Pan - Pearl River Delta .

  23. 摘要分析了参与东盟和泛珠三角区域合作背景下文山具有的通道、平台、纽带、前沿作用,并据此提出了文山的发展谋略和具体路径。

    Against the background of participating in the regional cooperation between Sean and Pan-Zhujiang delta , the paper puts forward the strategy and specific methods for developing wenshan , based on analyzing its communication channels , developing platform , bonding and leading function .

  24. 本部分介绍了国际和国内其他地区的经验,主要包括欧洲的莱茵河跨界河流污染治理、美国针对大气污染的区域环境管理制度,国内泛珠三角区域合作、锰三角区域环境整治。

    International and domestic governance experiences , including governance of Rhine transboundary river pollution , the regional environmental management system for atmospheric pollution in the United States , regional cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta and environmental remediation in Manganese Triangle Area in China , were analyzed in this part .

  25. 随着CEPA的实施、泛珠三角区域经济合作的推进、中国&东盟自由贸易区的建立,大珠三角地区将成为南中国区域经济发展的龙头。

    With the implement of CEPA , the construction of China-ASEAN free trade zone , the promotion of economic cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta area , the Great Pearl River Delta area would become the leader of economic development in South China .

  26. 中国加入世界贸易组织、《关于与香港(澳门)建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)的实施以及中国-东盟自由贸易区的预期建立共同推动了泛珠三角的区域合作。

    China 's accession to the WTO , the implementation of CEPA ( The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Hong Kong and the Mainland ), and the anticipated establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone , have promoted the regional co-operation in Pan-Pearl River Delta ( Pan-PRD ) .

  27. 泛珠三角区域农业合作的可行性分析

    The Possibility Analysis on the Regional Agriculture Cooperation in Pan-pe arl Delta

  28. 泛珠三角区域环境合作:现状、挑战及建议

    Pan-Pearl River Delta environmental cooperation : present situation , challenges and suggestions

  29. 第五部分,提出了参与泛珠三角区域旅游合作中的云南民族文化旅游资源开发的对策。

    Part 5 puts forward developing plan for Yunnan national culture tourist resources .

  30. 浅析泛珠三角旅游区域合作的结构优化

    Structure Optimization of Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Tourism