
  1. 通过可靠的泛洪使每个路由器有一个同样的链路状态数据库。

    Each router has a same link - state database by reliable flooding .

  2. 多播数据包在转发组成员间进行有限泛洪,使协议能够降低带宽的占用及减少路由更新信息的传播。

    The multicast packets are propagated by each forwarding group member via scoped flooding , so the protocol can reduce network bandwidth overhead and avoid the propagation of potentially large routing updates throughout the network .

  3. 勃克·穆利根的两颊骤然泛红了,使他显得更年轻而有魅力。

    A flush which made him seem younger and more engaging rose to Buck Mulligan 's cheek .

  4. 然后定义了不同决策原则下的泛类比度,使类比度定义符合不同的决策要求。

    Secondly different extensive similitudes are defined based on different decision-making principles , which coincide with different demands in decision-making circumstance .