
  1. 第三部分为《吴船录》研究。

    The third part is the " wu shiprecord " research .

  2. 《吴船录》所见四川旅游资源

    Sichuan Tourist Resources Recorded in Wu Chuan Lu

  3. 尽量全面的研究《吴船录》这一南宋时期非常重要的散文著作。

    Try a comprehensive study ," Wu boatrecorded " The Southern Song Dynasty very important prose writings .

  4. 本文论述范成大的《吴船录》在形式及内容等方面都对日记体游记有所拓展。

    This article expounds further development of diary-style travels brought about 《 Wu chuan Lu 》 by Fan Cheng-da in the aspects of form and content .