
shuō shū
  • storytelling
说书 [shuō shū]
  • [story-telling] 包括评书、评弹、大鼓、弹词等的一种说唱形式的曲艺

  • 常是两座勾栏,专说史书。--宋.佚名《西湖老人繁胜录.瓦市》

  • 之盱眙市中为人说书,已能倾动其市人。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

说书[shuō shū]
  1. 该节目为90分钟,其中有动感印度民间舞蹈、现场音乐表演和说书。

    The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance , live music and storytelling .

  2. 刘兰芳把醒木一敲,开始说书了。

    Liu Lanfang gave one beat of the gavel and began his storytelling .

  3. 他是首位将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。

    He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers .

  4. 我认为说书人的艺术在于拿到故事后进行的即兴创作。

    I think that the art of a storyteller is to take the story and improvise on it .

  5. 当我遇见一位年轻的嘻哈艺术家时,我正准备采访一位传统的说书人。

    I was going to interview a traditional storyteller when I met a young hip-hop artist .

  6. 许多世纪以前,在西非,传统的说书人在讲故事时会演奏乐器。

    Many centuries ago , in West Africa , traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories .

  7. 他开始组织一系列居家奶爸聚会。在谷歌出现之前,他们靠口口相传才知道彼此的存在。他把自己的发现写成了一本书,名叫《养育孩子的父母》(ParentingPartners),出版社说书名中不能只有“爸爸”。

    He began a series of at-home dad meetings - before the days of Google , their existence spread by word of mouth - and his findings culminated in a book , " Parenting Partners , " which publishers told him could not have just " dad " in the title .

  8. 说书是中国人喜闻乐见的民间艺术。

    Story-telling is a folk art much loved by the Chinese .

  9. 更别说书中在现代拍的照片是以木纹黑白照的形式出现。

    Even the modern photos are in grainy black and white .

  10. 这些年他都靠说书为生。

    In all these years he made his living as a story-teller .

  11. 浅析电视说书人在故事类节目中的素养生成

    On the Quality Cultivation of TV Story-teller in Story Programs

  12. 我知道,广播的开始是借助于说书人这种古老艺术。

    I know radio began by restoring the ancient art of storyteller .

  13. 这就涵盖了玩喷火把戏者、变戏法者、说书人、哑剧艺术者和舞者的各类人群。

    This includes fire-breathers , jugglers , storytellers , mime artists and dancers .

  14. 你一定是有史以来最棒的睡前故事说书人!

    You must be the best bedtime storyteller ever !

  15. 有些人从未读过报纸,更不用说书了。

    Some people never even read a newspaper , let alone a book .

  16. 沙马主张“历史课堂内说书式叙事”的回归为争论与分析的“必要条件”。

    Schama advocates the return of'storytelling in the classroom'as the'necessary condition'of debate and analysis .

  17. 说书人的笑话逗乐了孩子。

    The storyteller 's jokes amused the children .

  18. 你会如何描绘这个说书人?

    How would you characterize that voice .

  19. 说书人叙事&中国电影中的独特叙事角度

    The Special Narration of the Chinese Films

  20. 后为民间说书艺人所借鉴,开始有意识的融合。

    After by artists from civil storytellers , began to have a sense of integration .

  21. 他辛辛苦苦地凑合着生活,说书,或者卖烟草。

    He had been eking out a wretched existence , story-telling , or selling tobacco .

  22. 他是个说书的江湖艺人。

    He was a wandering storyteller .

  23. 更别说书里了

    let alone in a book .

  24. 这些作品在语言风格和情节设置上都带有明显的说书人特点。

    These works obviously carried the characteristics of storytelling in their linguistic style and the plot setup .

  25. 活跃流:说书&短篇小说集和散文集中超自然现象。

    Active-stream : the story tellers-a collection of short stories and essays focusing upon the paranormal phenomena .

  26. 这种做法源于印度说书、讲故事时悬挂图像,逐一指点、宣讲的习俗。

    This kind of drawing is originally from the custom of guidance by the propaganda of Indians'story telling .

  27. 其叙述声音属于公开的叙述声音,主要是说书式叙述者与史官式叙述者的声音。

    The narrative voice belongs to the public voice which is mainly the voice of storytellers and historiographers .

  28. 没有,他们说书很好但就是不愿意出版

    No , they say the book is good . But they don 't want to publish it .

  29. 好的说书人是能够以深入浅出的方式,打动听众的心灵。

    The good story-teller tells his story simply and in a way which touches the heart of the audience .

  30. 在握手时,说书对方的名字,声音要洪亮清楚。

    While shaking hands , say his or her name , loudly and clearly enough to be easily heard .