
shuō kè
  • lobbyist;persuasive talker;person sent to win sb. over;person often sent to win sb. over or enlist his support through persuasion;one who undertakes to "sell an idea";hired agent to speak for sb
说客 [shuō kè]
  • (1) [persuasive talker]∶劝说别人接受某种主张的人(今多含贬义)

  • (2) [person sent to win sb. over]∶替别人游说的人

  • 子翼良苦。远涉江湖,为 曹氏作说客耶?——《三国演义》

说客[shuō kè]
  1. 我可不是那位前总统的说客。

    I am not a hired agent for the former president .

  2. 她的丈夫是位说客,几乎跟每位参议员都熟。

    Her husband is a lobbyist , and familiar with almost every senator .

  3. 批评人士说,国会将向说客让步,让低效率的供应商摆脱困境。

    Critics say Congress will give in to lobbyists and let inefficient providers off the hook .

  4. 这些改革会作为一个整体被委员会批准或否决,这就使代表个别人利益的说客很难让立法者屈从自己的意志了。

    The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress , making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will .

  5. 人脉颇佳的共和党说客杰克?阿伯拉默夫(JackAbramoff)被判欺诈罪。

    Jack Abramoff , a well-connected Republican lobbyist , was convicted of fraud .

  6. 最近几年,优步(Uber)和亚马逊(Amazon)加大了防御,聘用政治说客来应对监管压力。

    Uber and Amazon have armed up in recent years by hiring political lobbyists to deal with regulatory pressure .

  7. 一天后,在与deweysquare的说客讨论了此事之后,该联盟称对代表自己的公司感到非常满意。

    A day later , after discussing the matter with lobbyists at Dewey square , the coalition said it was happy with its representation .

  8. 我和macmillan制药的两个说客谈了。

    I spoke to a couple lobbyists from Macmillan pharmaceuticals .

  9. BASH:那么,华尔街银行和大型金融公司的说客对这部新的立法的担忧是什么呢?

    BASH : And what about the lobbyists from Wall Street banks and big financial firms concerned about new regulation ?

  10. 为华盛顿一家监督机构publiccitizen担任活动融资说客的克雷格霍尔曼(craigholman)表示,wpp代表了控制国会山的游说行业的“垄断地位”。

    Craig Holman , a campaign finance lobbyist for public citizen , a Washington watchdog , says WPP epitomises the " monopolisation " of the influence industry that has Capitol Hill in its grip .

  11. BASH:通常,说客在这个国家没有最好的声誉,尤其是在华盛顿许多人都非常愤怒的情况下。

    BASH : Lobbyists , as you know , don 't have the best , maybe reputation in this country and certainly at a time when people are pretty angry at Washington .

  12. BASH:在房子的后面,你可以看到参议院委员会,他们正在对该立法逐行进行检查,这就是这些说客等候在此的原因。

    BASH : In the back of room you see the committee , and what they 're doing is poring over this legislation line by line and that 's why you have this . Lobbyists .

  13. 他只追求纯写作的职业,比如小说家、记者或剧作家,而实际上,他也可以找代理人、公共关系助手、编辑或ZF说客之类的工作。

    He only pursues writing-only careers like novelist , journalist or copyrighter , when instead , he could have looked into being a minister , public relations assistant , editor or government lobbyist .

  14. 《痴愚说客》是用“童话”演绎的虚拟世界。

    Fakir is a fictitious world constructed with " fairy-tale " .

  15. 这就是代表农业-企业的说客也等候在此的原因。

    That 's why this lobbyist representing an agro-business is here .

  16. 开玩笑,我以为他爸爸以前是个说客。

    You 're kidding . I thought his dad was a lobbyist .

  17. 天然气公司的说客已经开始奋力抵制了

    The natural gas lobby 's already putting up a big fight .

  18. 那个说客,我找他帮忙

    The lobbyist . I asked him for his help .

  19. 对此极感兴趣的说客们是否会心满意足呢?

    Will this satisfy the lobbies with the keenest interest ?

  20. 说客问道:“你们募捐到多少了?”

    The lobbyist asks ," How much have you got so far ?"

  21. 依旧隐形的说客&万斯·帕卡德广告批判思想的50年见证

    Still be the Hidden Persuaders : Vance Packard 's Critical Thoughts on Advertisement

  22. 我是个记者你是个说客。

    I 'm just a reporter , and you 're just a lobbyist .

  23. 两人现在都已经注册成为说客。

    Both of whom who are now registered lobbyists .

  24. 尽管这些例子有些极端,但投资说客通常会获得回报。

    While those cases are extreme , spending on lobbyists often pays off .

  25. 她是政要中有名的说客。

    She 's a famous lobbyist among property moguls .

  26. 答案是:律师,同时也不要忘记政坛说客和合规部门。

    The answer is : lawyers , not forgetting lobbyists and compliance departments .

  27. 一个在华盛顿工作的政治说客驾车回家时遇到堵车。

    A lobbyist , on his way home from work in Washington , D.

  28. 现在我国派驻全职说客

    Now we 're the country that has full-time lobbyists

  29. 当付账时,说客总是支付这个费用。

    When the check comes , the lobbyists almost always pick up the tab .

  30. 听证室外的走廊上挤满了丰田高管、说客和经销商。

    Toyota officials , lobbyists and dealers crowded into corridors outside the hearing room .