
  • 网络modern review;the contemporary review
  1. 《现代评论》是中国现代文学史上一份重要的期刊。

    Modern Review was one of the most significant journals in the history of modern Chinese literature .

  2. 在20年代复杂的文化环境中,《现代评论》重视话语权的争夺,调和西方与中国传统文化观念,以泛化的爱关照人生,形成了独立的现代性品格。

    Against the complex Chinese cultural setting in the 1920s , Modern Review valued the capture of " discourse right " and tried to coordinate Western and traditional Chinese views on culture .

  3. 同时《现代评论》也受到传统文化的内在影响,中西文化的冲突和融合在《现代评论》身上均有所体现。

    Meanwhile , Modern Critique was influenced by traditional culture interiorly .

  4. 《现代评论》是20世纪20年代的一本杂志。

    Modern comments is the 1920s of the magazines .

  5. 从《现代评论》的两度变风看现代评论派

    Seeing the Modern Comments ' Faction from the Two Turning Styles of Modern Comments

  6. 历史和美学批评视野中的现代评论派

    The Faction of " Modern Comments " in the Ken of Historical and Aesthetic Criticism

  7. 《现代评论》与中国政治

    Modern Critique and Chinese Politics

  8. 当时知识界对这一事件大多持观望、否定的态度,鲁迅则坚决站在学生一边,与主张整理国故的文化界形成对峙,招致陈西滢等现代评论派人士的影射嘲讽,双方卷入笔战。

    At that time while the most scholars in the academic circle expressed negative attitude to the event , LuXun firmly supported the students .

  9. 《现代评论》是在《太平洋》和《创造周报》的基础上创刊的,是中国资产阶级知识分子自觉干预中国政治的产物。

    Modern Critique was founded on the basis of Pacific and creation review , and was used by Chinese bourgeois intellectuals to intervene in Chinese politics conscientiously .

  10. 《现代评论》创刊之初,发表大量批评文章,体现了独立的,不主附和的批评精神。

    On the beginning of Modern Comments was issued , it published many critical articles to the author-ities and embodied " independent , no echo " spirit .

  11. 在与现代评论派的论争中,鲁迅首先是一个受伤害者,然后才是一个不畏强权的知识分子形象。

    In the debate with The Modern Critics , Lu Xun himself was foremost a victim , then an image of intellectual with no fear of the ruling class .

  12. 上个世纪20、30年代,她在《独立评论》、《现代评论》等杂志上发表了一系列的文章,提出了她对女性问题的主要看法。

    In the 1920s and 1930s , she published a series of articles on the magazines such as " Independent Comment ", and " Modern Comment ", proposing her main view on feminism .

  13. 虽说报纸上开设正规的社论版已经有几百年的历史了,不过现代报纸评论版的鼻祖却在1921年才出现,是由《纽约世界晚报》的赫伯特•贝亚德•斯沃普开创的。

    Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries , the direct ancestor to the modern op-ed page was created in 1921 by Herbert Bayard Swope of The New York Evening World .

  14. 接受美学理论对现代时装评论的影响

    Effect of the Reception Theory on Modern Fashion Comment

  15. 文学史论是茅盾现代文学评论的重要组成部分,而这一点又是此前茅盾研究中较少涉及的。

    Review on literary history is an important part in Mao Dun 's modern literary reviews , which was less studied in the previous studies on Mao Dun .

  16. 随后的一些学者开始攻击威克斯的论调,指控他在传播一个现代莎士比亚评论界的大谬误。

    Fellow academics have since hit back at Mr Vickers ' comments , accusing him of promoting ' one of the great fallacies of modern Shakespeare criticism ' .

  17. 茅盾与现代文学评论应该包括三方面,即作品论、作家论和文学史论。

    In the chapter " Mao Dun and Modern Literary Reviews ", there are three sections : review on literary works , review on writers and review on literary history .

  18. 这种方法可能会使观众想起西格玛尔·帕尔克和罗伊·利希滕使用的本戴胶版法中的小点构图,不过解国平并无意作出与之类似的对大众传媒的后现代主义评论。

    The approach may remind viewers of the Ben-Day dot compositions of Sigmar Polke and Roy Lichtenstein , but it is not Xie 's intention to make a similar Post-Modernist commentary on mass media .

  19. 中国现代审美批评论对于审美形式的探讨

    To Probe into Aesthetic Forms Directed by Chinese Modern Aesthetic Critical Theory

  20. 后现代主义设计评论

    The comment on the post - modernism design

  21. 中国现代审美批评论对文学的审美形式作出了多方面的探讨,其主要目的在于提高现代文学的艺术性,是现代文学和现代文论发展的必然要求。

    Chinese Modern Aesthetic Critical Theory has already made a many-sided study of aesthetic forms . The purpose is to raise the artistry of modem literature , which is the necessary demand of the development of modem literature and modem literature criticism .

  22. 中国现代审美印象批评论

    A Study of Modern Chinese Aesthetic Impression Criticism

  23. 蒙古族乡土文学评论是现代蒙古族文学评论的一种新现象。

    The Mongolian native literature review is a new phenomenon of modern Mongolian literature review .

  24. 尽管题材琐碎,但她仍不愧为一个伟大的小说家和艺术家。如果我们把现代语言学和文学评论结合起来,就能更好地理解《傲慢与偏见》的精髓。

    If we can combine the modern linguistics and literary critic 's view , we can further understand the essence of Pride and Prejudice .

  25. 批评界习惯于把罗伯&格里耶作为一个典型的后现代主义作家进行评论,却忽视了他关于“真实”的看法及其在他的创作中的实践。

    The critical circle used to comment on Robbe Grillet as a typical writer of post Modernism , but always ignored his opinions on " reality " and his practice in his writing .

  26. 以奥斯汀的言语行为理论为指导,运用现代语言学与文学评论相结合的新方法,可帮助读者准确理解莎剧的精髓。

    This paper , guided by Austin 's speech act theory , helps the readers fully understand the essence of Shakespear 's play by a new method of integrating modern linguistics and literary criticism .