
  • 网络Modern law science
  1. 风雨百年路沧桑&中国近现代法学的反思

    Rethinking on Chinese Modern Law Science

  2. 运用现代法学理论对典权的性质进行界定,主要有三种观点;

    Using the modern law science theory to define the nature of the right of allusion quotation , there are mainly three kinds of views : usufruct theory ;

  3. 后现代法学视角下的ADR研究

    ADR Research in the View of Post Modern Science of Law

  4. 提升实践教学在现代法学教育中的地位与作用

    On Strengthening the Practical Teaching of the Modern Legal Education

  5. 后现代法学:为法治探索未来

    Postmodern Jurisprudence : An Inquiry into the Future of Rule by Law

  6. 论后现代法学的几个争议性问题

    Q & A on Sex On Several Controversial Problems of Post-modern Jurisprudence

  7. 后现代法学思潮的哲理渊源探析

    Study on the Philosophy Source of Postmodern Jurisprudence Thoughts

  8. 后现代法学对现代法学的批判

    Postmodern Jurisprudence Criticism to the Law of Modern

  9. 征收和征用是现代法学上的两个重要概念,我国现行法制混淆了二者的区别。

    Public levy and requisition are the two important conceptions in the modern law .

  10. 后现代法学与马克思主义

    A Brief Discussion of Post-Modernism and Marxism

  11. 中国近现代法学用语翻译

    Translation of Modern Legal Terms in China

  12. 现代法学应当将法律分为公法、私法与社会法,这就是三元法律结构。

    Modern theory of law divides it into public law , private law and social law .

  13. 后现代法学是继自然法学、分析实证法学、社会学法学三大流派之后的又一具有重大影响的法学思潮。

    Post-modern jurisprudence is the legal trend of important influence after natural jurisprudence , positivist jurisprudence , sociological jurisprudence .

  14. 第三部分困境中探索对后现代法学作出了正反两方面的评价。

    Both negative and positive aspects of postmodern jurisprudence are examined in Part III " Exploration in Difficulties " .

  15. 责任社会化的提出是现代法学对现代社会的积极回应。

    The idea of socialization of responsibility is a positive reaction to the development of modern society by modern legal science .

  16. 法官在司法过程中,应当按照一定的原则创造性地解释和适用法律,这是现代法学理论在法律解释问题上的主导观念。

    It is a dominant concept in modem jurisprudence that judges should interpret and apply laws following certain principles creatively in the judicial process .

  17. 在现代法学理论中,法律是以观点保守、态度中立、价值普适的视角而出现的。

    In modern legal theory , law is based on a conservative point of view , the attitude is neutral , universal value perspective appear .

  18. 西方后现代法学的发端是从后现代主义哲学理念和方法进入法学和法理学开始的。

    The author points out that Western postmodern jurisprudence began when the ideas and methods of postmodern philosophy entered the science of law and jurisprudence .

  19. 法学是一门理论性与实践性高度统一的学科,理论教育与职业实践训练是现代法学教育中两个不可或缺的组成部分。

    Law is a major that highly unite theory and practice Theorectial education and profession practical training are the two necessary parts in modern law education .

  20. 它旨在解决西方福利国家的危机、法律实质化的危机和现代法学的认知危机。

    It aims at saving the crisis of western welfare state , the crisis of materialization of law and the epistemological crisis of modern legal science .

  21. 西方后现代法学在分析批判西方自由主义的法律制度及其理论的基础上,形成了自己独特的理论观点和方法。

    Post modernist law has developed its unique theoretical outlook and method based on the analysis and criticism of the Western liberal legal system and its theory .

  22. 后现代法学是后现代思潮中的重要支流,其对后工业时代资本主义社会中法律的自治性、普遍性、一元性的传统观念进行了辛辣地批判。

    The postmodern jurisprudence is an important branch of postmodern thoughts , which strictly criticizes the traditional concepts of laws of capitalist society in post industry times .

  23. 对于一个缺乏自由主义传统和法治精神的古老中国,西方的后现代法学思潮不仅无益而且有害。

    The post-modern law theories can do more harm than good for China , an ancient nation with little tradition of liberalism and the rule of law .

  24. 伴随着近代中国社会转型的阵痛,中国近现代法学教育在西学东渐的背景下产生了。

    With the pains brought by China 's modern social transformation , China 's modern legal education came into existence under the movement of introducing knowledge from West to East .

  25. 按照现代法学的分类,我们又从民事、行政和刑事三个方面来解读当时的主要法律规范。

    According to the classification of modern jurisprudence , we again analyse the main legal norms from three aspects of civil , administrative and criminal legal norm of that time .

  26. 在本章中,笔者首先总括性的介绍了西方后现代法学思潮的基本特征,并简要介绍了西方后现代法学流派中一些代表人物及其主要观点。

    In this chapter , the author begins with a introduction to the basic characteristics of Western post-modern law theories , including some of the major representatives of the post-modern jurists and their views .

  27. 虽然后现代法学本身存在着许多缺陷,但我们应客观地分析其利弊,以期将后现代法学的智识资源转化为法治建设的积极动力。

    Though post-modern jurisprudence has a lot of defects , we should objectively analysis its advantages and disadvantages in order to transform its intelligent resource into positive power in construction of rule by law .

  28. 这主要是包括后现代法学对社会主义法治的解构、现实主义法学对社会主义法治的机构,以及法律社会学对社会主义法治的解构。

    This is mainly include postmodern jurisprudence to socialism government by law of deconstruction . realism of law of rule of law of socialism institutions , the law and sociology of rule of law of deconstruction of socialism .

  29. 90年代女权主义又与同时代风靡西方的反主流文化浪潮相契合,带有很强的反主流意识和批判意识,已经被公认为是后现代法学的一个主要的流派。

    In the 1990s , in conjunction with the sweeping anti-mainstream cultural phenomena in the Western world , feminism was strongly conscious of anti-mainstream thinking and criticism and it was deemed to be a primary school of post-modern legal theory .

  30. 通过以现代法学体系的划分方法对条例内容进行归类、整理,从而有助于更好地理解条例作为辅律的法律方式是怎样具体辅律的。

    Modern legal system through the classification method to classify the content of the regulations , order , and thus contribute to a better understanding of the regulation as a secondary law is how the legal way of specific secondary laws .