
  • 网络Up-to-dateness;currency
  1. 土地调查数据库建设完成后,应该用科学的方法进行持续更新以保证其现势性。

    After land survey database is constructed , we should use the scientific method to ensure its currency .

  2. 保持GIS数据的现势性是GIS应用和发展的瓶颈。

    It is vital to keep GIS data fresh for application and development of GIS .

  3. 基于Web技术构建公路地理信息系统,可以有效的克服传统公路GIS的弊端,降低系统成本,减小专业操作难度,保证数据的现势性。

    Building road Geographical Information System based on Web technique can effectively overcome the drawbacks of traditional road GIS , reduce the cost of system , minimize the difficulty of operation , guarantee the newest data availability .

  4. 遥感图像光谱信息具有良好的综合性和现势性,利用遥感信息和GIS技术进行森林生物量估算及碳过程的研究已经成为一种全新的手段。

    The spectral information of remote sensing images has integrated and realistic characteristics . It has become an important means of using remote sensing information and GIS technology to estimate forest biomass in global change research area .

  5. 空间数据更新是GIS领域的研究热点,增量更新由于其方式灵活、能更好地保证空间数据库的现势性,成为空间数据库更新的主要发展趋势。

    The update of spatial data is a hot issue in GIS . The incremental update will be a major trend to spatial database update because it is flexible and easier to ensure the verisimilitude of the spatial database .

  6. 城市地下管线MIS为城市规划管理工作提供了准确而有现势性的基础资料,提高了规划管理的工作效能和城市规划管理水平;

    On the one hand , by means of supplying up-to-date and accurate information for urban planning and managing , the MIS of urban underground pipeline improved the working efficiency and scientific level of urban planning and managing .

  7. 城市规划管理保障了城市地下管线MIS数据的动态更新和现势性,实现地下管线从规划设计审批竣工测量,到系统数据更新的全过程动态管理。

    On the other hand , based on the whole planning process from planning and designing , examining and approving , and complete measuring , urban planning and managing make the MIS of urban underground pipeline information to be dynamic updating .

  8. 伴随着我国国民经济建设的快速发展,根据需要有必要对现势性较差的1/万DLG地物数据进行更新。

    As the national economy maintains a rapid development , it is necessary to improve and update the 1:10,000 DLG data of geographical object that is inferior .

  9. DEM已成为各个国家和地区地理空间数据库中核心数据之一,现势性是衡量其应用价值的重要指标。

    DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ) has become one of the core data of geographical spatial database in many countries and regions , the currentness of DEM is an important measure to evaluate the using value of it .

  10. 随着GIS技术应用的推广与深入,空间信息系统的建设己由以技术为中心向以数据资源为中心的方向转变,用户对基础地理数据的现势性和准确性也提出了更高的要求。

    Along with the spread and deepening of GIS technology application , the construction of spacial information system converts to centering of datum resource which always centering of technology ago , and the users ' request for the reality and veracity of fundamental geographic data is higher then before .

  11. 探讨如何以CIS软件为平台,并有机结合关系到数据库管理系统,实现城市地籍图文信息的动态管理,以满足当前地籍日常管理对籍资料现势性和一致性的需要。

    This article uses GIS software , organically combined with database system , to realize dynamic management of cadastres and cadastral documents in order to meet the urgent need for actuality and identity of the cadastral information in daily routine .

  12. 为促进现代测量技术和信息化成果在地籍管理工作中的应用,保证地籍数据的现势性,在传统地籍变更模式的基础上提出了基于3S的内外业一体化地籍变更模式。

    In order to promote the application of modern survey technique and information achievement to the management of cadastral and to ensure the up-to-the-minute of cadastral , this paper proposes a new model of cadastral variation based on " 3S " .

  13. 比例尺和现势性(或时态)是地图数据的两个最基本的特征。

    Scale and time are two basic characteristics of map data .

  14. 近年来我国社会、经济平稳快速发展,对基础地理信息的现势性和精度需求不断提高。

    The economy and society in China develop steadily and fleetly in recent years .

  15. 事物的演化机理与地图现势性的度量

    Develop mechanism of things and metric of verisimilitude

  16. 地学信息源和信息现势性保证

    Geographic Information Sources and Guarantee of Their Present Situation Q & A on Sex

  17. 地籍资料的连贯性、系统性和现势性是地籍管理应该遵循的重要原则。

    One important principle of cadastral management is to ensure consistency and systematic of cadastral information .

  18. 概述了《湖北省市(州)及直管市系列地图》的设计和编制具有内容详实、现势性强、配置合理、整饰美观等特点,介绍了制作过程中的体会。

    This paper reports the characteristics in the process of designing , drawing and making The Series Maps of Hubei Province Cities .

  19. 卫星遥感影像数据具有周期短、信息丰富、现势性强等特征。利用卫星影像数据来更新基础地理信息数据是一种行之有效的方法。

    Satellite remote sensing image data typical of short period , rich information and high actuality has been proved effective for the update .

  20. 土地利用数据的现势性和准确性是土地科学管理的关键,在县(市)级土地利用数据库的建设和日常使用维护中,数据变更工作非常重要。

    Data modification is of great importance in the construction and routine utilization and maintenance of land use database at the county level .

  21. 为了保持用户数据库现势性,需将数据库更新过程中产生的增量信息及时发布给用户。

    For keeping reality of user 's database , the incremental information created by updating need to be given to users in time .

  22. 遥感技术作为一种高新技术手段,具有宏观性、现势性、信息丰富等特点。

    Remote sensing technology as a means of high-tech has a macroscopic view , it is powerful , and information-rich and so on .

  23. 数据质量具有以下八个方面的基本特征:即准确度、精度、不确定性、相容性、一致性、完整性、可得性、现势性。

    Data quality consists of eight feathers as follows : accuracy , precision , uncertainty , compatibility , consistency , integrity , availability , reality .

  24. 为满足城市建设对于地形图现势性方面的需求,杭州市基础测绘管理实行了动态跟踪修测方法。

    The Hangzhou basic mapping management department takes the dynamic following up on mapping method into action in order to adapt to the new situation .

  25. 城市规划是城市管理的重要组成部分,开发先进、实用的电子政务系统,并应用于城市规划管理,可以提高管理的科学性、准确性、现势性。

    As a main component of city management , city planning with advanced and applied E-gov will be scientific , veracious and timely for management .

  26. 根据导航电子地图的内容和更新特点,提出基于现势性较强的导航电子地图更新地形图的方法。

    On the characteristic of electronic map for navigation , this paper firstly presents a method using electronic map for navigation to update topographical map .

  27. 高质量、强现势性的城市空间数据的获取、更新和使用问题已成为当前数字广州建设中的瓶颈。

    Currently the gathering , update and usage of high quality and up-to-date urban spatial data have become the bottleneck in the construction of Digital Guangzhou .

  28. 研究并介绍了几种主要的基准地价测算方法,其中样点法是一种快速直观、现势性好的新方法;

    Several reference land-value grading and evaluating methods are introduced , which the sample point interpolation method is fast , simple and easy to be updated .

  29. 城市基础地理数据库建成后,必须对其进行动态的维护与更新,以保证数据的现势性。

    After the construction of the urban fundamental geographic database , we must do dynamic maintenance and updating to it to guarantee the updating of the data .

  30. 在更新过程中,一个最重要的步骤就是对两种不同现势性的地理空间数据中探测变化。

    In the process of updating , one of the most important steps is to detect the change between two spatial datasets which are collected by different times .