
  • 网络Geoscience
  1. 《现代地质》2006年(第20卷)总目录

    Geoscience 2006 ( Vol.20 ) Contents

  2. 试论地球内部流体与地质作用&现代地质科学研究思考

    Primary discussion on earth 's interior fluids and geological function : thinks for studies of modern geoscience

  3. 充分体现了该项技术是集GIS、GPS、RS和计算机技术为一体的现代地质工作重要方法和技术手段。

    It fully reflected that the technology is an important technical method of modern geological work gathering GIS , GPS , RS and computer technology in one .

  4. 现代地质找矿系统及其结构初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on Modern Geological Exploration System and Its Structure

  5. 浅析现代地质专业课教学理念与方法

    On the idea and way in modern geological teaching

  6. 实际上还存在一种与现代地质环境和区域应力状态基本保持一致的最近构造阶段新发育的断裂带,即新生断裂带。

    However there are also newly-generated seismotectonic zones in the recent tectonic stage .

  7. 论现代地质科学对地质思维的影响&以矿床学研究为例

    Influence of Modern Geological Science on Geologic Thoughts

  8. 渤海湾泥质海岸带近现代地质环境变化研究(Ⅰ):意义、目标与方法

    Geo-environmental changes on the Bohai Bay muddy coast (ⅰ): significance , goals and methods

  9. 渤海湾海岸带近现代地质环境变化

    Recent geo-environmental changes in the Bohai Bay coast

  10. 低本底高纯锗γ能谱仪在天津海岸带现代地质环境变化研究中的应用

    The Application of Low Background HPGe γ Spectrometer on the Modern Geo-environmental Changes of Tianjin Coast

  11. 相应地对现代地质科技人才提出了新的知识储备和知识结构要求。

    This dramatic change calls for new knowledge reserve and structure of the geology scientists and technicians .

  12. 发展宏观、快速、高效地资源管理及评价方法是开展现代地质找矿工作的需要。

    It is needs of modern geological prospecting that developing macroscopic , high speed , efficient mineral resources manage and method of evaluation .

  13. 现代地质科学的发展已经开始将地球内部流体作为主要研究对象,并将其贯穿到了所有地质学研究的领域当中。

    Developping modern geoscience have been thinking of Earth 's interior fluids as main study object , and playing it in all fields of geoscience .

  14. 在现代地质成矿理论的指导下,重视研究矿田(床)成矿规律,预测资源潜力,分析找矿远景、通过找矿思路创新、勘查技术方法创新。

    Under the guidance of modern metallogenic theories , attention should be paid to the study on the metallogenic laws of ore fields to predict and analyses resources potential .

  15. 就中国现代地质金分析的试样制备、分离富集和各种测定方法等方面进行了概述。

    A review on the modern gold analysis methods in geological materials in China . The process of sample preparation and gold separation ? enrichment and determination was discussed briefly .

  16. 从而提出构建我国现代地质分析技术新体系的设想,并就我国地质分析走向世界提出建议。

    Finally , an idea of establishing a new system of morden geoanalysis in China is put forward with the purpose that geoanalysis of China can get intrgrated into the world geoanalysis .

  17. 地质结构三维可视化是正确认识地质构造的重要手段,是现代地质工程应用的基石,其应用前景相当广阔。

    Visualization of the geological three-dimension is an important means to correctly know the geological structure that , it is the foundation stone of the modern geological project applying , its application prospect is quite wide .

  18. 旅游地质景观成景作用的主要决定性阶段是现代地质景观的形成阶段,亦即现代地质地貌格架的形成过程,特别是旅游地质景观造型形成的地质作用过程。

    The main decisive stage of landscape formation of tourism geological landscape is the formation stage of modern geological landscape . That is the formation process of grillwork of modern geology and landform , especially the tourism geological landscape modeling formed geological process .

  19. 以洞庭湖为核心,避免将视野过分扩大;将洞庭湖水沙运动、现代地质活动和人类活动对其演变的影响作为一个有机整体,进行系统分析。

    Taking the Dongting Lake as the core , vision excessively expansion is avoided . The effect to the lake evolution of movement of flow and sediment , geological activities and human activities in Dongting Lake area is thinking in its entirety and systematically analyzed .

  20. 其基本出发点应是:地球内部流体广泛存在,并永不停息地运动着,它与固体地球部分同样重要,是现代地质科学研究的主要对象。

    The basic points of modern geoscience may be as fellow : fluids exist widely and move incessantly in all round of the Earth , it is as important as solid part of the Earth , and must be accepted as the main study object of modern geoscience .

  21. 构建井场综合信息平台是现代石油地质勘探与开发钻探的需要。

    Construction of wellsite composite information platform is the necessity for petroleum geologic exploration and development drilling .

  22. 现代城市地质环境日益恶化,环境污染日趋严重。

    The geological environment in modern cities has steadily deteriorated , and the environmental pollutions are growing serious day by day .

  23. 近现代中国地质科学知识增长的特征&基于1936年至2006年的文献统计

    The Features of Knowledge Increasing in Modern Chinese Geosciences & Based on the Statistics of Records Between the Year 1936 and 2006

  24. 层间渗入型铀矿床不同的现代水文地质环境对采用地浸方法采矿过程中保护环境不受污染的程度不同。

    The recent hydrogeological environments of interlayer infiltration type uranium deposits exert different influence in protecting the environment pollution during in situ leach mining process .

  25. 现代物理地质现象的发生发展,是以区域的第四纪古地质环境为背景的.第四纪地质研究对水文地质工程地质工作的意义愈加深远。

    The development of modern physical geology is in the regional geological environment of Quaternary , so the Quaternary geologic research becomes more important to hydrogeologic and engineering geologic work .

  26. 本系统为解决矢量图形交互的问题提供了新的思路,为现代工程地质图形的发布提供了一种崭新方法,也可以扩展应用到其它基于空间数据的图形交互系统中。

    This system provides a new way for the settlement of vector graphics interaction , a new method for the release of modern engineering geology graphics , and also can be extended to other space data-based graphic interactive system .

  27. 现代科技向地质科技的渗透,促进了地质科技现代化。

    The contemporary science and technology is permeating into geology , making it modernized .

  28. 现代大地测量与地质研究结果给出了该区现代地壳运动的图像,为地球动力学数值模拟提供了重要的边界约束条件。

    Modern geodetic study , combined with geological survey , exhibits the crustal movement pattern of the region and provides important boundary constraint conditions for the numerical simulation on geodynamics .

  29. 传统风险治理模式已不能很好的适应现代社会,据此,笔者提出了多元主体的治理模式,以应对现代社会中的地质灾害风险。

    According to this , the author put forward the multi-subjectival governance pattern in order to control the risk of geological hazard in modern society .

  30. 现代尘暴和非尘暴降尘粒度分布曲线与黄土&古土壤的十分相似,说明现代降尘是地质时代风尘活动的继续,现代风积作用仍在进行。

    Compared with the particle size distribution of loess-paleosol with eolian cause of formation , modern eolian dust presents largely similarity to the ancient dust accumulation .