
  • 网络A Modern Utopia
  1. 从深刻的异化现实批判到营造虚幻的自由社会主义王国&评马尔库塞的现代乌托邦革命论

    From Profound Criticism of Alienative Reality to the Building of Illusive Kingdom of Free Socialism & Comments on Marcuse 's Theory of Modern Utopia Revolution

  2. 我们并不是要设计一个现代乌托邦。

    We weren 't out to design a contemporary utopia .

  3. 政治上我们可以把现代乌托邦说成是积聚起来的时间的后历史空间。

    Politically , we can speak about the Modern Utopias as post & historical spaces of accumulated time .

  4. 在我看来,这种关于人性及命运的更老的观念似乎比任何形式的现代乌托邦主义更现实,更符合既成事实。

    To me , this older conception of man 's nature and destiny seems more realistic , more nearly in accord with the given facts , than any form of modern utopianism .

  5. 只要欧洲人安逸地躲在美国的安全保护伞之下,就会继续活在自己的后现代乌托邦里,对国防开支的唯一做法就是削减,唯一值得谈论的实力是绝对的软实力。

    As long as they are nestling comfortably under the US security umbrella , Europeans will continue to inhabit a postmodern Utopia in which the only thing to do with defence spending is to cut it and the only power worth talking about is of a distinctly soft variety .

  6. 近来,面向儿童、青少年群体的现代反乌托邦小说大量涌现出来。

    Recently there has been a flood of modern dystopian fiction for children and young adults .

  7. 社会经历了从农业社会、工业社会到信息社会的变迁,乌托邦也从传统乌托邦、现代反乌托邦发展到信息乌托邦。

    Society has undergone changes from agriculture to industry and then to information . Meanwhile utopia grew up from traditional to modern and then to informational ones .

  8. 而新世纪初先锋小说家的反乌托邦小说更卓显中国乌托邦文学的内在动力,结合中国乌托邦思想和二十世纪革命实践的反思丰富和深化近现代小说乌托邦书写的形态及意义。

    Counter - Utopia novels wrote by Cutting-edge writer outstood intrinsic power in Chinese Utopia literature , and it enriched and deepened shape and significance of near and modern novel about Utopia writing , which reconsidered Chinese Utopia thought and 20th century revolution practice impulse .

  9. 科学发展观对现代性与乌托邦人的论阈的超越

    On scientific development concept that surpasses the perspective of modernity and Utopia

  10. 超越现代性:乌托邦观念的批判性重建

    Transcendence Modernity : Critical Reconstruction of Conception of Utopia

  11. 从中世纪的炼金术士到现代的科幻乌托邦主义者和神秘主义者,千百年来人们孜孜不倦地追求着永生。

    The quest to live for ever has motivated medieval alchemists , modern techno-Utopians and mystics through the centuries .

  12. 论述了启蒙以来的理性曾带给人们现代性的乌托邦,但现实中资本主义的危机使人们对理性进行了深刻反思。

    Since the enlightenment , rationality has brought the modernity of Utopia to us , but people made deep reflection on the rationality because the crises of modern capitalism .

  13. 田园牧歌式的乡土小说作为最具表现性的中国早期生态文学,其自然观既蕴涵传统伦理价值取向,又兼具后现代重建自由精神乌托邦的努力。

    The idyllic native soil novel is regarded as the most representative literature of the early Chinese ecology . Its natural view has a traditional ethics value orientation and modern efforts to rebuild spiritual Utopia of freedom in post-modernity .