
  • 网络Warburg Pincus;Warburg Pincus LLC;Warburg Pincus Asia
  1. 据郑南雁介绍,美国私人股本公司华平投资集团(warburgpincus)上周成为最新一家进入这个市场的外国公司,收购了7天连锁酒店超过10%的股份。

    Warburg Pincus , the US private equity firm , last week became the latest foreign company to tap the market by buying a stake of more than 10 per cent in Guangzhou-based 7 Days Inn for an undisclosed sum , according to Mr Zheng .

  2. 有些公司如华平投资集团就不收取交易费,因为此举有违他们的管理理念。

    Already some firms like Warburg Pincus don 't charge them because it hurts the morale of their firms'management , who don 't like being milked .

  3. 美国私募集团华平投资集团(warburgpincus)的欧洲区主管约瑟夫舒尔(josephschull)警告说,私募行业不应重蹈2006-2007年高峰时期的覆辙,当时私募集团以大举借债的方式收购了一些公司。

    Joseph Schull , European head of US private equity group Warburg Pincus , warned that his industry should not repeat mistakes made during its heyday in 2006 and 2007 , when some companies were bought with excessive loan packages .