
tóu zī ɡōnɡ sī
  • investment company
投资公司 [tóu zī gōng sī]
  • [investment company;investment trust;investment corporation] 仅为投资的利益而持有其他公司证券的公司

  1. 中国组建国家投资公司(stateinvestmentcompany),正是出于这一目的。

    This is what they just set out to do with the creation of the state investment company .

  2. 基金业的美国投资公司协会InvestmentCompanyInstitute对SEC此举表示欢迎。

    The fund industry 's Investment Company Institute applauded the SEC 's move .

  3. 我揭发的第一起诈骗案是加州一个名为mxfactors的私人投资公司。

    The first fraud I uncovered was at a private investment company in California called MX factors .

  4. 去年10月,福布斯家族通过其投资公司苏格兰高地管理有限责任公司(HighlandManagementL.L.C.)在特拉华州的衡平法院提起诉讼。

    Last October the Forbes family , through its investment vehicle Highland Management L.L.C. , sued in Chancery Court in Delaware .

  5. 布拉德福德甚至还在硅谷著名的风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)做了9个月的投资者。

    Bradford even spent nine months at Sequoia Capital , the high-flying Silicon Valley venture capital firm , as an investor .

  6. MrLerner认为在5到10年内,中国的私人直接投资公司将进入该行业的全球精英行列中。

    Mr Lerner reckons that within five to ten years Chinese private-equity firms will have joined the industry 's global elite .

  7. 福布斯家族和公司的二股东&高地风险投资公司(ElevationPartners)已经启动了一项紧急计划,重塑公司的业务,并与借款人重修旧好。

    The family and the minority owner , elevation partners , began an emergency plan to restructure the business and get back in the good graces of its lenders .

  8. 中国投资公司尚未迎来其首个生日(该公司正在其网站上发布招聘广告),而卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)的年龄仅比前者稍长。

    China Investment Corp has yet to celebrate its first birthday ( and is advertising on its website for staff ) while the Qatar Investment Authority is only slightly older .

  9. 惠特曼目前是惠普公司董事,以及凯鹏华盈投资公司(KleinerPerkins)的战略顾问。

    Whitman is a current HP director and a strategic advisor at Kleiner Perkins .

  10. 杰瑞·韦伯曼(JerryWebman)是一家名为奥本海默基金的投资公司的首席经济学家。

    Jerry Webman is chief economist for OppenheimerFunds , an investment company .

  11. 在共同创立FoundryGroup前,他共同创立了风险投资公司MobiusVentureCapital以及帮助建立和经营软件公司的IntensityVentures。

    Prior to co-founding Foundry Group , he co-founded Mobius venture capital and , prior to that , founded intensity ventures , a company that helped launch and operate software companies .

  12. 工程部副总裁迈克•雅培于10月13日宣布将离开Twitter,作为入驻企业家加入风险投资公司基准投资(BenchmarkCapital)。

    Mike Abbott , VP of engineering , announced last month on October 13 that he would be leaving and moving to his a role as entrepreneur in residence at benchmark capital .

  13. 穆迪(Moody's)是一家评级机构&沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的投资公司在其中拥有17%的股份,无疑势头强劲。

    Moody 's , a rating agency in which Warren Buffett 's investment company owns a17 % stake , is certainly in fine fettle .

  14. 弗莱尔在销售力公司时是负责财务与战略的高级副总裁,她之前曾就职于高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)和麦肯锡(McKinsey)。

    Friar served as senior vice president of Finance and strategy at salesforce , and previously worked at Goldman Sachs ( GS ) and McKinsey .

  15. 迈克•阿博特是凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)的合伙人。

    Mike Abbott is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers , a venture capital firm .

  16. 杜莹于2011年离开和黄医药,之后加入硅谷风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital),负责在华医疗投资业务,在2013年创立再鼎医药。

    Ms Du left Chi-Med in 2011 to take charge of Chinese healthcare investments for Sequoia Capital , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm , before founding Zai Lab in 2013 .

  17. 领投投资公司Maveron主要投资教育项目,它认为GA在提供在线课程方面大有潜力可挖。

    Lead investor maveron , which invests in education projects , says it sees great potential in GA offering online programs .

  18. 10USAPatriotAct要求银行、投资公司、保险公司和股票及商品交易,在客户打开帐户时,能够执行收集客户信息的规程。

    The USA Patriot Act requires banks , investment firms , insurance companies , and stock and commodities exchanges to put in place procedures to collect information on customers when they open accounts .

  19. 他目前在旧金山风险投资公司AlsopLouie任职,公司旗下管理着1.5亿美元资金。

    He works for the San Francisco firm Alsop Louie , which manages $ 150 million .

  20. 其中一位投资者就是马克•安德森,他的公司安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司(AndreessenHorowitz)已将2011年1月在Groupon首次公开募股前的一轮融资中获得的股份悉数卖出。

    Exhibit a is Marc Andreessen , whose firm has dumped all of the shares it acquired in a January 2011 pre-IPO financing round .

  21. 它的两大风投&凯鹏华盈投资公司(KleinerPerkins)和红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)在谷歌上市时都按兵不动,仍持有全部股份。

    The counter-example that gets thrown back here is Google ( GOOG ) , whose lead venture capitalists Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital held onto all of their shares at IPO .

  22. 这个词的创造者,美国BGCFinancial投资公司首席全球策略师、金融衍生工具研究主管迈克尔•普尔夫斯解释说,跟牛和熊相比而言,狼的体型更小,但动作迅速,决断果敢。

    Its coiner , Michael Purves , chief global strategist and head of derivatives research at BGC Financial said a wolf is clearly a smaller animal than a bull or a bear , but it 's very quick and decisive .

  23. 比如私募股权投资公司ForumPartners表示,该公司继续押注中小开发商。这是因为中小房地产开发商无法像大型开发商那样轻松获得银行贷款,这就给私人资本提供了投资机会。

    Private-equity firm Forum Partners , for example , says it is continuing to bet on small to medium-size property developers , because such firms can 't get loans from banks as easily as large developers . This gives private capital a chance .

  24. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)打算把伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)名称授权给欧洲和亚洲的房产中介使用,由此开启把这家投资公司转型为一个消费者品牌的新阶段。

    Warren Buffett plans to license the Berkshire Hathaway name to estate agencies in Europe and Asia , in the next phase of a campaign to turn the investment company into a consumer brand .

  25. 过去两年,中国投资公司(CIC)的投资重点,从对包括百仕通(Blackstone)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内的金融公司的美元投资,转向投资于大宗商品企业以及包括房地产在内的硬资产。

    In the past two years , CIC has shifted its emphasis from dollar investments in financial firms , including Blackstone and Morgan Stanley , to investments in commodities groups and hard assets including real estate .

  26. 四天内,瑞银就谈妥了一个120亿美元的资金注入草案。这笔资金来自新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)和一位中东投资者。

    Within four days , UBS had agreed the outlines of a $ 12bn capital injection from the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation ( GIC ) and a Middle Eastern investor .

  27. 公示的机构投资者中仅有两家选择不出售股票,分别是基金公司T.RowePrice和风险投资公司安德森•霍洛维茨(AndreessenHorowitz),这两家公司的股票分别价值2.51亿美元和6.91亿美元。

    The only two listed institutional investors that opted not to sell any shares in the offering were T. Rowe price and Andreessen Horowitz , whose stakes are valued at $ 251 million and $ 691 million , respectively .

  28. LV投资公司近期的报告也发现,许多空间紧缺的父母只能勉强挤进去他们年轻时候最完美的两居室房,但已经没有空间留给三个左右的孩子。

    A recent report , from investment firm LV , also found that many space-starved parents are squashed into a two-bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple , but has no space for three or so children .

  29. 如今,中国最不缺的就是资金。一位了解淡马锡思路的人士表示,我们希望比KKR之类的私募股权投资公司更有吸引力。

    Today , money is the last thing China needs , said one person familiar with the thinking at Temasek . We want to be more attractive than private equity firms like KKR .

  30. 新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)管理着超过3000亿美元的资产,公司不愿就上述账面亏损置评,但表示,计划继续持有瑞银股票。

    The Government of Singapore Investment Corp , which manages assets of more than $ 300bn , declined to comment on the paper loss , but has said it plans to hold on to the UBS shares .