
  1. 自动投币游戏机作为一种娱乐工具,非常受人们欢迎。

    Automatic coin game as an entertainment tool is very welcomed by the people .

  2. 并将得到300美金游戏币玩艾伦投币游戏机谢谢谢谢谢谢

    And found you 300 dollars credit for play my Ellen slot machines.Thank you . Thank you . Thank you .

  3. 如果你想玩艾伦投币游戏机可以去我的网站搜索它们的位置

    If you wanna play my now slot machine , go to my website to find out where they are .

  4. 是一架致力于连线礼品机,圆盘机,投币游戏机的研发于生产,大型娱乐场地合作策划为一体的公司。

    A plane is dedicated to attachment gift machines , slot machines , the disc in production , r & d console large-scale entertainment venues cooperation planning into a company .

  5. 以一排排投币式游戏机为特征的商业机构。

    A commercial establishment featuring rows of coin-operated games .

  6. 人类社会生活日益追求便捷,硬币流通自动化技术的普遍应用就是一种很好的体现,如:自动售货机、投币电话机、游戏机、公交自动售票等都是一系列典型应用实例。

    The modern human society pursues convenience , to which the common use of coins ' automatic circulation technology is a typical illustration , such as automatic vendors , pay phones , arcade games and self-service ticketing buses .

  7. 投币控制系统作为自动投币游戏机的重要组成部分,控制着整个电路启动和断开。

    Coin automatic control system as an important component of the game controls the start-up and disconnects the entire circuit .