
  • 网络Shigeru Miyamoto
  1. 《超级玛丽》游戏的原创者之一的宫本茂,曾在今年9月份召开的苹果iPhone年度发布会上为该游戏做了一个简短的演示。

    Shigeru Miyamoto , one of the creators of the original Mario game , gave a short demonstration of the game at Apple 's annual iPhone event in September .

  2. 我参加了当时在洛杉矶举办的E3视频游戏展,当宫本茂穿着魔法师服装走上舞台时,我看到观众为之倾倒。

    I attended the E3 video games show in Los Angeles at the time , and saw the adulation when Mr Miyamoto walked on stage in a wizard costume .

  3. 在宫本茂和董事竹田玄洋(GenyoTakeda)新一届领导层的带领下,马里奥兄弟和塞尔达将挣脱束缚。

    The Mario brothers and Zelda are to escape captivity under the new leadership of Mr Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda , a director .

  4. 在岩田聪和任天堂首席游戏设计师宫本茂(ShigeruMiyamoto)的注视下,科蒂克把魔杖向后拉,一条鱼跳出了池塘。

    As Mr Kotick drew back the wand , observed by Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto , Nintendo 's chief games designer , a fish popped out of the pond .

  5. 与乔布斯一样,岩田聪和宫本茂是凭借相信自己的本能(和公司的历史积累)、并坚决无视其他人而取得成功的。

    Like Jobs , the two men achieved this by trusting in their instincts - and the company 's heritage - and obstinately ignoring everyone else .