
  • Nintendo;Nintendo Co.;FC
  1. 与此同时,美国艺电(ElectronicArts)和日本任天堂等传统的视频游戏开发商的营收,则处于停滞和下滑窘境。

    Meanwhile , traditional videogame powerhouses like Electronic Arts and Nintendo have seen revenues stagnate and fall .

  2. 任天堂因为其备受欢迎的GameBoy以及受欢迎程度甚至更高的DS而闻名于世。

    Nintendo is best known for its popular game boy , and its even-more-popular DS .

  3. 这个词在2014年任天堂开发的游戏《马里奥赛车8》上线以后开始流行起来,游戏里面马里奥的弟弟路易吉冰冷的眼神被网友们称为“路易吉死亡凝视”(或者路易吉死亡瞪)。

    The term got popular after the release of Mario Kart 8 in 2014 , in which Luigi 's ice-cold reaction to the administration was called the Luigi death stare by players .

  4. 任天堂终于揭开了市场翘首以盼的全新家庭视频游戏终端&WiiU的神秘面纱。

    Nintendo pulled the wraps off its highly-anticipated new home videogame console , the Wii U.

  5. 自7月6日宝可梦Go首发以来,任天堂股价回升已为公司市值增加70多亿美元。

    The rally in Nintendo 's shares since the debut of Pokemon Go on 6 July has added more than $ 7bn to the company 's market value .

  6. 旋转拨号电话式样iPone充电支架任天堂控制器式样iPhone支架面包式样iPhone支架

    Rotary phone charging dock for the iPhone Nintendo Controller iPhone Dock The Bread Station

  7. 还有一个问题,就是任天堂实际能从宝可梦Go收到多少利润,考虑到它并非是这款增强现实游戏的主要开发商。

    There is also a question as to how much profit Nintendo will actually receive from Pokemon Go given it was not the main developer of the augmented reality game .

  8. 目前为止,仅有任天堂3DS游戏机实现了裸眼3D技术。

    Until this point , glasses-free 3D has only been available on Nintendo 3DS .

  9. 自苹果2007年发布iPhone以来,任天堂的股价下跌了近80%。

    Since Apple launched the iPhone in 2007 , Nintendo stock has dropped nearly 80 percent .

  10. 原来的任天堂Switch除手持模式外,还有电视模式和桌面模式,售价299.99美元。

    The original Nintendo Switch , which offers TV mode and Tabletop mode , in addition to Handheld mode , retails at $ 299.99 .

  11. 但是,这个超级任天堂DS游戏和它90年代的鼻祖版本的相似处差不多也就截至到这里啦。

    But the similarities between this superb Nintendo DS game and its '90s progenitors pretty much end there .

  12. 要更深入了解她的投资战略,总有她的书《我喜欢股票》(ilikestocks)或她的任天堂ds投资游戏。

    For a more in-depth insight into her investment strategies , there is always her book , I like stocks , or her Nintendo DS investment game .

  13. 这是和其他竞争对手如任天堂Wii和PlayStationMove的根本区别。

    That 's a big difference from competitors like the Nintendo Wii and the PlayStation Move .

  14. 任天堂(Nintendo)做马里奥做了26年。

    Nintendo has been working on Mario for 26 years .

  15. 达纳韦也出现在任天堂的E3新闻发布会于2009年。

    Dunaway also appeared at Nintendo 's E3 Press Conference in2009 .

  16. 任天堂SwitchLite是专用的手持游戏设备,支持所有手持模式的任天堂Switch软件。

    As a dedicated handheld gaming device , Nintendo Switch Lite supports all Nintendo Switch software that can be played in Handheld mode .

  17. 任天堂(Nintendo)能否在WiiU上复制Wii的奇迹?

    Can Nintendo do with the Wii u what it did with the Wii ?

  18. 它也导致了销售的做法附加隆隆像任天堂的DS便携式游戏系统包。

    It also led to the practice of selling add-on rumble packs in portable gaming systems like Nintendo 's DS .

  19. 任天堂(Nintendo)近年来一直走在水面上。

    Nintendo has walked on water in recent years .

  20. BBC新闻–日本游戏公司任天堂新的宝可梦Go智能手机游戏大获成功后,其股价周一跃升近1/4。

    BBC News - Shares in Japanese gaming company Nintendo jumped by nearly a quarter on Monday following the success of its new Pokemon Go smartphone game .

  21. 如今,面对WiiU电视游戏主机的销量跳水,任天堂恐怕又得再次转型了。

    It may need to do so again as it faces declining sales of its Wii u videogame console .

  22. 使用SSH客户机连接到的IP地址分配给您的任天堂Wii游戏机和介绍您的凭据。

    Use a ssh client to connect to the IP address assigned to your Nintendo Wii console and introduce your credentials .

  23. 信息和数据分析公司IHSTechnology的游戏调研主管皮尔斯•哈丁-罗尔斯表示,如果任天堂将马里奥和其他小伙伴们移植到手机和平板电脑上,就可以在短期内增加公司的收入。

    Piers Harding-Rolls , director of games research at IHS technology , said that this could lead to short-term revenue growth as Mario and friends move to mobile devices and tablets .

  24. 三大游戏厂商中,只有任天堂透露了一些信息,它在今年夏天展出了该公司即将发布的新游戏机WiiU。

    Of the three major game makers , only Nintendo has revealed anything , showing its upcoming Wii u this summer .

  25. 如果消息准确,任天堂的下一代DS将强大到足以跟iPodtouch相抗衡。

    Nintendo 's next-generation DS may be powerful enough to rival the current iPod touch in terms of power if a purported source is accurate .

  26. 任天堂(Nintendo)定于11月18日推出WiiU,并将其称为该公司的第一款次世代主机。

    On November 18 , Nintendo will launch the Wii u , a device it is calling the first next-generation console .

  27. 微软(Microsoft)、任天堂(Nintendo)和索尼(Sony)每隔几年就会发布新的游戏系统,互相争抢顾客,这已经成了一种惯例。

    Microsoft , Nintendo and Sony have made a ritual out of releasing new game systems every few years and battling it out for customers .

  28. 然而,伦敦每日邮报报道,任天堂公司的人员正在开发刺激思维和提高儿童IQ的游戏。

    However , the London Daily Mail reports the folks at Nintendo are promoting games that stimulate the mind and improve children 's IQs .

  29. 10年前,想要边走边玩游戏,就得买个像任天堂DS(NintendoDS)或是索尼PSP(PlayStationPortable)那样的专用设备。

    A decade ago , playing a game on the go meantbuying a dedicated gadget such as the Nintendo DS or PlayStation Portable .

  30. 推出这款游戏的任天堂(Nintendo)和尼安蒂克(Niantic)公司向遇难者家属表示了哀悼。

    Nintendo and Niantic , the companies behind the game , expressed condolences to the families of the victims .