
  1. 此外任正非还一直担任公司的永久CEO。

    Ren , meanwhile , remains the company 's permanent CEO .

  2. 大约三年之后,华为CEO任正非来到德克萨斯州,视察他的“先遣队”。

    Some three years later Huawei CEO Ren visited Texas to check on his emissaries .

  3. 公司创始人兼CEO任正非曾在中国军队中服役10年,他所服役的军队相当于美国的陆军工程兵团(ArmyCorpsofEngineers)。

    Ren , the founder and CEO , served for10 years in China 's equivalent of the Army Corps of Engineers .

  4. 在由路透(Reuters)发布的一份内部备忘录里,华为创始人、副董事长任正非训斥了工作不力的下属。

    Founder and deputy chairman Ren Zhengfei , in an internal memo published by Reuters , railed against unproductive staff .

  5. 任正非在CEO致辞中说:宝马追不追得上特斯拉,一段时间是我们公司内部争辩的一个问题。

    ' Can BMW match Tesla 's pace ? This has been an issue of debate for some time at Huawei , ' says Ren .

  6. 或许大家已经在媒体上听说过了,华为(Huawei)创始人兼CEO任正非最近打破了不接受媒体采访的惯例。

    You may have read that Ren Zhengfei , founder and chief executive officer of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei , has finally broken his media silence .

  7. 华为轮值首席执行长(CEO)徐直军(EricXu)在深圳召开的年度分析师大会上说,未来接替任正非的将不只是一个人。

    ' In the future , the successor to Mr. Ren will not be just one person , ' said Eric Xu , Huawei 's acting chief executive , at the company 's annual analyst conference in Shenzhen .

  8. 任正非在冬季达沃斯论坛上发表讲话时表示,华为已经在B计划中投入了数千亿美元,这就是华为能够应对美国第一轮打击的原因。

    Speaking at a session of the Winter Davos meeting , Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into a Plan B , and that 's why the company was able to withstand what he described as the first wave of attack from the United States .

  9. 在本周发布的华为最新年报中,任正非说华为作为移动通讯设备供应商所面临的挑战,相似于宝马面对的来自特斯拉(TeslaMotorsInc.)这样灵活的竞争对手的挑战。

    In Huawei 's latest annual report released this week , Ren says the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker 's challenges are similar to those of BMW as the luxury car maker takes on nimble new competitors like Tesla Motors .

  10. 据华为CEO任正非讲,华为已经建立了16家海外研发基地,并称该公司已经投入了1900亿元用于创新技术研究,发明了76686项专利,其中有18000项专利与终端有关,为拓展智能手机市场打下了良好的基础。

    Huawei has set up 16 overseas R & D institutions , according to CEO Ren Zhengfei , adding his company has invested more than 190 billion yuan in technological innovation and holds a total of 76687 patents . More than 18000 patents are related to terminals , which has laid a foundation for expanding its smartphone offerings .

  11. 华为承认,任正非对于公司重大决策仍保有一票否决权。

    Huawei concedes that Mr Ren retains veto power over major decisions .

  12. 然而,毫无疑问,华为仍在任正非的牢牢控制之下。

    Yet , there is no doubt that Mr Ren remains firmly in control .

  13. 任正非很少公开露面,记者未能联系到他就此发表评论。

    Ren , who rarely makes public appearances , wasn 't available for comment .

  14. 他们最初建议由任正非先生担任董事长。

    Their initial proposal was that Mr. Ren would be the chair of the EMT .

  15. (任正非几乎从不接受采访,对于本文内容也未做出任何评论。)

    ( ren almost never gives interviews and would not comment for this article . )

  16. 任正非说,华为的产品在欧洲的定价已经达到历史最高点。

    Mr. Ren said its gear is now being priced at record highs in Europe .

  17. 监事会的5名成员之中包括任正非的弟弟任树录。

    Among the five members of the supervisory board is Ren Shulu , his brother .

  18. 尽管如此,任正非在讲话中仍然对美国进行了正面评价。

    Even so , Ren portrays the U.S. in a positive light in his message .

  19. 但任正非是否愿意采取如此大刀阔斧的举措来阐明自己的态度呢?

    But is Mr Ren willing to make such a dramatic move to make his point ?

  20. 华为是由退役军官任正非于1987年创立的。

    Huawei was founded by Mr Ren , a former Chinese military officer , in 1987 .

  21. 华为表面上是几名联合高管在运作,但他们能够越过任正非行事吗?

    The firm is ostensibly run by several co-chief executives , but can they overrule Mr Ren ?

  22. 根据华为的介绍,任正非对董事会的决定拥有否决权。

    According to Huawei , Ren has the right to veto decisions made by the company 's board .

  23. 目前还不清楚在任正非这一代领导卸任后华为的管理层结构。

    It 's still unclear what exact shape Huawei 's management will take in the generation after Ren .

  24. 1983年,其所在部队解散,任正非在那次大裁军中被迫复员。

    In 1983 the Corps was disbanded , and he was let go as part of a mass demobilization .

  25. 公司表示,任正非凭借2500美元积蓄,以及从亲戚那里筹来的资金,于1987年成立华为。

    The company says Ren founded Huawei in 1987 with $ 2,500 in savings plus funds collected from family members .

  26. 华为有着与众不同的私营股权结构,包括任正非在内的中国员工持有公司股权。

    Huawei has an unusual private structure in which it is owned by its Chinese employees , including Mr. Ren .

  27. 《华威先生》与《在其香居茶馆里》讽刺个性之比较优秀的战略家&任正非

    A Comparative Study of The Story of Mr. Hua Wei and All in a Teahouse : Their Art of Satire

  28. 江西生表示:当时任正非常常谈到未来有多美好,但我们都认为他想得太远。

    Back then , Mr Ren often talked about a good future but we thought it was too far off .

  29. 任正非说:英国是华为在欧洲作出投资的最重要的市场之一。

    Mr Ren said : The UK is one of the most important European markets in which Huawei has invested .

  30. 然而华为董事陈黎芳去年在接受采访时说,任正非从来没有行使过否决权。

    Still , Huawei director Chen Lifang said in an interview last year that Ren had never exercised the veto right .