
  1. 它不仅是为地球科学服务的学科,而且是为材料科学、环境科学以及工程科学与技术等学科服务的学科。

    Mineral science is a subject serving not only for geological sciences , but also for material sciences , environmental sciences and engineering science and technology ect .

  2. 软件工程是计算机科学与技术中的一个重要分支,是计算机与信息工程专业学生的专选课程,共36学时,2学分。

    Software engineering , 2 credit and36 class hours , plays an important role in studying professional knowledge of computer science and technology .

  3. 微位移机电系统在微电子工程、计量科学与技术、精密工程、生物工程、纳米科学与技术等领域有广泛的应用。微步进旋转驱动器是微位移机电系统的关键部件之一。

    Micro-displacement electro-mechanical systems ( MEMS ) have a wide range of applications in microelectronics engineering , measurement science and technology , precision engineering , bio-engineering , nanotechnology and other fields of science and technology .

  4. 电子信息工程、电子信息科学与技术、电子科学与技术等专业在专业实验教学上所具有的综合性强、难度大所带来的设备及费用投入高的特点限制了专业实验教学的发展。

    The development of specialty experiment teaching in the specialty of Electronic Information , Electronic Information Science Technology and Electronic Science Technology is often impeded by its characteristics of comprehensiveness and great difficulty , which bring about the problem of high-expenditure in purchasing equipments and in conducting the experiment .

  5. 本专业以控制学科与工程学科为导、以电气工程和计算机科学与技术学科为依托。

    This major is based on instrumental science and technology supported by electrical engineering , and computer science and technology .