
ɡōnɡ jù shū
  • reference book
工具书 [gōng jù shū]
  • [reference books] 专为读者查考字义、词义、字句出处和各种事实而编纂的书籍,如字典、词典、索引、历史年表、年鉴、百科全书等

  1. 不提供外借的资料:报纸、杂志、工具书、百科全书、CD-ROM光盘、录像带。

    Not for circulation : newspaper , periodical , reference book , cyclopaedia , CD-ROM and video cassette recorder .

  2. 浅谈高校图书馆工具书阅览室的开发利用与管理

    The Development , Utilization and Management of Reference Book Reading Room in University Library

  3. 他在一家工具书出版公司工作。

    He works for a company that publishes reference books .

  4. 他们出版工具书。

    They publish reference books

  5. 工具书恕不外借。

    Reference books cannot be taken out .

  6. 书桌上排放着台灯、文具和工具书。

    Reference books , stationery , and reading lamp are all arranged properly on the desk .

  7. 针对工具书和Web页面文本分别阐述了知识获取过程。

    Knowledge acquisition process is explained , which aims at Tools books and Web pages text .

  8. 非常实用加好用,加完整的工具书,MATLAB希望喜欢。

    Very practical plus easy to use , plus a complete tool , MATLAB hope you like it .

  9. 但通用的CAD系统没有提供一个数字化的设计资源手册,在设计过程中仍然要借助于传统的纸质手册工具书查询数据资料;

    But the commercial CAD / CAM systems don 't supplies digitized design resources of stamping die , therefore , engineers and technicians still refer to traditional manual books for design data .

  10. 2008年初,引进出版的“ENCARTA英语工具书系列”即将发行上市。

    Early in2008 , the introduction of the publication of the " ENCARTA English books Series " listed on the upcoming issue .

  11. 各类词典、工具书,是学者们永远的朋友。

    Various dictionaries and reference Books are scholars ' permanent friends .

  12. 第三部分通过对历史上古文字形体类工具书类型的归纳,指出这部书首创了综合诂林型的编纂形式。

    The third part is about the book 's compile style .

  13. 医院小型图书馆工具书的收藏与利用策略

    The Collection and Utilization of the Reference Books in Medical Library

  14. 《汉语大字典》是一部水平较高的语文工具书。

    Chinese Dictionary is a higher level of Chinese reference books .

  15. 标引工具书是主题标引时必不可少的参考工具书。

    Indexing reference books are the essential tools for subject indexing .

  16. 论标引工具书在标引和检索中的作用

    The Role of Indexing Reference Books in Indexing and Retrieval

  17. 参考书,工具书(如百科全书或词典)。

    Reference book ( eg an encyclopedia or a dictionary )

  18. 免费中文网络工具书的现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation and Trend of Free Chinese Web Reference Books

  19. 现有工具书远远不能满足需要。

    Far from the existing tool to meet the need .

  20. 《中文工具书参考咨询系统》及其实际应用

    The Introduction of the CHINESE REFERENCE BOOKS SEARCHING SYSTEM and its Practice

  21. 中文工具书的特点及图书馆的收藏策略

    The Feature of Chinese Reference Books and the Collecting Strategy of the Library

  22. 英语学习离不开词典等工具书。

    English can not be grasped well without dictionaries .

  23. 工具书和参考书书库中的所有书都不能外借。

    Dictionaries and all books in the reference stacks cannot be checked out .

  24. 几部药物临床信息参考工具书的比较与分析

    The Comparison and Analysis of Several Reference Books on Clinical Information of Drugs

  25. 论翻译工具书的研编

    On Compiling Reference Books for Translation or Translation Studies

  26. 浅谈工具书阅览室的管理与利用

    Discussion on the Management and Utilization of Reference Books in the Reading Rooms

  27. 工具书阅览室工作漫谈

    On the Work of Reference - Book Reading Room

  28. 美国公民教材设计为学生学习的向导和工具书;

    American teaching material is fugleman and reference book for students ' learn ;

  29. 复合图书馆时代工具书资源建设探究

    Research on the Collection of Reference books in the Times of Hybrid Library

  30. 工具书的收藏策略与理论实践

    Discussions on the Tactics of Collecting Reference Books and Its Theory and Practice