
ɡōnɡ yè jī qì rén
  • industrial robot
  1. 发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。

    The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot .

  2. 工业机器人的发明应归功于那家公司。

    The invention of the industrial robot is credited to the company .

  3. 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。

    He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots .

  4. 基于MATLAB的6自由度工业机器人仿真研究

    Research and Simulation of 6-Dof Industry Robot Based on Matlab

  5. PLC在六关节工业机器人控制中的设计应用

    The Six Joint Industry Robot in Control Design & Application by PLC

  6. 用PLC快速构造工业机器人控制器

    Rapidly constructing industrial robot controller by using PLC

  7. 基于ANSYS的六自由度工业机器人模态分析

    Modal Analysis of 6-DOF Industrial Robot System Based on ANSYS

  8. 基于Ethernet网络的工业机器人远程监控方法

    The Method of the Remote Control of Industrial Robotics Based on Ethernet Network

  9. 基于OpenGL的工业机器人动力学仿真的研究

    Animated Simulation for Robot Based on OpenGL

  10. 工业机器人智能化技术在IGM焊接机器人中的应用研究

    The Research and Application of Industrial Robot Intelligence Technology in IGM Weld Robot System

  11. CRT工业机器人控制代码的碰撞检测

    Collision detection of control code for CRT industrial robot

  12. 基于OpenGL的5R工业机器人的仿真

    Research on the Simulation of 5R Industrial Robot Based on OpenGL

  13. 充分利用OpenGL的实时交互性,模拟工业机器人的示教/再现过程。

    Real-time interactivity of OpenGL has been fully used to simulate the teaching / emersion process of the industrial robot .

  14. 据新美国安全中心(CenterforaNewAmericanSecurity)估测,到2018年,全球范围内在军用机器人方面的支出将达到每年75亿美元。相比之下,该机构预测用于商业和工业机器人的支出将为430亿美元。

    The Center for a New American Security estimates that global spending on military robots will reach $ 7.5bn a year by 2018 compared with the $ 43bn forecast to be spent on commercial and industrial robots .

  15. 工业机器人的计算机控制及工业控制计算机(IPC)的分类和选用原则。

    Computer Control on the Industrial Robot The classify and the choice principle of industrial personalcomputer ( IPC ) .

  16. 因此该种FA减速机除了普通传动中的高承载应用以外,在工业机器人传动中正在得到越来越多的应用。

    So this kind of drive will be more and more used in industry robots besides general driver with high carrying capacity .

  17. FMC中工业机器人程序快速规划系统的开发

    Development for the Rapid Program Planning System of Industrial Robot in FMC

  18. 通过本文的研究工作,开发了基于VC++和OpenGL的五自由度工业机器人的仿真系统。

    Via the research in this thesis , the simulation system of 5R robot based on VC + + and OpenGL is developed .

  19. 介绍基于工控微机(IPC)和WIN9X/NT操作系统的工业机器人控制器高层软件系统的研发技术。

    This paper discusses the development technique of software system for the industrial robot controller based on IPC and WIN 9X / NT .

  20. 然而机器人成功应用于加工操作的事例却不多见,究其原因主要是工业机器人相对于传统的CNC加工中心来讲刚度非常低。

    However , it has not seen many success stories for such applications . The reason is that the stiffness of industrial robot is much lower than that of a traditional CNC machine .

  21. 7-DOF核工业机器人的轨迹规划与仿真

    Trajectory Planning and Simulating on 7-DOF Robot Applied to Nuclear Industry

  22. 并针对IRB1400工业机器人语言RAPID,详细介绍了该语言的特点和组成结构;

    Based on the language RAPID of IRB1400 , the composing and structure of industry robot program language is described in detail .

  23. 6R型工业机器人的运动学研究

    6R Industry Robot Kinematics Research

  24. 协调级设计中,以一台加工中心、一个机械手或一个工业机器人组成的加工系统为例,运用模糊Petri网为其协调级进行了合理规划。

    In the design of the coordination level , fuzzy Petri net is used to described the machining system which is composed of a machine center , a manipulator or a industrial robot .

  25. 针对传统工业机器人采用封闭式控制系统的局限性,设计了一种基于PCI运动控制卡的开放式焊接机器人。

    According to the limitation of the closed control system applied by the traditional industrial robot , an open architecture welding robot based on PCI motion card is designed in this paper .

  26. 国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationofRobotics)预计,到2017年中国的操作性工业机器人库存将增长逾一倍至42.8万台,届时中国将成为全球机器人装机量最多的国家。

    The International Federation of Robotics estimates that the stock of operational industrial robots in China will more than double to 428,000 by 2017 , when the country is set to lead the world in installed robots .

  27. 通过研究OpenGL在工业机器人仿真中的应用与其具体实现方法,完成六自由度激光加工工业机器人离线编程仿真软件的设计和开发。

    Though OpenGL application and its specific implementation methods are researched in the simulation technology of industrial robot , the off-line programming simulation software of laser processing industrial robot with six degrees of freedom is designed .

  28. 通用的工业机器人运动仿真系统IRKSS

    A general kinematic simulation system IRKSS for industrial robot

  29. 一个ROSIDY通用化工业机器人图形仿真软件

    Rosidy : a general graphic simulation software for industrial robots

  30. 在CES2020消费电子展上,消费级机器人绝对是一个更具代表性的小工具,但其中最可爱的当属“火星猫”,这是一款新的机器宠物,来自工业机器人初创公司——大象机器人公司。

    At CES 2020 , one of the more well-represented gadget categories was definitely consumer robots - but none was more adorable than MarsCat , a new robo-pet from industrial robot startup Elephant Robotics .