
  1. 湛江工业化与工业支柱产业的选择

    Industrialization and Selectivity Scheme of Mainstay Industry in Zhanjiang Region

  2. 新疆工业支柱产业选择的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Choice of Pillar Industry in Xinjiang

  3. 灰色聚类分析法在确定区域工业支柱产业中的应用

    The application of grey ACCUMULATION-AND-CLASSIFICATION analytical method to determination of regional pillar industries

  4. 陕西省工业支柱产业偏离份额与经济效益分析

    Development Advantage and Economic Benefits Analysis on the Major Pillar Industry of Shaanxi Province

  5. 陕西工业支柱产业发展现状:偏离份额分析

    Status Quo of Mainstay Industry in Shaanxi Province : An Analysis on the Deviation Quota

  6. 河北省工业支柱产业浅析

    Analysis of Pillar Industry in Hebei

  7. 本文从静态和动态两个角度构建工业支柱产业的选择模式,以此对新疆工业支柱产业进行实证分析,最终选出石油及天然气开采业等六个产业作为新疆工业的支柱产业。

    From both the static and dynamic perspective , this paper aims at constructing a model for choosing pillar industries . And by using this model to do an empirical analysis of industries in Xinjiang , it ultimately identifies six pillar industries , including oil and gas extraction industry .

  8. 对船舶工业列入支柱产业的再认识

    The further understanding of shipbuilding being classified as a pillar industry

  9. 武汉食品工业成为支柱产业的对策研究

    Strategical Research of Food Industry Growing into Supporting Industry

  10. 松香、松节油用途广泛,是我国林产化学工业的支柱产业。

    Rosin and turpentine have wide applications which are pillar forest chemical industries of the country .

  11. 甜菜糖业是我国北方轻工业的支柱产业,自建国以后、特别是改革开放以来有了长足的发展。

    Beet & Sugar is a pillar industry in light industries of north region hi China .

  12. 上海造船工业成为支柱产业存在的问题和建议

    Some Problems and Suggestions on the Evolution of the Shipbuilding Industry in Shanghai into One of the Pillar Industries

  13. 努力攀登科技高峰为把石化工业建成支柱产业多做贡献

    Scale the summit of science and technology , making greater contributions to building the petrochemical industry into a pillar industry of national economy

  14. 客车工业作为支柱产业对桂林市工业经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。

    As one of mainstay industries of Guilin city , bus industry has a very important significance to sustainable development of Guilin 's industrial economy .

  15. 本文从汽车制造的工艺观点,论述了汽车工业成为支柱产业如何上水平的问题以及工艺技术工作应起的作用。

    In this paper , the author describes , from the manufacturing technological poi-nt of view , how to raise the technical level of our motor works so that these wo-rks could be developed to form a stalwart industry .

  16. 电子信息产业成为我省工业的重要支柱产业。

    Electronic information industry has become a pillar industry in our province .

  17. 有色金属行业是我国工业中的支柱产业之一。

    Nonferrous metal mine industry is one of the most important pillar industry in China .

  18. 汽车工业是世界支柱产业之一,很多发达国家都有一家以上的世界知名汽车生产企业。

    The automobile industry is one of pillar industries in the world , many developed countries have more than one world famous automobile production enterprises .

  19. 让汽车工业成为北京的支柱产业!

    Make the auto industry one of the pillars of Beijing 's economy !

  20. 电力工业是国家的支柱产业,也是国民经济中的先行行业。

    Electrical power industry is the national backbone and the industry of current national economy .

  21. 上海建成国际航运中心需要船舶工业成为上海的支柱产业

    The Shipbuilding Industry Should Be Industry of Pillar Nature in Shanghai for Building Shanghai into International Shipping Center

  22. 钢铁工业是国家的支柱产业,是国民经济发展的命脉。

    The steel industry is the pillar industry of our country and the lifeblood of the national economic development .

  23. 汽车工业作为我国支柱产业,在国民经济发展过程中起到重要作用。

    As a pillar industry in China , the automotive industry played an important role in national economic development process .

  24. 汽车工业作为一个支柱产业,为国家的工业发展也做出了不小的贡献。

    As a pillar industry , the auto industry also made a small contribution to the industrial development of the country .

  25. 在科学技术日益蓬勃发展的今天,化学工业作为国民经济支柱产业之一的地位也日渐重要。

    Along with the development of science and technology , chemical industry has become more and more important in our entire economy .

  26. 制浆造纸工业是国民经济支柱产业之一,但近年来环保问题常成为其发展的瓶颈。

    Pulp and paper industry is one of pillar industries of national economy , but recent years environmental protection issues became the bottleneck hindered its development .

  27. 汽车工业是上海的支柱产业,有能力、也有责任率先探索出一条内涵式发展新路。

    Being the pillar industry of Shanghai , the automotive industry is able and obliged to take the lead in exploring for a new path of intention-type economic development .

  28. 装备制造业是辽宁东北老工业基地的重要支柱产业,装备制造业的振兴对辽宁工业的发展起到了关键性的推进作用。

    Equipment manufacturing industry is an important pillar industry in Liaoning Province as industrial bases in northeast . The revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry has played a critical role in pushing progressive development of Liaoning Province .

  29. 株洲市是我国南方的重要交通枢纽,是以机械、冶金、化工、建材工业为支柱,高新产业为主导,第三产业发达的多功能现代化综合性城市。

    Zhuzhou City , the major transport hub in southern China , is based on machinery , metallurgy , chemical industry , building materials industry and led by high-tech industry . It is a comprehensive multi-functional modern city of highly developed tertiary industry .

  30. 汽车工业是国民经济支柱产业之一,随着市场竞争的加剧和需求的变化,汽车的更新换代速度日趋加快,作为汽车车身制造的关键装备&汽车覆盖件模具是制约汽车更新换代的瓶颈环节。

    Automobile industry has become one of the pillar industries in national economy . With market competition intensifying , the renewal of automobile has been speeding up . Being the key component in auto-body manufacturing , automobile panel die is the bottleneck in the generation of new automobile .