- Output rate;export rate

The former displayed a low export rate , and the N content in their fallen leaves was 1.6 ~ 3.7 times higher than the later .
The shading not only weakened the leaf assimilation efficiency and reduced the initial export rate of ~ ( 14 ) C-assimilates , but also inhibited the root growth and greatly reduced the translocation of ~ ( 14 ) C-assimilates to the roots .
The sugar and starch outputs of top second stem and sheath were increased by ABA treatment .
Both MD and SD enhanced the remobilization of non-structural carbohydrate from stems ( including sheaths ) and increased its contribution to grains .
Higher output percentage and transfering percentage of dry matter after heading .
The export percentage of the soluble sugar in stems is the highest .
The gain , loss and coupling output coefficient analysis of homogeneous broadening lasers
The output rate and contribution rate of the two types varieties were both negative .
A percentage of your torpedo launchers may malfunction , your beams may have lowered output .
The condition must be very nice today , How much power do you guess I am running ?
The output percent of stem-sheath store matter as the index to evaluate the coordination of source and sink .
Nitrogen output rate from flag leaf , stem and leaf sheath were increasing , but nitrogen contribution rate was decreasing with varietal development .
On the basics of this model an exergy-based ecological optimization criterion is used to achieve the best compromise between the exergy-output rate and exergy-loss rate .
Besides , this thesis defines such analysis indices as consuming-distributing coefficient , intermediate flow coefficient , intermediate demand rate , import rate , export rate and those in cost-output analysis .
Appropriate nitrogen levels (≤ 135 kg / hm ~ 2 ) harmonized the dry matter outputting ratio ( OR ) to every organ of soybean after pudding , and increased yield of relay-planting soybean .
With the cultivate evolvement , flag leaves , stem and leaf involucrum of nitrogen export ratio increased , but the transported nitrogen 's contribution decreased , the different genotype cultivate nitrogen transfer is different .
The total output rate of the stems , leaves and sheath of the warm temperature type were all much higher , and the total contribution rate of the cold temperature type were much higher .
The result showed that ( 1 ) the increased weight , ultimate weight and grain filling rate of a panicle were significantly negative correlated with export rate of stem and sheath dry matter during fruiting period ;
It indicated that more than 90 % of the total output heat was transferred by the heat conduction between deposit and substrate . The temperature on the deposit surface rose and dropped periodically during the depositing process .
The percentages of the seedling output was 14 . 5 % in the 2 nd year , 10 . 1 % in the 3 rd year , and 1 . 8 % in the 4 th year .
By the end of September in the early dormant period , the input rate of the bud bank was as 2.04 times as its output rate , and the dormant buds of each age-class manifested a steady burgeoned output .
The results showed that the input rate of the bud bank increased with plant growth seasons while the burgeoned output rate exhibited a decreasing trend , whereas the output rate of the dead remained at a low level on the whole .
The proportion of photosynthates exported from remained leaves was raised by 17 06 % when the leaves of fruit branch were removed ( half of all ), and the proportion of labeled photosynthates imported to fruits was also raised by 15 26 % ;
Dry matter weight changed regularly , but the weights of the second leaf and the stem changed differently , the output rate of the second leaf and the dry stem matter increased after flowering in the SOS , and the contribution rate became bigger ;
On the side of relationship of physiological traits and lodging resistance , the dry matter transfer rate was lower in some combinations with better lodging resistance , while relatively higher in those combinations with weaker lodging resistance though more the dry matter weight in the culm and sheath .
Study on Error Probability of the Outputs of Coherent MSK Receivers in the Jamming Environment
The convergence rate is very slow for LMS equalizer on UV channel , BER is nearly not affected by equalizer tap numbers and step size has an optimal value .
The concrete work is that the Matlab simulation is made for various combining schemes of different sampling rates and decimating factors , suitable filters are designed , the calculation and output date rate for various combining schemes are compared and analyzed .
In this paper , the jamming is modeled as a kind of parameter stochastic signal , and then the condition that makes jamming effective is researched .
In the scheme , simplified cascaded pixel domain transcoding structure is adopted to reduce the computational complexity while remaining the reconstructed video quality . Furthermore , a PID controller is introduced in the picture layer to ensure the output bit rate consistent with the target bit rate .