
shū chū ɡé shì
  • output format
  1. 对于代码生成来说,XML语法有非常简单的输出格式。

    And XML syntax is an easy output format for code generation .

  2. 如果输出格式为HTML,那么将返回实际的报告输出。

    If the output format was HTML , then the actual report output will be returned .

  3. 前面示例中objects文件的输出格式是

    The format for the object file output in the previous example is

  4. 浅谈台站数据备份云台CCD系统FITS磁带输出格式

    Output Formate of FITS Magnetic Tape of the No.1 CCD System of the Yunnan Observatory

  5. 这是因为VRML格式是目前多数CAD软件均支持的输出格式之一,且其代码及相关协议均公开。

    This is because the VRML is supported by most CAD system , which protocol and code is public .

  6. 这些工具的输出格式为XML,然后在第四步骤中,它可以被转译为最终的日志档格式。

    The output format of those tools is XML , which in the fourth step can then be translated into one of the final logfile formats .

  7. 可选属性output指定FindBugs的结果使用的输出格式。

    The optional attribute output specifies the output format that FindBugs will use for its results .

  8. 这个format元素描述文档中的输出格式。在这里,这个元素是text/html格式。

    The format element describes the format of the output in the document ; for your purposes , this element will be text / html .

  9. 如果输出格式不是HTML,那么将返回引用报告输出的HTML页面。

    If the output format was not HTML , then an HTML page that references the report output will be returned .

  10. cairo可以呈现以下输出格式

    Cairo can render to the following output formats

  11. 单个领域中的Web服务(如酒店预订服务)至少应有行业协议和标准来指定要求的输入变量和可能的输出格式。

    Web services within a single domain , like hotel reservation services , should have at least an industrial agreement and standard to specify the required input variables and the possible output format .

  12. Java库包含一个格式程序,它可以结合XML文档与相关XSLT文件,并将它们转换成所需的输出格式。

    The Java library contains a formatter that combines XML documents with the related XSLT files and transforms them to the required output format .

  13. uploadsKML和uploadsText分别用于KML和文本输出格式

    Uploads_KML and uploads_Text for KML and text output formats

  14. 随后的小节给出了一个shell脚本,它将之前介绍的内容综合起来并提供了一些便捷的方式来指定输出格式、定制样式表等。

    A subsequent section provides a shell script that ties them all together and provides some convenient options for specifying output formats , custom stylesheets , and so on .

  15. cairo是一个免费的矢量绘图软件库,它可以绘制多种输出格式。

    Cairo is a free software vector drawing library that can draw to multiple output formats .

  16. 最好配置日志提供程序的两个实例,以便对文本和html输出格式都进行测试。

    You may want to configure two instances of the log provider so that you can test both the text and the HTML output formats .

  17. 将为outputFormat运行选项中指定的每个输出格式创建一个output对象。

    One output object will be created for each output format specified in the outputFormat run option .

  18. 采用与IDL兼容的受限XML作为语义模型,增强了输出格式的灵活性;

    The data format of the output is flexible , since the limited XML , compatible with IDL , is taken as the semantic model .

  19. 最后需要记住,只能从XSL中输出格式良好的标记语言。

    Finally , you need to keep in mind that you can output only well-formed markup language from XSL .

  20. 如果遵守Rails对URL和输出格式的约定,就很容易用最小的开销把RailsWeb客户机连接到JavaREST式Web服务。

    If you follow the Rails conventions for URLs and output formats , it 's easy to connect a Rails Web client to a Java RESTful Web service with minimal overhead .

  21. 然后,显示XSL样式表的通用结构,样式表用来将XML数据变换成任何期望的输出格式。

    Then the general structure of the XSL style sheets is shown ; the style sheets are used to transform the XML data to any desired output format .

  22. 还可以把这样一种语言集成到XSLT管道中,将源XML数据转换为包装所需输出格式的新语言。

    It also makes it possible to incorporate such a language into an XSLT pipeline , translating source XML data into the new language that wraps the desired output format .

  23. 将合适的PureCoverage数据文件转化为输出格式。

    Convert the appropriate PureCoverage data files to export format .

  24. DocBookXML是一种功能强大的格式,可用于构建可以生成各种不同输出格式(例如HTML和PDF)的技术文档。

    DocBook XML is a powerful format for building technical documentation that can be generated into a variety of different outputs , such as HTML and PDF .

  25. 使用PureCoverage输出格式数据书写您自己的脚本

    Writing your own script using PureCoverage export format data

  26. 请求格式使用一种HTTPPOST请求格式,并在参数中指定要采取的动作,以及API密钥、票据、API版本和输出格式。

    The request format uses an HTTP POST request format , and specifies the action to take in the parameters along with the API key , ticket , API version , and output format .

  27. PureCoverage输出格式是ASCII形式的,并用于将覆盖率数据转化为其他的项目。

    The PureCoverage export format is in ASCII and is used to transfer coverage data to other programs .

  28. 但是,CppUnit允许使用定制的输出格式。

    However , CppUnit allows you to use custom formatting on the output .

  29. 使用这一doclet能够容易的创建Eclipse平台文档,进而被用于创作面向现已存在的Eclipse帮助系统的XML和HTML输出格式。

    Using this doclet , it is easy to create Eclipse platform documentation , which can then be used to produce XML and HTML output formats for existing Eclipse help systems .

  30. 之后,这个包装器脚本使用fop应用程序从该文件生成目标输出格式。

    The wrapper script then uses the fop application to generate the target output format from that file .