
shū diàn
  • transmission;transmit electricity
输电 [shū diàn]
  • [transmit electricity] 电力传输;把电力从发电厂或变电所输送给用户

  • 高压输电

输电[shū diàn]
  1. 基于MATLAB的电力输电线路短路分析

    Analysis on Short Circuit of Power Transmission Line Based on Matlab

  2. 基于GIS的输电线路运行管理系统数据库设计

    Design on Database of Transmission Lines Operation and Management System Based on GIS

  3. 输电塔爆炸以后,首都大片地区陷入一片漆黑。

    Large parts of the capital were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up .

  4. 具有FACTS设备的输电网络规划

    Transmission network planning with facts devices based on modified adaptive genetic algorithm

  5. 高压直流输电系统的H2/H∞附加控制器设计

    Design of H_2 / H_ ∞ supplementary controller for high voltage direct current transmission system

  6. 输电铁塔ANSYS建模及有限元分析

    Transmission tower ANSYS modeling and finite element analysis

  7. 在输电塔设计中K型腹杆系的稳定起着控制作用。

    In the design of a transmission tower , the stability of the Kweb member system is of key importance .

  8. 灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)是我国电网发展急需的、最具发展潜力的技术之一。

    FACTS technology , with the best potential in the development of China power grid , is required immediately .

  9. HVDC联网输电系统的全电压启动过电压的计算

    Studies on overvoltage during full-voltage starting in HVDC Transmission system

  10. 一种用于HVDC输电系统的48脉冲逆变器的研究

    Study on a 48-pulse inverter configuration for HVDC transmission system

  11. 反馈式Hopfield神经网络在输电线路故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Hopfield NN in power transmission line fault diagnosis

  12. GPS在110kV输电线路勘测中的应用

    Application of GPS in the Survey of 110 kV Transmission Line

  13. 这种晶闸管是为高压直流输电(HVDC)而开发的。

    These type of thyristors were specially developed for high voltage direct current transmission ( HVDC ) .

  14. 高压输电线路OPGW的选型与设计

    Discussion on the Type Selection and Design of OPGW High Voltage Transmission Line

  15. RTV防污闪涂料在输电线路及变电站的应用

    Application of RTV Anti-contamination Flashover Coating in Power Transmission Line & Substation

  16. 高压输电铁塔上架设ADSS光缆位置的研究

    Study of the position of locating all-dielectric self-supporting fiber-optic cable on high-voltage power tower

  17. 随着电力事业的发展,OPGW已广泛地应用在高压架空输电线路中。

    With the developing of electrically enterprise , OPGW have already widely used in HV Power Transmission Line .

  18. 电力系统区域间电网的可用输电能力(ATC)是所有电力市场参与者进行交易活动所必须了解的一项重要参数。

    Available transfer capability ( ATC ) of interconnected power systems is important information for all the participants in power markets .

  19. 加拿大500kV高压直流输电线路间隔棒减振器带电更换技术

    Change-Out of Spacer-Dampers on Energized 500 kV HVDC Lines in Canada

  20. 采用直升机开展500kV输电线路巡视及事故抢修探讨

    On Helicopter Inspection of 500 kV Transmission Lines and Failure Rush Repairs

  21. 提高华东电网500kV输电线路输送能力的措施

    Improving Transmission Ability of 500 kV Lines in East China Power Network

  22. 东北电网500kV输电线路带电作业现状

    Live-line Working on 500 kV Transmission Lines of Northeast Grid

  23. 然后,电网调度机构(ISO)按照输电网使用者对容量投标的价格来分配输电线路的可用容量,使得输电可用容量的总价值最大化。

    The Independent System Operator ( ISO ) dispatchs the usable transmission capacity on these paths so that it maximizes the value of the capacity by the users ' bids .

  24. 传统高压直流输电(HVDC)系统具有技术成熟、成本低廉的优点和需要吸收大量无功功率以及存在换相失败的危险等缺点;

    Conventional HVDC has the advantages of mature state of art and lower cost and the disadvantages of absorbing large reactive power and the danger of commutation fault .

  25. 华东电网500kV输电线路污闪的原因及对策

    500 kV Transmission Line Pollution Flash over , Its Reason and Preventive Measures

  26. ±800kV直流输电空气间隙外绝缘特性研究

    Study on external insulation of air gap of ± 800 kV DC system

  27. VSC-HVDC输电技术因具有高度可控性的优点而在电力系统中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    VSC-HVDC transmission technology possesses the advantages of high controllability and gets more and more widely used in electric power system .

  28. 在对运行的输电线路的普通地线更换为架空复合光缆地线(OPGW)的施工中,因改造线路停电时间短,地线更换范围大,工期及安全问题显得比较突出。

    After the running transmission line power cut , it often happens that common ground wire changes the aerial complex optical ground wire .

  29. 这里提供了一组从RL输电模型通过差分方程导出的用于电网距离保护的新算法。

    A series of new algorithms which deduced from difference equation with the RL-model for the distance protection in a network is provideed .

  30. 佛山电网110~500kV输电线路污闪事故与对策

    The Accident and Countermeasure of 110 ~ 500 kV Transmission Line of Fushan Power Grid