
  • 网络Underground pest;soil insect;underground insect
  1. 我国已禁止其在蔬菜、水果、中草药上使用,目前主要用于玉米播种时期的土壤处理、防治地下害虫和苗期蚜虫等或制成混剂使用。

    Therefore , phorate had been forbid to use it on vegetables , fruits and herbal medicines in China . Now , it is mainly used in soil to dispose before seeding corn and to prevent underground insect pests and seedling pests .

  2. 在当地常年发生危害严重的害虫种类主要包括地下害虫、小麦害螨和麦蚜。

    Distribution characteristic of the underground insect pests , wheat mites and wheat aphids was investigated in 4 ecological areas .

  3. 然而人畜粪尿等农家肥不经处理直接施用,往往会因H2S等有害气体发生以及田块中地下害虫增多而损害作物,肥效也不高,而且发出恶臭,污染环境。

    However , the plants would be harmed due to H2S and other harmful odor produced from the man-animal fertilizer , the would pollute the environment .

  4. 药后45d,绿僵菌对铜绿丽金龟幼虫蛴螬的防效和对地下害虫的总防效分别为91.2%和87.6%。

    Forty-five d after application , M. anisopliae provided 91.2 and 87.6 % control of immature grubs ( Anomalacorpulenta ) and total subterranean insect pests , respectively .

  5. 防治线虫和地下害虫药肥的研发

    Development of fertilizer with pesticide against nematode and vermin in soil

  6. 玉米苗期地下害虫防治研究

    Study on Control and Prevention of Corn Pest on Seeding Times

  7. 苗圃地下害虫防治装置的研究

    Study on the Control Device for the Underground Pest in Nursery

  8. 苗圃地下害虫的生物学特性、危害特征及防治措施

    Biological Characteristics , Disease And Prevention Techniques Of Nursery Underground Pest

  9. 山东省地下害虫发生与防治概况

    Occurence and Control of Soil Insect Pests in Shandong Province

  10. 甲基异柳磷种子处理防治地下害虫

    The Control of Soil Insects by Seed Treatment with Methyl-ISP

  11. 种衣剂防治玉米地下害虫研究初报

    Study on Applying Seed Coating to Control Underground Pests in Corn Field

  12. 草坪地下害虫蛴螬种类及为害

    The species and damage of white grubs in the lawn

  13. 我国地下害虫蛴螬的发生与防治研究进展

    Research advance of occurrence and control of underground pest grub in China

  14. 锈病、地下害虫和野生动物的危害。

    The harm of rust , pest underground and wildlife etc.

  15. 地下害虫是西吉县粮食作物的重要害虫,近年来相继严重发生。

    Underground pest insects are serious insects in Xiji county , Ningxia .

  16. 微胶囊剂农药在防治地下害虫中的应用前景

    Application Prospects of Microencapsulation Pesticides in Management of Underground Pests

  17. 二要防治地下害虫。

    Second , it is necessary to combat soil pests .

  18. 大豆地下害虫生物生态控制

    Strategies of biological and ecological control for the soil-born pests in soybean

  19. 3种地下害虫杀虫剂对蚯蚓和土壤微生物的影响

    Effects of Three Underground Pesticides on Earthworm and Soil Microorganism

  20. 春季杨树苗圃主要地下害虫群落生态位研究

    Study on the Niche of Soil-inhabiting Pests Community in Poplar Nursery in Spring

  21. 3种种衣剂对玉米苗情及地下害虫的防治效果

    Study on the Effects of Coating-agent on Corn Pests Pretreatment and Seedling Growth

  22. 昆虫病原线虫是一种有应用潜力的地下害虫生物防治因子。

    Entomopathogenic nematode is a potential factor for biological control of underground pest .

  23. 沙苑地区花生地下害虫发生规律及防治研究

    Occurrence and Control of Soil Pests on Peanut in Shandy Soil Region UNDERGROUND

  24. 西吉白城地区地下害虫的发生与防治

    On the occurrence and control of underground pest in Xiji county , Ningxia

  25. 绿僵菌与化学农药对草坪地下害虫控制效果的比较

    Effect of Metarhizium anisopliae on Insect Pests in Lawn

  26. 河南部分地区花生田地下害虫发生情况调查

    Investigations on soil-inhabiting pests in peanut fields in Henan

  27. 药用植物地下害虫发生规律及综合防治技术研究

    Study of occurrence regularity and integrated management technology on hypogeous pest of medicinal plants

  28. 弟兄鳃金龟是山西省北部地区为害大秋作物的重要地下害虫之一。

    Melolontha frater Arrow is one of the main underground pests in North Shanxi .

  29. 辽宁省地下害虫地理区划

    Geographical Region of Soil-dwelling Pests in Liaoning Province

  30. 筛胸梳爪叩甲是目前笋用竹林主要的地下害虫。

    Melanotus cribricollis is a major underground pest of shoot-use bamboo stand in Zhejiang province .