
  • 网络Ground roughness;surface roughness
  1. 风工程中地貌分类与地面粗糙度指数的研究与应用

    Analysis and Application of Wind Exposure Categories and Ground Roughness Exponents in Wind Engineering

  2. 地面粗糙度对结构风振影响的分析

    Analysis of Ground Roughness Effects on Gust-Loading Factors

  3. 随着DEM分辨率的降低,地形起伏度和高程变异系数递增,而沟壑密度和地面粗糙度递减。

    As DEM resolution goes down , the relief amplitude and coefficient of variation increases , while gully density and surface roughness decreasing .

  4. 通过计算地形起伏度和地面粗糙度,分别点绘地形起伏度和地面粗糙度随DEM分辨率变化趋势的曲线图,曲线出现明显拐点时所对应的DEM分辨率即可认为是最佳的DEM分辨率。

    By computing topographic and surface roughness , here draw variation tendency of topographic and surface roughness separately with different grid-sizes , the grid-size can be considered to be the best resolution when curve showed a significant turning point .

  5. 并选取了相对高程、坡度、地面粗糙度、沟壑密度和地面起伏度5个因子,利用层次分析(AHP)和多因子加权法,提取出7类不同的山地地势起伏类型。

    The five classified factors of relative elevation , slope , surface roughness , gully density and surface relief are chosen to overlay by means of AHP and multi-factor rating weighted method so that 7 different types of data of Mountains terrain relief was gain .

  6. 分析比较了风压单独作用下新规范和原规范的风压修正,结果表明地面粗糙度等级的修订对10m以下建筑的空气渗透理论风压的影响较大。

    Analyses and compares the wind pressure correction of buildings with wind working alone in the new code and former code . The result indicates that the modification of terrain roughness class has an obvious impact on theoretic wind pressure below 10 m.

  7. 地面粗糙度等级的修订对空气渗透理论风压的影响

    Impact of modifying terrain roughness class on theoretic wind pressure of air filtration

  8. 不同建筑物由于周围环境的不同,因此各自处于不同的地面粗糙度之中。

    It is certain that there are differences among the ground roughness coefficients for different terrains .

  9. 随着地面粗糙度的增大,输电塔线体系的风振反应略有减小。

    As the surface roughness increases , the wind induced vibration responses of TLS decreases slightly .

  10. 用变分方法计算的地面粗糙度为0.03m。

    By using the variational method the roughness length is calculated and is equal to 0.03 m.

  11. 另外,沉降速度还与大气稳定度和地面粗糙度有关。

    In addition , deposition velocities are also related to the atmospheric stability and the surface roughness .

  12. 地面粗糙度分市跃变对边界层影响的数值研究

    A numerical study on the influence of the sudden change in surface roughness on the boundary layer

  13. 精确合理地分析结构风振,研究不同地面粗糙度的影响有着十分实际的意义。

    In order to analyse the gust-loading factors of structures exactly aud reasonably , it is significant to study the roughness effects on these factors .

  14. 另外,文章还讨论了风廓线的变化以及地面粗糙度对湍流强度的影响。

    In addition , in this paper , the changes of wind profile and effects of surface roughness on the intensities of turbulence arr discussed .

  15. 分析了山地地形上的输电塔线体系在风荷载下的动力响应,分别探讨了地面粗糙度、风速、山体高度、山体宽度和来流方向等因素对输电塔线动力响应的影响。

    The dynamic responses of TLS under wind load in mountainous areas with different roughness , wind velocity , hill hight , hill width and wind direction are presented .

  16. 在此基础上,模拟并探讨了人为热源、风速、地面粗糙度等因素对城市热岛强度的影响。

    On the basis of those work , we continue to simulate and discuss the changes of heat island intensity caused by artificial heat source , aerodynamic roughness length and wind speed .

  17. 应用平均参数化方法,从理论上分别研究了地表温度、地面粗糙度、积雪深度和密度非均匀分布对相关物理量计算的影响。

    By means of averaged parameterization , a theoretical study is concerned with influences of the heterogeneous distributions of surface temperature , roughness , snow depth and density on their calculated physical quantities .

  18. 总结起来就可以简单表述成:风速影响天然气扩散,地面粗糙度(即风速指数)影响风速及高度梯度,地形障碍决定地表粗糙度。

    They could express briefly as : wind speed affected gas diffusion , surface roughness ( wind speed index ) affected the wind speed and height gradient , the terrain obstacles determined the surface roughness .

  19. 在考虑到地球曲率、大气无线电折射率垂直梯度、地表反射系数和地面粗糙度等因素对无线电波传播影响的条件下,推演了计算雷达波束内能量分布和气象目标物回波功率的表达式。

    The equations for calculating the echo power and the energy distribution within radar beam were derived , with taking earth curvature , atmospheric refractivity gradient , reflective factor and roughness of the surface into consideration .

  20. 新《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB50009&2001)将地面粗糙度等级由原来的三类改为四类,导致了风压高度修正的变化,从而使渗透风量也相应地发生变化。

    Changing the terrain roughness class from three classes into four classes in new Load code for the design of building structures causes the change of height modify of wind pressure , which makes the change of air infiltration rate correspondingly .

  21. 通过分析裸地散射系数的雷达参数(入射角、极化、频率)和地面参数(粗糙度、土壤湿度)的响应特性,得到微波遥感土壤湿度时的最佳工作参数。

    From the analysis of the dependence of backscattering coefficient on the radar parameters ( frequency , incidence angle and polarization ) and ground parameters ( the roughness of ground surface and moisture of soil ), the optimum radar parameters for microwave remote sensing soil moisture are obtained .

  22. 在非均匀地面条件下,地面粗糙度突变对各种层结下的平均风速廓线的影响都是十分显著的。

    Over inhomogeneous ground , the influence of sudden change in surface roughness on mean wind profile is very significant .